Pastor Ralph Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? Quote
pickledilly Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 From what I've read, hospitals, mental health care, orphanages, and public education (at least in America) were all primarily instituted because of the Christian-based call to humanely care for people in need and educate everyone (not just the privileged) to read the Word of God for themselves. Organizations like the Salvation Army and YMCA/YWCA were established to provide aid and training to the down-and-out in the name of Christ. The LORD has clearly shown through Word and deed that He has a heart of compassion for the poor, weak, helpless, and downtrodden. Since He is at work to fully develop His character in His children, we should expect to be moved to action with compassion as well. I believe the LORD's heart is deeply grieved when we overlook and ignore those in true need. Matthew 25:31-46 is a clear call to demonstrate sanctified, holy lives by joining Him in such service. Since Jesus specifically said that He considers whatever is, or is not, done to the "least of these" to actually be done toward Him, we must take this seriously. His instructions about ministering to the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned are given in the context of His final judgment as King. Those who exhibited His heart and character will have proven themselves to be born of God - and will be blessed by the Father to inherit the Kingdom. It seems quite evident that He takes His roles as Defender and Protector and Helper VERY seriously. We cannot turn a blind eye to weak and helpless people - as a society, as His Church, and as individual believers. On a practical level, I do not believe that God expects any one person to meet the needs of the whole world! BUT, according to the opportunities and resources He has given, He expects us to at least respond to individuals in our lives. I can't assist all the widows and orphans, but I could assist one. I think it's all about the attitude of the heart. Are we too selfish and self-absorbed to even want to help? Father, forgive me for becoming overwhelmed and even calloused to the needs of others far too often. Give me Your heart of compassion that moves me to act on Your behalf in whatever way You ask of me. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Every Christian is mandated to help the poor. 1 John 3:17 says, Quote
June Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 We should follow what Jesus did and try to help the less fortunate. Give of our abundance because the more you give to others, the more blessings God sends your way. You could get back 100 fold, tho that shouldn't be the only reason for giving, to get. It makes you feel worthy and needed. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? We should be obedient - - it is clear - - few of our churches today make the weakest and the widow a priority - we stroke the rich and the famous many times so the support of the church will continue. Look where Jesus walked - look where He served. The scripture in Matthew 25 encourages us to take care of the poor, those in prison, etc. because if we serve the needy then we are serving Him and will be rewarded. We should not do it because of the reward but because we love God so much - we desire to serve Him Quote
JustJeff Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? Our lives can only be a reflection of that of the Lord Jesus. To minister to the poor and the needy, to provide for their basic needs, to point them to the Savior. In essence, our lives are committed to bringing justice to society, Jesus' justice through repentance and forgivness and reconciliation to the Father. Quote
Teodora Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27) Both Old and New Testament reveal that God is a Father. God's purpose in creation was to have a family, sons and daughters, who intimately relate to Him and to whom He could express His love and care. In the Old Testament God designed a beautiful system to take care of specific needs. God says He is responsible for widows and orphans and thus His social security system was administrated by each Jewish family to help those in need. According to God's instruction every third year the tithe was to be divided in thirds - one third to the Levits, one third to the strangers in town, the last third was for orphans and widows. (Deut. 14:28-29; 26:12) There is a blessing promised "that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest" In the New Testament we are stewards of all that God has given us and He has the right to tell us what to do with our time, resources and income. New Testament believers are responsible to take care for widows and orphans and extend hospitality to strangers. May God guide each person in the stewardship of resources which the Most High God has graciously provided. God will judge nations on the basis of how they treat the hungry, the stranger, widows, orphans and those in jail. (Math. 25:40-46) Quote
steve.c Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 Since God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows...what does that say of a Christian's commitment to social justice in the community? How should this affect our ations? As we have learnt, God is the absolute standard of ethics and morality. His commands, His laws are the absolute standard by which we should pattern our lives and behaviour. It is also how we should be judged. God can be severe, He can be wrathful but He is also tender, loving and compassionate. Where is that compassion most needed? It is by the least advantaged in our society. We too must show compassion and concern for the weakest in our community and put these emotions into practical effect. We too must be helpers. Jesus repeats on several occasions His injunction to love our neighbours as ourselves. In the parable of the sheep and the goats He says, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of the brothers of mine, you did it for me." [Matthew 25:40] "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another. For he who loves his fellowmen has fulfilled the law." [Romans 13:8] The help, support and protection we give to the weakest in our community is an obligation. At times it may not be easy to give and it may not be reciprocated but we must give it unconditionally and cheerfully nonetheless. Quote
hausmouse Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 At our assembly, we are just finishing up a series that has been stretching and challenging for many people. We have been challenged to reach out to our community, to extend a practical, Christlike hand to those who do not know Christ. For me, during this time, I have had the words of Christ ringing in my ears -- "If you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to Me." That can be used as a timely reminder to me to act as Christ would act. When I reach out in a new area -- feeding the homeless, volunteering at a women's shelter, clothing the poor, or any other unfamiliar territory, I can be assured that I am feeding Christ, comforting Christ, clothing Christ. I think those words are a rallying cry for us as believers, who can become complacent and secure in familiar surroundings, but who seldom get outside the safe walls of our Christian community -- to see the world as our Lord sees it, and to respond as He would respond. Where are our servant hearts today? Quote
Elder9 Posted February 17, 2006 Report Posted February 17, 2006 It was penned "as He is, so are we in this world" we should reflect the mind, emotion and sympathy of a caring compassionate God. Whereever we travel in/on this great planet of God's people should know that God was there. God has (present tense) a special concern for the widows and orphans, in our societies there is a faux sense of concern that is motivated by greed. Most people (not all) are adopting to suppliment their income, taking the money and caring for their own needs. The children wind up at the mercy of DHS a corrupt system of dedicated individuals trying to make a difference in the lives of sometimes unwanted and emotionally scared children. God insist that we look out for them, this reflected in the gleenings to be left behind when Israel's crops are harvested, so likewise our gleenings are the various faith based Institutions within our Church's that feed the homeless or the less fortunate, provide the soup kitchens and outreach Ministries that reach the down trodden or those that seem to fall through the system (either ours or theirs). When we use our Pulpits to actually lift someone (pulling them out of the pit of dispair) we're doing the will of God Who see's and hears their crys as well as ours for daily substance too. The actions that emanate from this knowledge should be that of genuine love, and compassion, it's written when I was hungry and in prision you neither fed or visited me, who are to know who are the chosen of God and where we will find them and from where they come. As Christian we should look for opportunities to do good. We can minister on two levels, the natural that draws them so we can reach the spirit man. Could the term "protect and serve" have its origins in Biblical logic ? Quote
Blessed Me Posted February 18, 2006 Report Posted February 18, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? So often we think of the word "helper" to mean "hand out." We must have a heart that cares about people, especially the brethren. America has many programs, paid by our taxes to help the poor and the Fatherless. Many churches have great programs that offer a helping hand. I think it is important the Holy Spirit lead the way, for there are so many programs out there that need our support; but don't let the days heavy schedule of living be so full of oneself, that we don't see the needs of the person next to us. How should it affect our actions? LOVE, always be on the look out for that person that needs to have a touch of love felt that day, God's love, to be shown through us. PS: Matthew 25 Speaking to the nations, I was hungry and you gave me meat: I was thirsty and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me. Verily, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me. Are we caring for the people of Israel, the Jews? Are we praying for the peace of Jeresalem? Quote
TennLady01 Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? With all we have seen since 9-11 we know that our country is going to step up and take care of those that are hurting. Maybe not to the way we would want them too but they do step in and this is much more than most of the other country's even try to do. When the tornados hit in our country they tried to get them help fast and get them out of their to where they would be safe. When other country's have things happen it seems the red cross is always there on the job ready to help and give aid to all that are in need. We are a blessed country because of what we do for others. I am glad to say that I am proud to be a Christian that is living in America. Thank you Jesus. How should it affect our actions? We too as individuals have to step up to the plate and do our part give and do what so ever we can to help those that go out to help others. We much support our churches in all the efforts that they do to send help and we are responsible for those in our neighborhoods also we need to make sure they are taken care of. Like giving out food for those that need it and helping them to make the electric and gas payments I am glad to say that lot of churches do this already and the one where I attend is one of them. Thank you Jesus we are our brothers keepers. Quote
sunilbernard Posted February 22, 2006 Report Posted February 22, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? We should follow the footsteps of our Lord. He is kind and generous and protective. So should we be. We have plenty of opportunities to do this. Sometimes we neglect it thinking that organisations like Red Cross etc are there to take care of them. Its true they are there but we too have a God given responsibility to our Society and to the weaker sections of our Society. God honors our commitment and promises rewards that will be more than equal to what we do. Its not because of rewards but because its God's mandate for every Christian. Our actions should reflect the love of Christ in us. Agape love, that is not expecting returns and rewards. They should stem out from a heart that is full of Jesus' love. Its natural. When Jesus lives in us, He will create that love and give us the means to deliver. Quote
Sue Posted February 22, 2006 Report Posted February 22, 2006 Lesson 5 Q 3 (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows--that is, the poorest and weakest of society--what does this say about a Christians' commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? Christians (the Church) is committed to look after the fatherless and widows in the community. Instead of leaving it to government to look after these people it is the church's responsibility to do so, and out actions should show this instead of sitting back and letting government do it for us. We should, "Share each others troubles and problems and in this way obey the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 Quote
anna Posted February 23, 2006 Report Posted February 23, 2006 Our Lord has always called us to help the widows and orphans and the fatherless,thats why he commanded that the jewish people never to harvest everything from there crops but to leave some for the widows and the strangerer to pass through and be able to harvest. Even in the story of ruth she went through and collected the remains of the harvest,Our fathers desire was that his children should have compassionate hearts to the poor always I believe thats why he destroyed sodom because the peoples hearts were so mean and they had no compassion for the widows.and the orphans, thats what the old testament tithing was for to support the levite temple workers who had no land of their own to harves becuse they were chosen to serve in the temple, and so they had no land to grow stuff on and also for the widows thats why the tithe was the first fruits of the harvest to be for food for the hungry and the needy,thats why God sais in Malachi that the people robbed him, and in the new testament so much more we are to care for the widows and the needy Jesus sais if you have 2 coats give one away if they ask for your hat give them your cloak also.Unfortunatley we do not see the many ministries supporting the widows and the orphans as much as we should we have become very hard hearted and need to repent before our Lord as this is something that : Lord detests. ( Praise be to God ..... Cheers Anna Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 1, 2006 Report Posted March 1, 2006 This is a subject very near to my heart. I was reading Isaiah today. Especially Chapter 58 1-9. I was pondering over how in the church we have become so " religious" and I reflected on knowing that is not what God really wants of us. We pray and fast and try to grow spiritually...but how many are really experiencing compassion for the person in need? How many are treating everyone fairly? How many are giving until it hurts? How many are investing time to free others from their prisons? We have become complacent. Self satisfied. Selfish. Even our "victories" in Christ are often focused on ourselves. Could the real victory be to live beyond ourselves? Jesus gave us two commands. Love God above everything and love our neighbor as we love ourself. We say we love God....but we can't even get along with each other as Christians let alone love and care for the lost, the widow, the orphan, or the drug addict, the misfit, the drunk or anyone else for that matter that for some reason ( and there is always a reason...and an opportunity for healing) has given up on life and taken an alternative route in a desperate attempt to just survive. If we love God as we say we do...we will be involved in actively seeking to come along side or to help those in need. It may be volunteering in our community outreach centers or mentoring with someone in need with whatever skills God has given to us to share. We can donate clothing instead of selling them. We can stock the community pantries on a regular basis. We can volunteer our time in so many ways! Ring the Salvation Army bell for a couple hours! Sponsor a fatherless/motherless child! Play bingo with the elderly! Be a listening ear to someone in need. Take the time. There are huge opportunities everywhere. Jesus said, " If you do this for one of the least of these, then you have done it for me." We need to remember that and really absorb that into our Christian walk. We need to see Jesus on every face in need. We need to remember all HE did for US. Then we can act out of a pure heart and give. Quote
Dolly Posted March 3, 2006 Report Posted March 3, 2006 We are to become like our Father, His light is to shine through us. If the world is to see Jesus in us, then that means we should be modeling the likeness of him in every thing we do, in word and deed. God puts the people in our paths that we are suppose to help and serve, as Jesus did when he was here. We are all missionaries, strangers and aliens on this planet, we are to leave a lasting impression of Jesus on all we come in contact with. We are to help any way we can, if we can not go - then we send our money instead to help. We give of all the Lord has given to us. We should always be asking God to help and guide us to where HE wants us to be, to the people who HE wants us to help and the ways in which we can accomplish His will, for our lives, and theirs. Quote
Embraced by the Father Posted March 14, 2006 Report Posted March 14, 2006 We are the vessels through which God operates on earth. In that regard, we are prompted by His Spirit to help those who are the widows, the orphans and the poor. I think we need to come to the Lord in prayer and seek his guidance on those we are to help. Because there are so many around me here in Chicago and beyond that fit that category, I seek out the Lord Quote
anthony s. rapaglia Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 In Deut.10:18,says, He gives justice to the orphants and widows. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. If our hearts is right with God,then our relationships with other people can be made right, too. when our heart has been cleansed and we have been reconciled to God,we will begin to see a difference in a way we trear others. It is so easy to become harden by circumwstances, it's natural for us to respond to difficulties with stubborness and rebellion Here we are asked to keep our heart soft and our ears open to God.God desires to communicate with us, and we need to be willing to listen and obey and follow through. Passing by people on corners with signs asking for a helping hand,does not mean we have to ignore them. Our problem is that we believe most are fake, do not want to work,or what ever it is,we should let God judge them. Let's continue to communicate with God. In Deut.10:18,says, He gives justice to the orphants and widows. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. If our hearts is right with God,then our relationships with other people can be made right, too. when our heart has been cleansed and we have been reconciled to God,we will begin to see a difference in a way we treat others. It is so easy to become harden by circumwstances, it's natural for us to respond to difficulties with stubborness and rebellion Here we are asked to keep our heart soft and our ears open to God.God desires to communicate with us, and we need to be willing to listen and obey and follow through. Passing by people on corners with signs asking for a helping hand,does not mean we have to ignore them. Our problem is that we believe most are fake, do not want to work,or what ever it is,we should let God judge them. Let's continue to communicate with God. In Deut.10:18,says, He gives justice to the orphants and widows. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. If our hearts is right with God,then our relationships with other people can be made right, too. when our heart has been cleansed and we have been reconciled to God,we will begin to see a difference in a way we treat others. It is so easy to become harden by circumwstances, it's natural for us to respond to difficulties with stubborness and rebellion Here we are asked to keep our heart soft and our ears open to God.God desires to communicate with us, and we need to be willing to listen and obey and follow through. Passing by people on corners with signs asking for a helping hand,does not mean we have to ignore them. Our problem is that we believe most are fake, do not want to work,or what ever it is,we should let God judge them. Let's continue to communicate with God. Quote
linda bass Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 I believe one of the ways we show our faith and commitment to Christ is by helping those who are less fortunate. James tells us that "faith without works is dead". True it's impossible to help every poor, homeless,orphan,etc person,but we are obligated to do what we can. There's a story about a man who is walking along the beach. As he does so,he throws back into the ocean any starfish he happens to find washed up on the beach. Another man comes up to him and tells him he's wasting his time. There are so many starfish washed up on the beach,it is impossible to save them all. In the end it doesn't really matter. The man replies as he is getting ready to send another starfish into the ocean, " it matters to this one!" Quote
Candygoo58 Posted March 16, 2006 Report Posted March 16, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? If God helps the fatherless and the widows. We should do the same. When things big happen a lot of people step up to the plate and do what they can to help others. Its good to live in a country that does that. How should it affect our actions? It should give us the desire to do our part to help others that may not be able to do it for themselves. Or need help to get things done. We need to be willing to be used in a way that may help draw them to the God that loves them. If they see us who are christians stand up and do what we can for them. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 17, 2006 Report Posted March 17, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? We should follow Jesus Quote
Stan Posted March 21, 2006 Report Posted March 21, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? Ps 68:5 A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation That we as Christians should lead the way when it comes to caring for the Fatherless and the Widows and to not be left behine in seeking social justice for all people. We as Christians need to live lives that reflect this commitment to helping the unfortunate Quote
ego Posted March 21, 2006 Report Posted March 21, 2006 Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? Social justice should be one of our priorities in life just as God is the helper of the fatherless and the protector of widows. We should follow His footsteps by helping those in need and the weak. Let the light of God shine through us to reach to the poor. Le us do as Jesus has done. We should emulate our Lord Jesus in doing all that HE has done. Quote
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