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  1. 1) Imitation in the formation of a new Christian is extremely important. I would compare it to buying something new that has to be put together. Without instructions or picture to compare what we're making, we're completely loss. I think a new believer is in that same position. Without someone to lead and God it's easy to go off course or just give up. 2) Small groups, one on one discipleship 3) The character of the leader is vital. New believers are hungry and willing to follow. The direction they go often depends upon the one that's leading. 4) You can't say its impossible to grow apart from a strong Christian community because some people have no choice in their situation. So the real question to me would be if it is our choice not to participate in a body of believers can we experience continual growth? Yes, but it's a whole lot tougher so why even try to make it on our own. 5) My character to my family and spiritual children is everything. Who I am now or what I leave behind in the way I led my life will leave an impact. Good or bad the choice is mine.
  2. It is only through the power of the Spirit that our eyes and ears are opened to the truth. Mans word maybe powerful enough to convince some for a time or even a season but does not have sustaining power. Miracles showed Gods mighty power. I think today we would have the same results. Some would change and others would write it off and be skeptics. I don't believe a lack of faith is what holds back miracles today. I believe miracles do still happen to this day. I'm just not sure in most cases or circumstances God would receive the glory.
  3. Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop? The Jews and their traditions were being challenged. Sometimes I wonder if it was really all about a deep commitment to God or the challenge to the structure they had in place. They liked the authority they had which also gave them control of all the resources. Money is truly the root of all evil. Paul keeps going because nothing in this world can take away his encounter with The Lord. His faith is unshakeable. He also truly believes in the message and the salvation offered through the cross. Satan isn't threatened win our efforts are in vain. It is when we're making a impact for the kingdom of heaven that trouble begins.
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