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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by goddychowio

  1. Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? Jesus Christ could not call the heavenely host as this was a battle he must fight alone. He was the Lamb of God to be crucified alone for the sins of the world, the Righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God, to take away the sin of the world What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16) Jesus Christ defeats the armies of the Anti-Christ, the Beast that rules the earth. He leads the host of heaven to establish His rule on earth where He will rule with an iron scepter.
  2. Why was Elisha's servant afraid? Elisha's servant was afraid because the army of the king of Aram had surrounded the city of Dothan where they were and he could not see any opposing army. What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? Elisha was able to see the spiritual world, the army of the Lord, the massive host of heaven which was protecting them from the threat. What does it take for our eyes to be opened? It takes spiritual sensitivity in prayers to the Lord for ours eyes to be opened to the spiritual surroundings of our environment. How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? The verse strengthens me by giving me assurance that (a) I am of the Father in heaven ( God see's me as His precious child © I am given assurance that I have already overcome the challenge (d) The God that I serve is greater that any opposition I will ever face in this world
  3. God is the commander, they are not. Israel's army must be listed in his cause. The significance of this is that we should ask ourselves are we on God's side. Joshua felt, like his forefathers before him, he was before the presence of God. He lies prostrate before the Lord. After this Joshua knew that the battle ahead was assured, the Lord was fully with the Israelites.
  4. Hi, I am godfrey from Kenya, in East Africa. I live in the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi. I am a born again believer, fellowshipping with Redeemed Evangelistic Fellowship. Our church ministry under R.E.F, is Shepherd's Victory Celebration Center. We are an evangelical church, believing in the Great Commission, the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the corners of the world. I am new in this forum and would like to learn more about the Bible.
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