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Q2. May Your Kingdom Come

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

1)We're praying for our Father to manifest His power and glory in us and in our world, and that His kingdom would come to earth where Christ will reign over all....and we're asking Him to speed the return of Jesus to earth, where God's original intent for His creation before "the fall", will be manifested.

2)We're asking for His Will to be done here, because He's teaching us to pray His Heart....to conform our prayers more and more to His Will for His creation....and that is for His Son Jesus to reign over all as our King.

3)When I pray this prayer, it causes me to think about how petty most of my concerns are in light of what the bigger picture is....His will, His Kingdom coming to earth in power and glory....it causes me to look up and to realize that my redemption draws nigh, and to desire to draw nearer to Him....to want my life to bring Him joy, and reminds me to seek His Will and to not try to impose my will on Him. (Not that I could do that, but He knows at times I've tried!)

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

The phrase ""Your kingdom come" is a reference to God's spiritual reign, not Israel's freedom from Rome > God's Kingdom was announced in the covenant with ABRAHAM( LUKE:13:28 ).it is to be present in Christ's reign in believers hearts ( LUke 17:21 ) and will be complete when all evil is destroyed and God establishes the new heaven and earth. ( Revelation 21:1 ).

When we pray " Your will be done." we are not resigning ourselves to fate, but praying that God's perfect purpose will be accomplished in this world as well as in the next.

This prayer of asking for God's will should be a desire to change our hearts and lives. By giving God permission to taking us as a living sacrifice to mold us and make us in to the person He created us to be. By getting all the pride, and selfishness out. By causing us to have more compassion for those who are in bondage to Satan. To ask for more of Christ and less of us.

Our lives should represent the life of Christ who died for us. We need to be more of a witness to all we come in contact with those who do not know the Jesus we know. Showing God's love to the less fortunate than us. Be available to be a servant.In season and out of season.

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His kingdom is with us right now as we live our lives so that they exemplify and honor Christ. This is accomplished by living as He would live. When we allow Him to live through us the kingdom is ever active as a witness to those around us. As His children we live with the eager anticipation of the day when Christ shall finally come and reign forever and this affects the way we live our daily lives.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

1. "His kingdom come", means Allegiance to God's sovereignty. 2. We are asking for God's will to come here on earth because we are under the submission to His will on earth and in heaven. 3. This is where each child of God should be the strongest; in the Word of God and in prayer, beacuse we need to talk with and listen to our heavenly Father, to do His will here on earth.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

God's kingdom has come to those who set aside the desires of the world to take up service to others. When the rich man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life Jesus replied, "You know the commandments." Jesus said keep the commandments but for great reward in heaven, "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor." Then he goes on to explain the kingdom of God, which is here and now. He says that the desires of the world keep people from entering into serivce of the LORD. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

How should this prayer affect our living if we truly understand that the kingdom of God is here and not something to be waiting for? How is it possible to go to work everyday for a month expecting a pay check at the end? How is it possible to work for forty years expecting to retire? How is it possible to give to others, attend a service oriented Church, tithe, treat others with love and kindness, and live a life free from sin? Because it is Christ who lives in us and not us who live in the world. We gain our strength from God to do what seems impossible and foolish to others. As Paul puts it, "If I am to be considered foolish, let me be foolish for Christ."

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done. God only has one desire, one will. That desire is found in John 3:16. Just like a job, we can work either for the pay check or for the one who hired us. I guess it depends on the retirement a person desires.


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We are asking for God's kingdom to come--His power & glory into our daily lives & we are asking for Jesus' soon return to rule here!

We want to pray & live according to God's will now. Our lives will not be fruitful if we are not praying/living out His will in our daily lives.

We need to be living our lives as His children, not (as stated by Tom Nabors) bringing shame to Our Father's name!!

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Until Jesus returns we are living "in the world, but not of the world". We so easily do our own will. Our prayer should be that God's will become our will. We should live submitting to what God wants minute by minute

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

We ask through prayer that the Father's kingdom come by asking that God make evident the power and glory of his kingdom in us and in the world. That Christ return to the earth shall come soon to reign over all as King and Lord.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

Well living in this world it is evident of what man's will is, so for those of us who seek the Father's Will we ask for God's Perfect Will to be manifested in each of us and that this Will be carried out in this earth as it is in heaven. We look for God's Will first and foremost, not our selfish prayer but a prayer that will be guided by God's Will.

How should this prayer affect our living?

For God's guidance of His Will to exist within each of us; rendering us examples of His Will.

By praying this prayer and using the Word of God as a guide we should be able to live a Christ-Like Life and serve God's Will here on this earth and in the life ever after.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

In the physical sense I believe we desire that Jesus return and remove the sin that keep causing us and our families pain. When the Kingdom of God is brought to the earth all sin will have been removed because God and sin can't exist togeather.

We are asking the will of the Father be done on earth because itis His will that we become His children and live sinless lives bring Him the Glory and Honor that He alone deserves. This praying should change our hearts and the way we live so that we become more the people Jesus called us to be serving God as we love Him and our neighbor as ourselves.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

:rolleyes: let His kingdom finaly rule and the one rulling now should pass.it is because He knows the best and He also know what is good for us.we might ask something in which it wont last and be good for us.himself is the one who know what will last and will be good for us.

we will live better life because He is the one knowing what is good for us.

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It is an acknowledgement of where we are and where we are going to. If you know where you are going to you are alert to roadsigns, rest stops, traffic, detours on the way. It is a chosen destination and one we travel following Jesus with the Holy Spirit as a travelling companion.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

"The kingdom of God" more specifically is referring to Christ living and ruling in our hearts. So praying "thy kingdom come" is praying for the expansion and influence of God's rule in the hearts of men everywhere.

God's Word reveals (or is) His will. Praying for God's will means praying in agreement with His Word>

We do not have to live a beggarly existence here on this earth and just wait till we all get to heaven to begin to experience the benefits of our salvation. Jesus told us to pray "thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." In heaven, He will "wipe away all tears from our eyes" (Rev. 21:4), so here on earth we can pray and believe to receive "joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Pet. 1:8). Healing, prosperity, and all the other benefits of heaven are ours here on earth to the degree that we can believe and receive them. :rolleyes:

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In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

We are asking God to manifest the power and glory of His Kingdom in us, and through the world. That Christ might reign as Lord over all. We are also asking God to hasten the return of Jesus to this earth.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

As a disciple of Christ our prayers shouldn't be selfish but in tune with and guided by God's will.

How should this prayer affect our living?

If we are praying for and living in God's will our lives should be ones that follow his will and we should have 'less of me and more of You'.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?



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As it was when God was with the Hebrews in a pilar of cloud by day and fire by night. As His glory made Mt. Sinai unapproachable to sinful man, so shall it be when He establishes His Kingdom here on earth once again. For now it is within us by His Holy Spirit and the Word. For these dual purposes we pray "thy Kingdom come".

As to "thy will be done", we are praying for a world of righteousness, of love wherein Adonai will be the ruler of all the nations and we shall all live in shalom, peace.

For our part, we must consecrate ourselves while we are sanctified by the Word, the blood and the Holy Spirit. We must be ready when He comes!

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We are asking for Earth to be like the Father's Kingdom. No sickness, no strife, no worries, no negativity of any kind, just peaceful serene living. We want God's Will to be done because ours is not ever the best way and His Will is always the right way. We should always pray for heaven to come to earth and His Will be done here on earth. Oh what a wonderful world this would be if everything way done according to God's will and His way....

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

We are asking that the Father's kingdom should come in senses that first, we are asking God to manifest the power and glory of his kingdom in, and throughout our world, that Christ might reign over all, second, we are asking the Father to hasten the return of Jesus Christ to this earth.

We are asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth because we must have our prayer in tune with and guided by his will, and we therefore determine his will first and then pray along those lines.

This prayer should affect our living in a way that live as stated in Roman 12:1,2, that is, to offer our bodies to him as a living sacrifice, pure and plasing, not to be like the people of this world, but let God change the way we think.

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Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

When asking for the Father

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We are asking for God's kingdom to come at the end of time and for it to come in this present time, through Christians who spread the gospel. God knows what is best, so we pray for his will to be done. We need to be open to God working through us, watching for opportunities that God has placed in our path though out the day. One bible study calls this, "Kingdom Living".

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In what sense are we asking the Father's kingdom to come?

We are asking God to manifest the power and glory of His kingdom in us and thruout our world. We are praying that Christ might reign over all and that God will hasten the return of Christ to earth.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

Our prayers need to first of all conform to God's will. We need to determine God's will then pray along those lines. Our prayers shouldn't be selfish but in tune with and guided by God's will.

How should this prayer affect our living?

We should pray for others first, then petition the Lord for our own needs.

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"... Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (6:10)

First I would like to point out that in the King James Version, it has always been

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!. we are praying about the concerns of his kingdom and asking his to be on earth also.

2.because we have so many sinners that need his help

3. Our prayers should be in tune with and guided by God will..not some petty thing that we want done for ourselves

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