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Everything posted by lighthouse2014

  1. In face of all the persecutions Christians are receiving, Paul ask for boldness to preach the gospel in face of danger, especially from the high ranking officials in the government. Boldness is necessary in war, for if we are not, we are considered weak and ineffective. If this is our life accustomed posture of being weak, we can not preach the gospel with boldness in order to get the unbelieving to come to the Lord. With boldness we are sure to preach the word correctly and with power from the Holy Spirit.
  2. We should always be alert prayer because Satan will try to get our minds to wonder off the intent we have in the supplications of our prayers. With out this alertness we lose our concentration and the spiritual battle. We need to be very diligent in our perseverance for prayer. Continually praying for a particular situation can not be won if we are not steady in our request. We always need to keep our minds focused on our prayers and supplications before the Lord, keeping alert so that our prayers are hindered by wondering minds and Satan's influence.
  3. Prayer is vital to spiritual warfare because we war not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Satan is continually at war with all those who belong to Christ. When praying we should always let the Holy Spirit intercede for us, for we know not what to pray about and when we diligently pray the Holy Spirit helps us keep our concentration on the things that are important to the saints.
  4. We never know the forces of evil have in store us, keeping shield of faith up is our best defense against attacks. Our helmet of salvation keeps us confident of Gods salvation for us. It protects us from self doubt. The sword of the Spirit is both a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon. It is the word of God that protects us and wards off the sharp words and thought's of Satan.
  5. The point Paul is making by using using the analogy of the Olympic games is that, as the athlete's train hard and almost continually to win the prize. Christians should also study hard, pray and lean the Word of God, so they can win souls for Christ and win the race for the prize in Heaven. Self discipline is important for christian workers, without this discipline Satan will find a way to lead us astray. Being self disciplined also shows how dedicated we to preach the gospel. Self discipline will keep us from falling into sin. It will keep us from idolizing false gods in our life, such as money, greed and a behavioral vices. By not being self disciplined we would loose our fellowship with the Lord, being like dead wood, saved but only through our faith with no rewards in Heaven.
  6. Paul became all things to all men, if he was with the Jews, he was a Jew, if in the presence of Gentiles, he was a Gentile. The purpose for this was to save as many people as possible. Paul was very authentic with doing this. He became as one of them when he was preaching and ministering to them. Paul's chameleon ministry was not role playing, he became as they were, to teach them about Christ and their false ways. I would be willing to give up a life style, to give up everything in order to minister for the Lord, knowing that He would totally supply all my needs.
  7. Paul does not have a personal choice about preaching because he is being obedient to his calling to preach the gospel. The Lord has appointed him to preach the good news of the gospel to the Gentiles, his reward will be Heaven. The volunteer Christian works will be rewarded in Heaven rather than being paid for their work here on earth. Those who are paid are receiving their reward for their work now.
  8. Jesus commanded His disciples to receive support from people while on their journey proclaiming the gospel because a worker is due his wages. The scripture teaches Christians are obligated to support their pastors and workers as n the Old Testament. No tithes no church. If the church board does not pay their pastors a reasonable amount of pay, he will move on to another church that will support him.
  9. Paul argues that those who preach the gospel are to benefit from it, as in the Old Testament, the priest received food and tithes from the people. This food is what the people brought to the priest for their sacrifices.This was the wages for the priest. Paul refuses to take his wages from the Church, so he is not accused of using the gospel for profit or wages.
  10. A characteristic of a person who didn't have his feet ready to run with the gospel, is a person who is not well versed in the word of God, he is unable to defend the gospel or explain Gods redemption for non believers. Good heart preparation makes us ready to share the gospel at any opportunity. Keeping ourselves in holy life and filled with Spirit are excellent preparations. Being of good character, keeping our feet shod with good news and being prepared to defeat the dominions of darkness is our responsibility for God's love for us and His ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.
  11. Simple things as truth and personal holiness are powerful armament because by living a holy life and Gods imputed righteousness, we can stand firm and defeat the devil. The armament we wear is both defensive and offensive. These armaments teach us how to stand ready and defeat evil.
  12. it is difficult for Christians of today to stand our ground against evil because Christians do not have the spirit of discernment. They do not know the word of God or they are complacent with the world as it is. it seems there are those who preach this is a world with no trials, because they are believers, or we are to be successful and rich. This is a great deception Satan has brought to the church. Hence, we can not even discern wrong belief or understanding in Gods word. To recognize and discern evil and it's influences and using the Word of God, we can have victory over evil and in the end, we are left standing. The saint's in rev.12:11 are considered victorious because they have overcome evil by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony. They did not love their life in the world and gave their lives for their King.
  13. In our day it is difficult to believe in the devil and demons because we to be a material and scientific world. Perhaps our own sins have deceived our hearts in the fact most do not believe in God so why believe in an evil spirit anyway. Because of these evil spirits the human race is plagued with all sorts of evil, especially those who do not believe in them. People are easily influenced by them and are not discerning of this influence on society. The only chance we have as Christians is to stand firm and be strong in the word of the Lord. The only things we can't blame on the devil are are very actions. The devil plants the desire and once we act upon that desire, it is our sin.
  14. In 1 Corinthians 10:19-21 the beings behind the idols are unholy demonic forces. By participating in these rituals we become spiritually contaminated, spiritually compromised. We are not to take part in these spiritual things, instead we are to renounce such activities in the name of Jesus, stay away from them, occult's, boards etc.
  15. In the old testament the priest participated in the sacrifices by eating a portion of the offering that the individual or family brought for a sin offering. Thus they where actual participants of the sacrifice. Paul is saying that you and I, as we eat of the Lords supper, we become sharers in the offering of Christ on the cross.
  16. Greek koinonia translated to English means to "participate", "communion", "sharing", sharing something in common with others. We are shareholders in the cross. A participant and sharer in the sacrifice Christ has made for us. When we Christians gather together to celibate and share in the sacrifice of Christ, the bread we break represents the participation we have in the body of Christ. In the sharing of the wine, which represents His blood, we are participating in the sacrifice He has made for us.
  17. Our human make up that causes us to face temptations is that it is part of our human condition. Each of us has his or her particular weaknesses and over whelming desires. Plus our fall from the obedience to God in creation and in the garden of Eden, thus our condition was cursed. The passage in Corinthians 10:12-13 teaches us that temptations are not uncommon to man, God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. He tells us He will provide a way out of the temptation. Trails and temptations help us to rely on God for strength and toughen us up spiritually.
  18. Christian employers are to conduct themselves as an example to their employees, being fair in wages and no respecter of persons. Church boards should conduct themselves as any private business would, fair in wages, no respecter of persons and knowing they too are serving the Lord. To determine a just wage, the individual or employer should know what the minimum wages are, how much it would cost to do the job, wages and materials and time to do the job are all to be considered.
  19. Characteristics for a truly good Christian employee are to be trust worthy, not an eye please'er, a reliable employee, obedient, respectful and doing the work as if doing it for the Lord. In difficult work situations an employer will know as a good Christian will be a reliable employee applicable of getting the job done correctly and quick.
  20. Paul combats the excuses of the liberal Christians by telling them that their knowledge puffs them up and they don't know what they ought to know, this causes them to have an exaggerated idea of one's own statues. We can validate the excuses we use by not doing anything we know that is not sinful for us, but doing it may cause new believers to stumble, because they had given it up when they became believers. Because of our freedom we may not be slave to some things, however we should refrain from such things if others feel it is sinful or it could enslave others if they see our freedom.
  21. Behavior by fathers and mothers that can embitter a child to lose heart can, as an example, by not training or correcting at all, for fear of hurting the child's feelings and allowing the child to always have his or her way. To lose heart because they have been threatened with severe violence if not following instructions (this does not include a spanking when needed); by belittling the child by telling then how worthless they are and will amount to nothing worthwhile. by bring up a child in the ways of the Lord, by ensuring they have instruction in the word of the Lord. We are to provide shelter, food, clothing and an education for the child. As a gift the Lord has given the children to us to care for and raise, as adults no one knows what the Lord has planned for them after they grow up.
  22. It is appropriate for adult children to obey their parents while they are under the care and up bring of their parents. After adult hood they still need to respect and obey their parents. They are adults now and should not have to rely on parents for their mishaps in life. They are to honor and care for their parents as long as they live. They should not have to depend on others to care for their parents in old age, unless medical problems require other wise, this would be the an exception to the care of them or perhaps they themselves are incapable of caring for them. We are to respect and honor them for as long as they live. As children they forgave us of our mistakes. Basic respect for our parents also teaches us that we are to respect and honor God our Creator, who through His love and grace for us, forgives us of our mistakes against Him.
  23. In the sense that Christ is our Husband as individuals, is because we are imperfect individuals, He cares for us and through the Holy Spirit strengthens us in our weaknesses, He does this because He loves us and we trust Him in all our situations. Christ is the Husband of the Church, she is His body. We are to be united and trust he will guide us by His Holy Spirit. Just as a husband loves his wife, he forgives her in her weakness, strengthens her and guides her truth and understanding, so she will be a shining jewel for her husband. She will trust her husband, honor him and please him. The implications for this is our lives is that we are to live a life Holy to the Lord. We are to be His witnesses on earth, preaching and sharing His Gospel through love and understanding of the word of God. Christ responsibility towards us as believers is that He will guide us by His Holy Spirit, to strengthen and sanctify us for His Kingdom. He will never leave us or forget us. He will heal us, protect us from evil, help us through trails, He will bring us to the full acquaintance of God our father and Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ.
  24. Taking care for his wife's needs are just like taking care of his own body and needs for daily life. Taking care of his wife will defiantly bring happiness to his married life, it's only common sense. The principle from Gen: 2 ;24 states "a man shall leave his mother and father and shall become united and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh" unity and love are the underlining theme of the passage. What God has united let no man separate.
  25. Being head of the wife does not mean he is necessarily the boss. The husband is treat her with care and respect just as he would treat himself. The two have become one through marriage, all decisions should be equal he should treat her with love, patience and humble service. As being a husband he is to be the leader of the family, including all spiritual guidance in the word of the Lord. The example the husband should follow as being the head of the family is that the Lord is the head of his body the church. We are to take care of the wife as Christ takes care of us. Evan as Christ forgives us for our mistakes, so we are to forgive our wife's of mistakes.
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