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  1. I see mainly disagreements about biblical events such as what happens when you die, the rappture, the belief that you can earn salvation by good deeds, the meaning of scriptures etc.The divisions in corinth were obviously the fact that people were choosing to follow different leaders instead of the one true leader and head of the church, JESUS. Divisions today are caused by in my humble opinion, hardened hearts and inflated egos. People are determined to have things their own way which immediately breaks the first commandment.They create their own gods and therefore the most dangerous thing, " RELIGION" or denominations. The LORD never told us to do this and infact expressly forbids it in the commandments.We must all come together as one church, one gospel, one word, that of our LORD JESUS CHRIST who gave everything for us.
  2. I find it incredibly reasuring that even though i may fail on my journey( and i have failed a lot) the LORD will pick me up and dust me down with love.He has given me an abundance of gifts including compassion,knowledge,patience and determination.Like brothered above,i have never been the strongest of prayers and i do need to make a conscious effort to spend time with the LORD.
  3. I tend to ask GOD to show people in some way the hardness of their heart and the size of their ego.I try to remain humble and when something like the fact that i should be thanking GOD and asking him to bless people who have done me wrong is pointed out to me, i hang my head and realise there is always room for more humbleness.The fact that paul is doing so shows he is as close to being CHRIST as is possible without actually being him.To think he is thanking GOD for the things that the corinthians are doing which are hurting or annoying him, is incredibly humbling.
  4. Often when i witness to people i will get the response of "you christians think you are perfect and better than anyone else" .I guess the world expects us to be, but sadly, not a large percentage of people accept that if they accept Jesus, they will be made perfect in the Lords kingdom. God looks on anyone who has accepted Jesus as a saint,but such is the influence of satan that he will make people think they are anything but a saint.But praise the LORD for giving us the gift of the power of his HOLY BLOOD to defeat the enemy.
  5. When we give our life to jesus, although we may not know it at the time, i feel there is a calling upon us to be saved and therefore sanctified and made holy by God.The Holy Spirit then dwells within us and so our body becomes a Holy temple.It is our responsibility and duty to God to try to the best of our ability to stay righteous and HOLY.The grace of our Lord is such that he knows we will fail from time to time, but loves us no less.
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