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  1. Predestination, of course, is incocieveble for us in the flesh, as predestination includes us...before, now and going forward. However, it is by His Grace that Christians already know that we will be with Him in the end.
  2. Thank you for making this study of God's Word available. From the Gulf Coast, my wife Marilyn and I have 3 daughters and 11 grandchildren, 3 which have gone to be with Christ Jesus. Members of our local church with our family. While at this time have a sales position, my calling is to minister to those who are in grief and crisis. Not only to the individual, but to deliver the Word of God to the families and friends. We wish all the best and may God bless you in every way.
  3. Being in Christ is having Him in me. My every thought and is automaticly guided by His word. In short, I have the Holy Spirit in me. It like His guidence is already within without me asking. I do continue to speak with Him continuously, hoeber, it is a conversation and thanking Him for His Word. Being in Christ is an all day walk with Him. The outcome is a relationship thar guides me throught my life.
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