Pastor Ralph Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God forgive sins justly without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Quote
pickledilly Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Justice = what is rightly deserved for offense Vengeance = administration of fair recompense as a result of offense Mercy = giving what is undeserved, in spite of offense The Holy and Righteous God cannot excuse, overlook, or justly forgive sins without punishing them. That was the very problem for humanity until the cross of Christ. The cross is significant and pivotal because the LORD's requirement for righteousness was satisfied there. God does not hate people, but He absolutely hates sin. Sin must be judged and punished. The Word says that all sin must be put to death, or else it will lead to death. Sinless, holy Christ agreed to accept God's full justice and vengeance against every single person's sin. His death on the cross was the satisfaction of the penalties that were rightly ours. When the LORD resurrected Him from the grave, it was proof that sin had been completely overcome and could no longer claim us in death. Now He is willing to mercifully pardon anyone/everyone who simply believes and confesses what Christ has done. Now God sees all who receive this gift of pardon as cleansed and righteous, through the sinless blood of Christ. Sin had created a breach between God and man, but the cross bridged that divide and now we have opportunity to individually draw near to Him and personally know Him in a relationship. Lord, thank you for the cross! Thank You for the cross, Lord; Thank You for the price You paid. Bearing all my sin and shame, in love You came, and gave amazing grace! Thank you for this love, Lord. Thank you for the nail pierced hands. Wash me in Your cleansing flow. Now all I know, Your forgiveness and embrace. Worthy is the Lamb, Seated on the throne. Crown You now with many crowns, You reign victorious High and lifted up, Jesus Son of God; The Darling of Heaven crucified. Worthy is the Lamb; Worthy is the Lamb! Hillsong Music Quote
MannyVelarde Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? justice - giving what is desered for sin vengeance - Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution mercy - not giving us the extent of full punishment for a wrong. Yes God can forgive sins but he must bring the consequence. His Son's death on the tree has saved us from the condemnation of the law - - we will not eternally suffer - but our choices if they be sinful will come with consequences - because God is just - he must send consequence for sin and blessings for obedience. Look at David's life - he lusted, then coveted, then committed adultery, then murder...the last two sins should have caused his death - - but God showed mercy - - yes consequences came - - the son out of his adulterous affair dies, his household would never be strife free, he would be usurped by his sons and the sin of his son taking David's concubines was done in public view. Consequences yes that hurt David deeply, but not to the extent that God could have done. The Hebrew word for lovingkindness in the Old Testament - is chesed - God's love - His Grace! Quote
June Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Justice is getting what we deserve. Vengeance is getting revenge on a crime committed, retaliation against the agressor. Mercy is forgiveness that we don't deserve, but thank GOD for it because we would all be going to hell without it. God can do anything He chooses. That is why He is God and we are not. The Cross is where we pile all our sin and ask God's forgiveness and He is just to forgive and render (record) whatever punishment. Without the cross we have no redemption .The cross is Jesus taking the sins many, the iniquities, and all the harshness we deserve and making intercession with the Father for us. Without the Cross, we would all still be dead in our sin, but Jesus bore all that punishment so we wouldn't have to and we could be set free by coming to the foot of the Cross and repenting. GLORY HALLELUJAH! JESUS IS ALIVE! THANK YOU, LORD! Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Justice = assigning punishment for an offence; "justice deferred is justice denied". Vengeance = harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done. Mercy = showing compassion toward an offenders I do not believe that God forgives sin without punishment. Perfect holiness cannot tolerate sin. Because judgment has been delayed people have begun to believe there is no consequence for sin. They are not fearful of hell because they don't understand the truth about it. hell is real. It is not an idle threat God uses to scare sinners, but is a real place where His wrath will be poured out for eternity. Because God is just He must punish each and every offense committed against Him as fully as it deserves. Before the cross all would have been condemned because all have sinned. Because of God Quote
Teodora Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice[/b] is getting what we deserve. Vengeance is retribution for wrong doing Mercy is God sparing us from what we deserve The fact that Jesus died in our place allows God to forgive sins without punishing them. The problem has always been governmental and not personal. God was not ever out to get us or to make us pay. The penalty of the Law, eternal death, was set aside because Christ took our place. He subsituted His great life for our shabby one and fully met the reasonable requirement of the Law, which says, "the soul that sinneth, it shall die." The Cross signifies to the whole world "that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus." He found a way to uphold his law and at the same time spare the sinner. Because of the Cross, the whole world can now go free if they are willing to accept the conditions of the pardon, which are repentance and faith in Him. "Mercy detached from justice grows unmerciful" - C.S.Lewis Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice is getting what we deserve. Vengeance is retribution for wrong doing Mercy is God sparing us from what we deserve The fact that Jesus died in our place allows God to forgive sins without punishing them. The problem has always been governmental and not personal. God was not ever out to get us or to make us pay. The penalty of the Law, eternal death, was set aside because Christ took our place. He subsituted His great life for our shabby one and fully met the reasonable requirement of the Law, which says, "the soul that sinneth, it shall die." The Cross signifies to the whole world "that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus." He found a way to uphold his law and at the same time spare the sinner. Because of the Cross, the whole world can now go free if they are willing to accept the conditions of the pardon, which are repentance and faith in Him. "Mercy detached from justice grows unmerciful" - C.S.Lewis Quote
JustJeff Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice is punishment to fit the crime for which a person has been judged guilty of. Vengeance is punishment in retaliaton for an act of violence or crime that we have committed. Mercy is forgiveness, not rendering the appropriate punishment for a crime committed. The LORD punishes us for our sins by the shame of the cross. Every time that we transgress, we shame Him. Every time we ask for foregiveness, He brings us to the cross. His shame is our humiliation for our weakness. How terrible a punishment to bare, how righteous a God to give His Son to redeem us. Quote
steve.c Posted February 17, 2006 Report Posted February 17, 2006 Define "justice", "vengeance" and mercy. Justice is the fair establishment of whether a crime or sin has been committed and by whom. Justice requires that the appropriate penalty be imposed for the wrong-doing once it has been fairly established. Vengeance is the penalty that follows wrong-doing. Venegeance is not a selfish act. Venegeance is fair and deserved and brought about by the wrong doer's own actions. Justice requires punishment which is commensurate with the crime. Mercy is the act of reducing or cancelling the punishment due to a wrong doer. The wrong doer does not deserve mercy; mercy is a gift or concession. Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? A just God requires that our sins are punished appropriately. A merciful and loving God wants to find a way to overcome the consequences of our sin, being death and an estrangement from God, to bring sinful man back to Him. In His love he sent His Son to us to take the punishment for all our sins. In this way Justice has been done. Through His death our sins can be forgiven. Through His resurrection we can have life. Once we have been baptised into Jesus, each time we sin we show our ingratitude for the personal sacrifice made for our sins. Each time we pray for forgiveness and to be kept from temptation we thank God for this great sacfrice for us. The significance of the cross is this: "Christ died for sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God." [1 Peter 3:18] Quote
Elder9 Posted February 17, 2006 Report Posted February 17, 2006 Justice means that whatever the crime may be, justice is served if the punishment "fits" the crime. A pound of flesh for a pound of flesh, no more, no less. Justice means that after it is executed both parties (the offeding and the offended) should be satisfied with the verdict. Many times the family members or the Defence Attorney as well as the Prosecutor will all agree with the results when the verdict is handed down. Its then stated that "justice" has been served. Vengence means, that I was not exacting more than was called for nor am I calling for to be exacted more that the offense incured. Because my emotions are not to play a part in the retribution. vengence is right when properly carried out by an impartial (executioner). God's vengence is impartial and exacts the right amount of "justice". He dosen't get emtionally involved (though He stores His wrath against the day of wrath) He's "just" in its execution. Immediately after a murder or rape or a child that is found to have been molested, tempers flare, and in some cases mob rule goes into affect, that vegence would extract immediate false "justice" because of the tempers, so whether guilty or innocent because someone is in custody they often pay a terrible price. Mercy, has forgiven. There has to be judgment and justice but its not vengeful (or motivated by emotions). Mercy demonstrates compassion and favor, often unmerited, but favor nonetheless. (Whew and thank God). It is at the "cross" that mercy is demonstrated. What we should receive and deserve to receive another has taken our place of judgment. When we arrive at the cross we find our charges stamped "paid in full". It has been charged to anothers account. That which was rightfully ours was given to someone else on our behalf. Christ has become our "Goel" our near kinsmen redeemer. Quote
Blessed Me Posted February 18, 2006 Report Posted February 18, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." justice -- Giving a person what they deserve, no more no less. vengeance -- results of an unrepentant heart, giving an equitable sentence, justice. mercy -- is foregiveness, not receiving the punishment deserved. Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? Yes, the punishment, the debt, it was paid on the cross. Jesus offered mercy when He gave His life and paid the debt we could not pay. What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? It is through the mercy offered up on the cross by Christ and our covenant with Him, our trust in Him as savior, that wipes our slate clean. Thanks given to Jesus, for now we can come to the Father clothed in the righteousness of the Son. Quote
TennLady01 Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? Justice = assigning punishment for an offence. Vengeance = harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done. Mercy = showing compassion as in the way Christ does for us. Yes God can and does forgive sin without punishing those that have asked for forgiveness and he always forgets them so that they are no longer there for him. It is us that do not forgive ourselves but we have to remember also that we do reap what we sow and that is we do pay in some way for the bad we do. Our bodies pay for the abuse we put them through. Our minds pay because we are not able to forget the way God does. We pay for the things we do in one way or another. Hsa 10:12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for [it is] time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. Job 4:8 Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same. What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Had Jesus not went to the cross we would still be facing God for justice and we would be out for vengeance and we would not have any mercy. He sits at the right hand of the Father to speak in our behalf this day to ask for mercy for us still. I thank you Jesus for mercy even though I know I should have Justice through the cross there is mercy and grace. Hallelujah. Quote
Sue Posted February 22, 2006 Report Posted February 22, 2006 Lesson5 Q 4 Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? "justice"-- Giving someone what they deserve--no less, no more. "vengeance"-- Punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense. Fair execution of justice. "mercy" -- not giving someone the punishment they deserve. Yes, God can justly forgive sins without punishing them because He is a merciful God. The Cross brings forgiveness for our sins and without the Cross we would remain in our sins and I believe justice and vengeance would prevail. Quote
sunilbernard Posted February 23, 2006 Report Posted February 23, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice = Reward/Punishment for sins done Vengeance= Implementation of tit for tat Mercy= Undeserved grace/clemency Our God who is Holy, Righteous and Just, cannot forgive sins without punishing them. Its beyond His standard. His character demands that justice should be meted out to sinners according to thier level of sins. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Its His prerogative to administer justice and punishment. He hates sin but loves the sinner. There comes the significance of the Cross. Jesus took our punishment on the cross meeting all the requirements of a Just and Righteous God. God administered all the vengeance and justice on the Cross to Jesus who in turn gave us His mercy in taking our place on the Cross. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 1, 2006 Report Posted March 1, 2006 I looked up Justice in Vine's dictionary and it says, " A judicial hearing; what is right." I take that to mean justice goes either way. For prosecution or aquittal. Vengeance meant " that which proceeds out of justice." From God this is always holy and right, but man should never give out vengeance because we seek it out of self gratification. When we are wronged, we should always cry out to God to judge our case because He sees all sides to what is happening. We don't have that capacity. Mercy is "to have pity or compassion for the ills of others. To feel sympathy for the misery of others." I thought this was interesting because when we feel we are wronged, our part should be to forgive and even to understand why the other person is treating us that way. That's a hard thing to do when we are hurting, but it is our only role. The way I see it we should: Take our case to God. Trust He will act in holiness and fairness for all involved. Forgive the offence. Can God forgive sins without punishing them? No...because He is Holy, but Abba made a way for us through Jesus because He took that punishment for our sins. Sometimes in life though, it seems some get away with sin, but we don't see everything clearly here. We have to trust that God is just and move on in service to Him. We have to free ourselves by forgiving others. I do know there are consequences and disciplines for sin, some more drastic and life changing than others, but even that is used in mercy to teach us, strengthen us and grow us. To draw us to Him. We aren't eternally punished because Jesus' sacrifice made atonement for our sins. He was the blood offering and we have that new covenant with God. That never changes. He is so good to us that God is even faithful to use what was intended by satan to harm us and make it for our good. For those who don't believe though...there will be eternal punishment. Jesus is the only way. He met all the requirements for a just God. A holy God. For our benefit. Quote
care2hope2 Posted March 2, 2006 Report Posted March 2, 2006 JUSTICE-The quality of being just, fairness;The principle of moral rightness in action or attitude righteousness.;Upholding what is just : ie fair treatment. VENGEANCE - Infliction of punishment for a wrong committed. retrebution. MERCY - Compassionate treatment; A disposition to be kind; something for which to be thankful A blessing; Alleviation of distress; relief. A Holy and righteours God; did forgive sins as his Son died on the cross. And from that one act so I believe God forgave sins from Creation to the time of the Crucifiction as well as future sins of those who will accept the fact that they are sinners and ask for Salvation thru Jesus's crucifiction. It is mercy to us that this Holy and righteous God forgave or forgives us! We do not deserve this and all but it is a free gift to us from God's Mercy. Now- If we continue to sin as we do we need to ask Jesus to forgive us as it puts us in a place now after we are saved and sin we separate ourselves from the fellowship of God and he will have to punish us in some way to get us back to himself. Back into fellowship here and now. Yes our sins are forgiven and we cannot loose this salvation ( in my opinion) but yes if I sin especially in breaking one of the commandments he will come after us and keep hounding us till we repent and come before him and correct our way. So yes he forgives all our sins but if we choose sin again he can send things that make us think and spank us and make us want to fellowship with Him again without sin in between. I hope you can see where I am comeing from..... Quote
Dolly Posted March 3, 2006 Report Posted March 3, 2006 Justice - giving someone what is deserved Vengeance - punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense. Mercy - not giving someone what they deserve, forgiving them. If you turn from your sins and give your life to God, then He will forgive. You may have to still pay the consequences of your sins, such as bad health, etc. But your sins' have already been paid for in full. The cross was God's way of getting your debt paid in a way that would satisfy justice. When he sent his only Son, who was sinless, to take our sins and nail them to the cross. He paid the debt he didn't owe so we could be free. Quote
satyaevangeline Posted March 4, 2006 Report Posted March 4, 2006 Justice = what is rightly deserved for offense Vengeance = To punish the other for causing damage to me Mercy = giving what is undeserved The Old Testment tells me that the Holy and Righteous God cannot justly forgive sins without punishing them. He put his wrath upon the people of Israel but He was also a God has Mercy that is why though His people went away from Him, He never failed to save them when the called upon Him. This was the position until the CROSS. The CROSS satisfied God's requirement for rightoeusness. The All Knowing God hates sin but does not hate a sinner.He knew that man was bynature sinful and there was nothing he could do to overcome that sin. So He came down in flesh in the form of a man, took on the nature of man and took upon himself the punishment for sin wiilingly upon Himself so that mankind could once and for all be free from sin. Whosoever looks at the CROSS and pleads Mercy. the Loving God is willing to forgive. So when i approach Him and call upon His name, Holy and righteous God sees the sin in me. That is when my Saviur comes in between and pleads-Father, I have paid the price.Please forgive this child. Wow, what a great JOY it is for me when I reallise that the righteous & Holy God has died for me. Lord, thank you for the cross! Thank You for the cross, Lord; Thank You for the price You paid. Thank u for coming from Heaven to Earth te pay for my debt, to show me the way to Heaven Bearing all my sin and shame, in love You came, and gave amazing grace! Thank you for this love, Lord. Thank you for the nail pierced hands. Wash me in Your cleansing flow. Now all I know, Your forgiveness and embrace. Worthy is the Lamb, Seated on the throne. Crown You now with many crowns, You reign victorious High and lifted up, Jesus Son of God; The Darling of Heaven crucified. Worthy is the Lamb; Worthy is the Lamb! Quote
Embraced by the Father Posted March 14, 2006 Report Posted March 14, 2006 Justice: impartiality, fairness, the quality of being right or correct Vengeance: the return of an injury for an injury in punishment or retribution; revenge Mercy: a refraining from harming or punishing offenders or persons in one Quote
linda bass Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 Justice-holding someone accountable, giving them exactly what they deserve Vengeance-the fair execution of justice Mercy-not giving someone the punishment they derserve It is impossible for a Holy and Righteous God to justly forgive sins without punishing them. For God to let sinners off without afflicting punishment they deserve, what not make Him just. In order for justice to be properly served, sin must be punished. The significance of the cross in God's righteousness is that Jesus voluntarily took the punishment for our sins so that we wouldn't half to. Quote
anthony s. rapaglia Posted March 16, 2006 Report Posted March 16, 2006 JUSTICE-it is the standard by which penalties are assigned for breaking the obligations of the society VENGEANCE- the human way of saying,"an eye for an eye,and, a tooth for an tooth" as we call it,"revenge" MERCY-is an action taken by the strong towards the weak We admitt to God,to ourselves, and to others the exact nature of our wrongs. God's goal in sending his Word to us is that we may receive forgiveness This involves,opening our eyes to our true condition. This allows us the opportunity to repent changing our mind so that we are in agreement with God and ready to admit our sins. He wants us to receive immediate forgiveness based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 17, 2006 Report Posted March 17, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? Justice - When you get what you deserve Vengeance Quote
Candygoo58 Posted March 18, 2006 Report Posted March 18, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? justice: payment for something done vengeance: repaying the wrong done mercy: Showing love and compassion Yes, he can make us pray for our sins. But he lovingly forgives us, and helps us to not want to do wrong. What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? It was payment for our sins. It shows us compassion for thye sinners. Quote
ego Posted March 22, 2006 Report Posted March 22, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice means a deserved punishment given to someone as a result of the sin committed. Vengeance means inflicting punishment on someone as a result of wrong doing. It is also a fair execution of justice. Mercy simply means having compassion on someone without giving him deserved punishment for some wrong doings. God forgive sins but there must be some level of punishment for the sins we committed. The significance of the cross is that Jesus paid for our sins that we might be called the sons of God. Quote
Stan Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice:according to the Bible means giving someone what they deserve -- no less, no more. Vengence: is "punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense. Mercy :not giving someone the punishment they deserve. God cannot and will not let sin go unpunished. He will return to put all the unrepentant to death. We must accept His attoning Sacrifice for our sin or be lost. He charged all our sin to His One And Only Son Jesus so that we would not have to recieve the punishment we rightly deserve. His Mercy and Love for us over came His need for vengence and for that we must give Him the Glory and Honor He deserves and worship Him endlessly Like the Serphim calling out Holy,Holy,Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Quote
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