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Everything posted by MountainTrek1
Q5. State of Grace
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Grace That Is Wildly Undeserved
It is the condition of a person who is free from sin and God likes them to go to heaven. Faith is a gift from God and only as an absence of conflict. -
4. Since these type of women don't get many marriage proposals she might agree to the marriage more readily. Tough love presents us to the Father as hard-won trophies of the Cross. God offers us love through Jesus Christ.
3. Wickedness, rebellion and sin are the result and He punishes the children for the sins of the parents. It is a disobedience to God. We have to admit the sin to ourselves before we can come to the Father.
2. That Yahweh's and Moses are both deep and mysterious. This deepness reveals mercy.
1. Grace is a gift. The source of grace is from God not an employer. The ability to become children of God through the assistance that God gives to us. We come to Him as sinners and receive salvation through God. Grace is a participation in the life of God. It is a free gift from God.
Q9. (Psalm 2:1-12) Why does Jesus provoke such negative reactions from some people? Since negative people are unaware of the negativity they bring to the situation people will withdraw from them. Groups of people were negative about Jesus because they didn't agree with his methods. Why do people tend to resist any kind of authority? Basically, because of distrust and lack of understanding of the person exercising discretion. Wisdom is pure and seeks to make the person well/whole. What should we do when we detect resistance in our own hearts? We could listen to it or maybe not listen to it. The issues may be below the surface making noises. We should let go of the resistance to avoid/ignore it. Since the issue is making enough noise to make us aware that something is happening. It makes us aware of who we are. What does it mean to "kiss the Son" (Psalm 2:12)? It means to show reverence to the Son.
Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character? Reflect on who he was, and what it means that he is our spiritual Father. He was attempting to protect Jesus during a troubling political time. His faith? Joseph shows us how we can become a help to Mary and Jesus by finding a way to lift them out of trouble and danger. When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew? He was a model of masculinity and strong by showing respect towards Jesus and Mary. He is quietly strong. It is a beautiful way to get to know Joseph and begin to appreciate his value as a leader of the Church.
Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character? Reflect on who he was, and what it means that he is our spiritual Father. He was attempting to protect Jesus during a troubling political time. His faith? Joseph shows us how we can become a help to Mary and Jesus by finding a way to lift them out of trouble and danger. When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew? He was a model of masculinity and strong by showing respect towards Jesus and Mary. He is quietly strong. It is a beautiful way to get to know Joseph and begin to appreciate his value as a leader of the Church.
Q7. (Isaiah 9:6-7) Why is a never-ending Kingdom an anomaly in world history? Since it was so well protected it was a never-ending kingdom. But when people changed gods and the gods no longer suited the kingdom it fell out of favor. Different kings ruling with different values did not suit everybody. Why is a just and righteous government so rare? Since in the past government was determined by ancestral inheritance and the values would be the values of the ruling class government fairness could not be guaranteed. Also, the people could learn how to manipulate the system by being in the right place or knowing the right people. What justice will Jesus bring to you when he comes? He could bring individual responsibility for each of us to make our world a better place.
Q6. (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him? Prince of Peace This means Jesus is the reason we can live peacefully with God the Father. Son This means He is the Divine Son of the God the Father. Everlasting Father This means He is the Eternal power. He is the Alpha and Omega. Mighty God This power of God is made available to us through his Son Jesus. Even though he is just born He is still powerful. Wonderful Counselor This means He is both God and Man. And being counseled by God , He gives great counsel.
Q5. (Isaiah 9:1-2) Why do people choose to live in darkness when light is available? I am not sure that they re walking in darkness by choice! My thought is that they are dying either physically or spiritually or both, Perhaps there is no energy or maybe depression has set in or maybe an apathy has set in as a result of physical or spiritual weakness. In a physical or spiritual darkness maybe their eyes are not opened to having a choice or can not see the light yet. (John 3:19). Why do people seem to resist the Light of Jesus? In his time, Jesus was from Nazareth which was an unimportant town unlike Bethlehem which did have the importance of heritage and prophecy. It was at that time from a preconceived opinion of the value of Nazareth. In our times, there is no reason to be blind to the light. We have books to read, webinars and videos available and also attending Church where we can be taught throughout the Church year the meaning of God and Jesus Word simply by listening in the service. Why do you sometimes hesitate to step into Jesus' full light? Maybe because of sickness or accident I would not be capable of stepping into the light. How did Light transform the reputation of Galilee? Jesus teachings in Galilee began to reach the people and their eyes were opened. How has light transformed your reputation in your circle of friends? We must know the Scriptures, understand what that means, and know and recognize the truth.
Q4. (Genesis 22:16-18; Galatians 3:16, 29) To whom are blessings promised through Abraham's descendant? Paul's response is that Jesus is the seed and Jesus will fulfill its promise. In what way does Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac prefigure the Father's sacrifice of Jesus? It is the same situation where the Father sacrifices the Son and God gives him back to his Father.
What does the image of the lion tell us about Judah's descendant? The fierce representation of the tribe of Judah among all other tribes. How does Jesus qualify for the promise of the ruling scepter? Through His line of Judea and was sacrificially given to Him at birth. It signifies his future death. Why is obedience so hard for us? Obedience is so hard for us because it demands loyalty to God and God representatives on Earth. Why is it so important to us? By being obedient we become of service to others,
-Why did the angel put Elizabeth and Mary together? To become blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit. -How is Elizabeth an encouragement to Mary? Elizabeth provides wisdom and comfort to Mary. -How is Mary an encouragement to Elizabeth? Mary provides support to the older woman and they become blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit -To whom has God sent you to give and receive comfort? OA-has become a help and made me more helpful to others as I am working daily for scriptural help with a food overabundance.
Our Lord bestowed his bounty on humankind and Our Savior became flesh. Mary sees herself as a handmaiden in service to God. The Holy Spirit "would 'overshadow' her and bring about conception." We can make commitments the Lord that he nurtures.
Hello, I'm Kathleen and glad to be here. I live in Florida.
Q3. Bring to Completion
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Continuing the line of a slave's work is never done Paul may have been looking at each member of the Church and seeing much "unfinished" business. A slave to the church knows what is expected and strives to achieve that. And it is not accomplished in one day and we are not perfect and not near where we are supposed to be. But, God is not finished yet either. -
Q2. Partners
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
I think of this Bible Study of Philippians as becoming dedicated to both Paul's writings and the Church of Philippe and then to the Ministry of Bible Study. In this verse I am focusing in the word "Partners". In the future, when I hear this verse I will be listening and thinking about ways in which I can become more of a "Partner". This might also include my own monetary contributions to the Church and ways in which I can include others. -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Paul is a disciple of Christ. As a disciple, an analogy to a slave is made because the slave knows what is expected of him and knows his master and will do what his master wants to please the master. The disciple writes to the others who want to know what to do to please the master. Secondly, as a slave to Christ he always belongs to Christ and is not free to come and go. -
Q1. Jesus Your Rabbi
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Jesus comes to me and teaches me daily. Jesus teaches me in the spirit of knowledge, confession and identification with Him. I identify with Him as a teacher in terms of how I can be a course of action to be a helper and of service to others. The symbolism of teacher allows a gentleness of spirit to take hold and works begin. -
Q4. Jesus' Wisdom and Truth
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Mark 9:39- "Do not stop them ", Jesus said, "For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me." By praying in Christ you are protected and loved by Him. -
Q3. Prayer in Jesus' Name
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
It is what our prayer must be once Jesus has returned to the Father. Jesus is the way, and the truth and the life. Faith bears its fruit in love. It means keeping the word and the commandments of Jesus. it means abiding with him in the Father who, in him, so loves us that he abides with us. In this new covenant the certitude that our petitions will be heard is founded on the prayer of Jesus. John 14:13-14- And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father will be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. -
Q2. Unashamed
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Jesus told us that John the Baptist who was the forerunner and Herald who they have wanted if you accept Him. God can send his Messenger but we can refuse to hear it. Jesus has appealed to you that if you have ears you should hear. 1) Hearer with a short mind 2) Hearer with a mind like shallow ground 3) Hearer is too busy to hear 4) Good ground of the hearer- He is prepared..He is not too busy to listen...He understands..He thinks it though. -
Q1. Name and Mission
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Jesus Christ name is the Son of God. Jesus' mission in the Spirit was to be sent by the Father to spread the good news. Jesus leads us to Him and to have faith in Him. Through Jesus Christ I am led to the Love of the Father through the Spirit and makes share in the life of the Holy Trinity. -
Q5. Only Begotten God
MountainTrek1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
Jesus is the "Only Begotten God". It fully explains how God the Father made human flesh to teach the word to us.