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  1. So we may know Jesus Christ better, through His incomparably great power, we can experience and fulfill the purpose He called us for. And to desire the glorious inheritance that awaits us in heaven. So many times we are so focused on things here on earth or about others or about ourselves we forget why we are called Christians. The great power operates through those who believes. The same power that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.
  2. - So we may know Jesus better, through His incomparably great power, we can experience and fulfill the purpose He called us for, and to be able to desire the glorious inheritance awaits for us in heaven. So many times we are so focused on the things here on earth, about others, or about ourselves, we forget why we are called "Christians". The power operates through those who believes. The same power when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.
  3. I found not so much significance but the "lappers" seem to be watchful and alert soldiers, unafraid, making them confident about their abilities, hence more open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  4. I can't remember the last time or the first time I demanded God's directions to make sense before I followed it but if I did it would be because I wasn't allowing the Holy Spirit to work in my life, pride perhaps or out of fear which is definitely not from God. The danger is quenching the Holy Spirit is giving the enemy a chance to do his evil work. I'm not really sure what a religious kook is but if we are carring the "light" and being the "salt" of the earth and we are following Jesus, HIS kingdom and righteousness, then nothing should matter. Not everyone that tells you what to do or gives you advice has discerning spirits. Always confirm everything through His words because He never contradicts himself and pray, pray , pray.
  5. When we are face with uncertainty which a lot of times am, I think the best is to pray for His leading and guidance. The danger of demanding a sign is we have to remember that most sign and wonders can be imitated by the devil, so be careful you sign and wonders seekers .
  6. God gave Gideon his first assignment, to tear down baal's altar and ashera's pole, and to further test his obedience, courage and faith. Much like the same HE does to me when suddenly I have this urging to witness or pray for someone. He is to build instead a porper kind of altar for the Lord his God. The risks are from his own father Joash who was probably the towns custodian of the worship site, and from the townspeople. Because of fear from his family and the men of the town, Gideon did it at night. Gideon still did it inspite of, didn't he? So, I think its a sign of faith.
  7. The Lord answered "I will be with you.........." . John 15:5 .... apart from me you are nothing, no wonder my self image was so poor before I met Jesus. Matthew 28:20, Col 1:11, Php 4:13, 1Cor 1:8, 1Cor 26-30, 1Cor 5:3Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26, Father, I thank you so much for the priviledge you have given me to share your love to the lost. I pray for your spirit of boldness, courage and a compassionate heart , for wisdom and strength to all of us. May your Holy Spirit manifest in all of us you called to further your Kingdom. I glorify your name , in the name of your precious son Jesus, amen.
  8. God saw Gideon as HIS mighty warrior, just like the way HE sees all of us. We may have different gifts, skills and abilities but at the end, we are all God's warrior. Most of the time we see ourselves the way we see others, or the way society sees us but not the way God sees us. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, being sensitive to HIM will accomplish God's will in our lives.
  9. The Israelites worshipped the god of the Amorites, one thing God told the Israelites not to do over and over and over.You can't blame the big guy for doing what HE did. As most Christians today, me included, we are to blame for our own predicaments. As loving God as He is , He is also a gentle man that would not force himself to us. Our freewill, I think sinful nature is the proper word, takes precedence over HIS will for us. Obedience is the word of the day.
  10. Gideon sounded so much like me before when I didn't know who God really is. Someone tried to talk me into God and HIS love and I remember my answer was " Look around you, wars, senseless killings, poverties, strifes, briberies, among other things, is this how God loves HIS people?"But that was then until I accepted Jesus in my heart and my life have never been the same. Don't we all? Bitterness, resentment, rebellion, critical spirit, things we do feel and act on when when our hearts is not right with God. Is Gideon's assessment accurate? In verse 6:1 says Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites. The whole chapter of Psalm 91 tells us about God's love, His faithfulness, His protections, His refuge, but verse 14 says "Becuse HE loves me, I will rescue him". I think Gideons assessment is accurate that God has abandoned them but one thing he doesn't know, because of lack of faith, and because he doesn't really have a personal relationship with God, Gideon's doesn't realise how faithful God to HIS chosen people. We tend to blame God for so many reasons, I don't know about the others but for me I blame God when I didn't have any relationship with HIM, but after my conversion it became of matter of questioning HIS will in my life(not anymore though) . The danger is we can easily go back to our old nature, wicked and sinful. and nobody inherits the Kingdom of God, 1Cor 6:9. The only way to stop this is to keep our faith, through our persitent and consistent prayers and reading and studying HIS words.
  11. Greetings to Everyone, Hi, This is the second time I am posting my greetings but somehow I lost the first one. Anyway my name is Mario from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. It is such a joy to study HIS words with a great help from Pastor Ralph of course, really appreciate this Pastor. May HE be with us all as we study HIS words. God Bless to all. Mario
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