dee dee nat
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Everything posted by dee dee nat
Q2. Authentic Gospel
dee dee nat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Human vs. Spiritual Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:17b-2:16)
Q2. (1 Corinthians 1:21-25 In what areas do non-Christians in our culture stumble over the basic gospel of Christ... To what degree can we help bridge this gap through careful and creative presentation... To what degree might that be watering down the gospel... Why cant we escape the tension between culturally-relevant communication and change the essence of the message... Non-Christians stumble over the basic gospel of Christ, in that they tend to explore other beliefs and waver which one helps them life a life of their choosing. Self will is very common in this area. As believers, we need to do our own research and find those areas most questioned. Comparison and presentation is one way to bridge this gap. One area of this is in native culture and there belief in animal spirits, and how they worship and give offerings. Question presented is who made the animals and whom made the earth. Yes we need to take care of what God has given, and honour the creator (God). I should not even feel nor think in anyway that we should be watering down the gospel. Presented as truth. We need to know our own belief and stand strong in faith. We should research what others are preaching and compare. Always pray through and seek wisdom and guidance from God. Allow God to present and bridge those gaps, without having to change the true meaning of the message. -
Q1. Cultural Values
dee dee nat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Human vs. Spiritual Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:17b-2:16)
Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television: 1. Adultery: Today we turn on the television or pull up a movie and more than likely we will find Adultery; in the movie industry we hear alot about couples getting divorces and the cause is usually because of this. 2. Divorce: Becasue of such acceptance of partnerships, this is also on the rise and widely viewed. The core of family is no longer based on Bible teachings but based on what we watch on tv. 3. TV will and has dictated how our younger people and children view the proper behaviour of life. For many they are in tuned to the internet or tv. They are teaching each each other how life is to be, rather than the teaching and discipline of parents. Obey your father and mother is very seldom heard of as the normal course for the younger people. 4. The value of not judging each other is lost. With the high rise of suicide and battles going on among each other, that cause violence viewed on tv and in shows, we sit and become judges of what we see and hear. -
Q4. Divisions
dee dee nat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Healing Church Divisions (1 Corinthians 1:1-17a)
Q4 - 1 Corinthians What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? While the congregation is believers, there personal doctrine is different. Reason being, the majority of members have come out of a recovery program that at one time found acceptance in each persons belief. Believe in a higher power of ones own choosing to be clear. Today, the leaders are still struggling to re-establish the firm foundation. With many different belief's and opinions, we are working towards unity...or at least trying. What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? Division found in Corinth is caused due to many leaders, with different ways of presenting Jesus Christ. This has sparked a debate about how they should follow as far as teaching goes. "I enjoy listening to this one, or I like how that one looks," so this brings division. They have become clouded about following the true message being shared. What is the cause of divisions today? Radical thinking and internal mixing. The basic teaching of Jesus has become diluted, for the benefit of personal gain. How do we obey the command to Agree with one another? Basic, teaching of salvation, and the true meaning of why Jesus Christ came. Start from the beginning, directly form the Bible. I remain as open as possible to the Holy Spirit and look to the Bible for answers to those difficult questions. I believe that when something is not feeling right, that something needs to be questioned. I will always bring my questions to the leader and resolve it in prayer and meditation. Trust in God always. -
Q3. Perseverance
dee dee nat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Healing Church Divisions (1 Corinthians 1:1-17a)
Q3. 1 Corinthians 1:8-9 a) What gifts does God give us to ensure that we'll continue in faith until the end? There are four gifts that are listed, which God has given each of us. Strength we receive through prayer, and reading of scriptures, Fellowship with other followers of Christ, as well as an open heart, by surrendering lives to Him. Forgiveness is another gift, that he freely gives each of us. This brings comfort for I know I am not perfect and will fall short on a daily bases. This too allows me to forgive others, and lift them up in prayer. Faithfulness comes easy for me now a days. with all that I have struggled through, and he was and is faithful daily. I trust fully in him and know deep down He is real. Fellowship with God and others is another gift. Having a connection and being free to trust and cry with each other. Why does each require our active participation to receive its full benefits? To receive the gift of strength, I need to be actively engaged in prayer and meditations. Opening my heart allows God to work in my life and truly feel his presence. Finding forgiveness for others as God has forgiven me gives freedom for daily activities. I am not consumed with others nor my own forgiveness, rather I remain open and free to God. For myself, faithfulness, comes form within. By personal experiences and others testimonial, I gain faith and have faith to share with others. This brings up the gift of fellowship. Being, sharing, and loving one God together and alone strengthen each other as well as personally. c) Which do you need to enter into more? At times the daily business of life draws me away form God, such as my readings. A balance in all four areas is needed to remain firmly grounded. The fellowship shared with co-workers encourages me to seek God and address those issues, and remind me faithfully to surrender all to God. -
Q2. Thanksgiving
dee dee nat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Healing Church Divisions (1 Corinthians 1:1-17a)
Q2 - 1 Corinthians 1:4-7 a) How often do you thank God for the blessings of those who don't like you, or of your actual enemies? Paul sets in play how we should be thankful for everyone, even those who may bring out less favorable qualities in self. Bringing those to prayer and presenting them to God, not only allows us to love them but helps us to understand our personal struggles, and opens that door for God to work with us to change and teach us a way of life more pleasing to God. What does it say about Paul that he thanks God for the gifts of those who are at odds with him? Paul lives life guided by God, with no personal judgement on his behalf. He is accepting that God's grace is for everyone, c) What specifically does he thank God for about the Corinthians believers? Paul's thanksgiving is how God has enriched their lives in every way. In their speaking and knowledge in their testimony. How God has granted them spiritual gifts and their eagerness for Christs return. -
Q1. Holiness
dee dee nat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Healing Church Divisions (1 Corinthians 1:1-17a)
Q1. What does "called to be holy" or "called to be saints" mean? Called to be, would imply a request to perform a duty, called upon for a specific task. Holiness would mean living a Christlike life. What is a saint according to the Bible? Saints are believers in Jesus Christ. They are loyal followers of Christ. Such people are set aside for God, and Gods purpose. Why is it so comfortable for us to say, "I'm no saint.? A saint is a picture of perfection. One who lives a complete life of Christ. We are not made for perfection, while in our earthly form, so this prevents our complete perfection. Understanding this allows us to understand that we make errors, and we find comfort in knowing that we can repent and work towards that level of perfectionism. What is expected of a person who has been set apart as the personal property of the living God? We belong to God. We need to obey Him as he guides us towards the purpose he alone has set for us. We are in training, so we need to listen and learn. Remain teachable and continue to know that our purpose in life is for God's glory, not ours. We need to live a life that glorifies God, willing to be more Christlike, and living a Christ-life existence. What kind of behavior does the world expect of those who claim to be followers of Christ? As followers of Christ, we are representatives of who Christ is. We are expected to life a live according to what God wants. We live a life based on the teaching within the bible. We do not life according to the worlds standers and worship only God. While the world is at watch, we testify to our beliefs. and live accordingly. God is love, so we to must love; God is the only and final judge, so we must not be judging but pray for each other.