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Everything posted by lighthouse2014

  1. The significance our congregation was made to be a dwelling for the spirit of God is that as we believers come together is for edification in the word of God, to strengthen one another and pray for physical and spiritual healing. What hinders the above from being fully experienced and coming to pass is that if we do not go to church period, the house of God will never get built. We can help and appreciate this experience by going to church and encouraging our fellow Christians to attend.
  2. Divisions we see in our community congregations today are; one congregation will not allow musical instruments in the church; another believes they are the only true church; one believes only their baptism is the right one; and another believes the gifts of the holy spirit where only used during the time of the apostles. Causes of divisions in Corinth were groups of clicks, others believed in following only the apostle, others wanted only to follow their favorite individual because of their appearance or the way they delivered the gospel. Divisions today mostly argue about who is the true church and at what time the rapture will occur Obeying the command " agree with one another", first love one another, we are all brothers in Christ; next be patient and be at peace with everyone.
  3. 1. we have access to the Father by the redeeming power of Christ through the cross. Now through faith we are brought into the family of God. Because of Christ work we can come boldly before the thrown. 2. the Holy Spirit facilitates this access by giving us full confidence and trust in faith that our prayers are heard and answered. 3. Jesus enables this access by sending the Holy Spirit to bear witness with our spirit, thus ensuring us our prayers are heard.
  4. 1. the gifts that god gives us to ensure that we will continue in faith until the end is strength. We should take advantage in this strength in praying, reading scripture, fellowship and surrendering ourselves totally to Christ. 2. each of these gifts requires our full participation so we can have fellowship with Christ and with our fellow believers. 3. the gift I need more of is fellowship with other believers. By doing this we could edify and comfort one another.
  5. How often do I pray for those that don't like me or my enemies, I must admit not very often. I have now discovered this is one of my weak spots. Even those who are at odds with Paul, he still thanks God for their gifts, because they are called out to be His saints. Paul thanks God for the Corinthians because they had grown spiritually, specifically their utterances and knowledge. Which was evident that God had confirmed Paul's preaching by the many gifts they displayed.
  6. 1. Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic law by; a) being sinless concerning the moral law, the commandments and it's regulations. the ceremonial law by becoming the sacrifice (with out blemish) for sins. c) the civil law because Christ had become the High Priest and King of His people. Being he was born in the linage of David and after rising into Heaven sits at the right hand of God the father. 2 &3. the significance of this is to the Jewish people. He had fulfilled all the requirements of the law by being their redeemer according to the prophecies that for told of Him. For the gentiles, we were brought into fold of Gods people by Christ annulling the hostile wall that had separated the two people, Jews and gentiles.
  7. As believers we forget what it was to be lost in the world with out God. We find it difficult at times to witness for Christ to unbelievers because we know the attitude they may have toward us and the gospel. The spiritual condition of friends or co-workers who don't know Christ is quite startling at times. Evidence of their condition is manifest through their speech, gestures, sexual displays and imbibing in strong drink.
  8. 1. We were created as Gods own handiwork, recreated in Christ that we may do the good works which God predestined us to do. 2. The reason we were recreated through Christ is to walk in His ways and enjoy the life He has for us. 3. Paul refers to the works the religious leaders had established because they believed by good works they could obtain their salvation. We are to do works that are energized by or an outflow from our faith.
  9. If I may quote a little from the amplified bible, Hebr. 11:1 "Faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their [faith perceived as real fact what is not to the senses]" or perhaps it could be easier to say that faith is the leaning of the whole personality on God in complete trust and confidence. I believe the next two questions can be answered at one time. The Holy Spirit convicts everyone at some time or another. Realizing wrongs in our life we accept the faith God gives us to believe. If we resist this conviction from God and His faith, then we will undoubtedly be condemned. Defining faith to a ten year old - A child loves his or her parents, whom give them guidance in child hood. Told that their father is taking them to Disney Land for vacation. The child believes in their parent, that this will happen even though they have no proof it will happen.
  10. We can translate the word saved to unbelievers by using the term rescued. Because of sin they will receive Gods eternal damnation to ever lasting fire in hell. But through and by by the death of Christ, the Son of God, they are rescued from that damnation. They are redeemed by His death on the cross and God our father excepts this as payment for our sins. So, belief in this redemption is proof of Gods love for us and wants to share with us His glory in His Kingdom.
  11. If as unbelievers, we are spiritually dead, not understanding how a God who is all knowing and all powerful, could possibly want to grant us pardon for our sins. It would be hard to believe He would send His only Son to die for us and that belief in Him and His redemptive work, God, by his mercy and loving kindness would forgive our sins. Grace, the gift from God our Father totally demolishes the belief of gaining heaven by our works. To explain grace to a child we could use the example of a family that went to the beach for an outing. One of the children was on a rubber raft which began to be swept out to sea. A bystander, noticing the the child was in danger of drowning, swam out to rescued the child, knowing he was putting his life in danger. Safetly back on the beach, this could be explained as an act of grace.
  12. If as unbelievers, we are spiritually dead, not understanding how a God who is all knowing and all powerful, could possibly want to grant us pardon for our sins. It would be hard to believe He would send His only Son to die for us and that belief in Him and His redemptive work, God, by his mercy and loving kindness would forgive our sins. Grace demolishes the life held principle that by good works we gain entrance into heaven. This may be a good idea, but it can never be a redeeming work to cover our sins. Only the blood of Christ can redeem us from our sins. this redemption being a gift from God our Father, never by works alone.
  13. We also are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm because as believers, God has raised us up also with Christ. Gods grace has forgiven us of our past sins and also equipped us for this age to live in Him and over come the world. With Christ in heaven seated at the right hand of of the Father, He has all spiritual authority, thus through Him we have this power also. Because of the grace God has given us we can now go boldly before the thrown praying in spirit and truth, knowing that God has heard our prayers and supplications.
  14. Verse 4: God is motivated by His love for us while we were yet dead, because of sin He made us alive in Christ. Verse 5: Because of His love and rich mercy He made us alive together in fellowship and union with Christ, partakers in His salvation. Verbs: alive - we are made alive in Christ: mercy - His compassion for us, we have been spared the judgement that was upon us.
  15. People unwittingly follow Satan because they are giving into the cravings of the flesh, living in a self-centered culture. As believers we have been washed clean of our sins, born a new creature and loving according to the will of Christ. But this is impossible with out the help of the Holy Spirit, who convicts us of sin. If we unwittingly sin (unaware of), we are forgiven, not under the wrath of God. The wrath being for those who reject Christ. God will not blame us for unwitting sins, we are under His grace. His unmerited favor toward us.
  16. Our non-believing friends and relatives are spiritually dead to God because; 1st, they are unbelieving 2nd, they have violated Gods holy law. They as we once did, gratify the desires of the flesh and it's thoughts. The difference between them and us is that by Gods mercy and loving kindness and overflowing grace, we have accepted Christ as our redeemer and look forward to living in Gods kingdom and sharing His love. We know that unbelievers are subject to Gods wrath, because of unbelief. We should do our best with the help of the Holy Spirit to witness to them so they will hopefully repent. And of course pray for them.
  17. We often more than not take a pass pertaining to spiritual warfare because, physically we have no evidence of it. Christ has accomplished complete victory over death and evil when He was resurrected from the dead. Being the first fruit of the living from the dead. We feel complete powerlessness in the face of spiritual battle because we are weak in faith or we are totally unprepared for it, for lack of Gods word. Paul reassures the Ephesians of Christ fulfillment of scripture that had been prophesied. The Ephesians were used to worshiping idols, this should encourage us to read Gods word, put on the armor of God and be ready at any moment to witness and stand against evil that comes our way.
  18. Sometimes we are powerless because we lose faith (doubt) or fail to believe. The inadequacy is in our faith, but by prayer and hope the Lord will help us to believe (help our faith). Some denominations believe in all the gifts the Lord has bestowed upon us, as in Acts, where the Holy Spirit had manifested these gifts to the early church. Some denominations place man made demands on their congregations and down play the gifts creating a limit or wimpy faith. We can change this by putting our full trust in Christ and the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to do His works through us. Praise God!
  19. If I were to inherit 1 million dollars in a few years, I would without a doubt be anxious to receive it. My expectation to inherit the riches of God would temper me to live in obedience to His will for me on earth and by His grace to live according to His will. We are to share our love and help for our fellow Christians. All believers are brothers and sisters in Christ and look forward to sharing His Kingdom. .
  20. Today Christians can look forward to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Motivation for our present day lives would be that by the Holy Spirit , he grant us wisdom and knowledge, so that we may come to know Him better. Our decisions and life style are affected in that we learn new things and understand the truth of God. These truths help us to live a life style that is becoming to Christ. To be as he is, so we live to become like him. Our hope is that we who believe in Christ are not judged, but he who does not believe is judged already. Because he does not believe or hope in the only begotten Son of God.
  21. End of the term occurs when Christ sets up His Kingdom on earth. This happens after he has put all enemies under his feet. The Holy Spirit functions in our lives by having a personal relationship with our spirit, being a witness that we are His. Manifesting in us by the gifts God has promised. Through these gifts we are strengthened in Christ and allows His presence to shine in us. Where we are weak, He strengthens us. Where simplicity is needed, He guides us. When we are lonely He comforts us. Truly we are His ambassadors.
  22. Our purpose is to bring praise to God. To fulfill this purpose we only need to believe in Him and let him work His will through us. As Matt. 5:13-16 states, we are the salt of the earth to let His light shine through us, by our good deeds and noble life style.
  23. The significance of all things brought under one head, that of Christ the head of His church will unify all things and bring them together in Christ. God our Savior will consummate all things in Christ, as was His plan from the beginning of time. In unity both Jews and gentiles will be brought together. 1 Corth. 15:24-28, at the end of time God the Father will put all power and authority under Christ feet. Christ will, Himself subject Himself to God, together with the church. We will all be one with God our Father.
  24. We have been purchased with a price from the slavery of sin. With out being redeemed we would be lost in our sins with no hope of being forgiven. Being in doubt of our acceptance to God.
  25. To be in Christ, that we live live through Him. Incorporated into Christ is that, He saved us first and we shave in this love . My implication of this love is that I learn to live a fruitful life bringing honor and glory to His name.
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