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About Aleezah

  • Birthday 10/04/1953

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    Studying the WORD of GOD

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  1. 1. Nehemiah was distraught over the plight of the Jews so he went into fervent prayer. 2. Christ stated that some situations require fasting. Nehemiah wept because he was in pain from seeing the Jews suffer so badly. The wall of Jerusalem was broken down and the gates were burning. 3. No, we are to pray without ceasing.
  2. 1. We fall into the of trying to do God's work because we are a stubborn and controlling people. 2. It meant that sheer human strength and physicality would not be sufficient to complete the task of rebuilding the temple. God's Holy Spirit would need to intervene to accomplish the task. 3. I would also have to count on my Heavenly Father to help me accomplish my tasks.
  3. 1. Joshua's filthy clothes meant being symbolically clothed in sin. 2. As noted in Zechariah 3:4 angels were sent to take the filthy garments away. When the filthy garments were taken away so was the iniquities. Joshua was then clothed with new raiments. These new rainments represented salvation for the nations. 3. Our Heavenly Father was symbolically cleansing the High Priesthood and restoring Israel to it's original calling through Joshua. 4. This message would allow Christian leaders to realize there is hope in being restored if someone happens to fall into sin. There is hope in our Heavenly Father and HIS SON. Christ died so we could live.
  4. 1. It is difficult to hear and comprehend when we are noisey. It is important out of respect, honor, and discipline that we be still when our Heavenly Father is out of HIS holy habitation. 2. Silence helps us to hear the voice of our Heavenly Father better. 3. It's difficult for me to say.... 4. Silence represents reverence, honor, and respect for our Heavenly Father.
  5. 1. The two are interrelated and necessary for salvation. Mark 1:14, 15 states: Furthermore it is written in Luke 24:46,47: 2. We remove the whole reason that the Messiah came. See Matthew 9:12, 13 According to Luke 13:3 we will perish if we don't repent. See Luke 13:3:
  6. 1. Through Zerubbabel [the signet], God was restoring the royal line of David, therefore ushering in our Messiah. Knowing he is is an integral part of ushering in the Messiah is extremely encouraging. 2. The signet ring discussed in Haggai 2:23 refers to the engraved gold which represented the authority of the bearer. Ancient kings used signet rings to designate authority, honor, or ownership. 3. Listening to HIS spirit teaches us to continue on the correct path to following HIM as well as doing HIS will. That allows us to become HIS effective agent, which in turn allows us to bring other's into God's kingdom. Acts 17:28 gives us that authority:
  7. 1. Hebrew 12:14-16 states: 2. 1 Kings 8:39 states:God knows the hearts of all men whether in church or otherwise. 3. Repent, Repent, Repent. 2 Chronicles 7:14 states:
  8. God lets Joshua, Zerubbabel and the people of the land and work know HE is with them and to not fear. They are not alone in their efforts. For me [to not focus on discouragement], it is important that I keep my thoughts and actions totally focused on the things of God. I am aware that haSatan wants me to keep God's children off task and discouraged. We must keep worldliness at bay. Listening to Scriptures daily for several hours helps to keep me disciplined and focused on the kingdom of God. Bible studies also helps me.
  9. It is my belief that being disciplined helps redirect one's priorities so they can get back to the required tasks. I am not experiencing hardships. To YAH goes the Glory. HalleluYAH! It appears the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Florida, Haiti, Cuba, Turks and Caico, and Puerto Rico are suffering due to earthquakes and hurricanes. When I have trials and tribulations, I count it all joy. We will suffer as our Messiah suffered, it is a part of our calling.
  10. God is displeased with me when I stop focusing on HIM and making HIM a priority in my life. It is important I stay focused on Matthew 6:33. God takes pleasure in me when I allow HIM to order my daily steps in HIS WORDS and not get distracted by day to day busyness. There are days I get caught up in my own personal nonsense or vanities. I call it nonsense/vanities, because Ecclesiastes reminds us that most of our day to day busyness ends up being wasted time and effort.
  11. Ecclesiastes 1:9 is really quite clear, there is no new thing under the sun. As a result repenting today is no different than repentance many moons ago. Repent means to turn from sin, no if, ands, or buts. For myself, I always pray Psalm 51 and the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6. I find these to be very helpful. I believe we must constantly pray like Daniel throughout the day and also pray that our steps are ordered by our Heavenly Father. I find listening to Scriptures on YouTube by Tmantz625 very helpful. Psalm 119:105 states,"Thy WORD is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
  12. The keyword in this question is "uncommitted". An uncommitted person is less likely to complete anything. They lack focus and purpose. The God we serve is unchangeable, we don't need to reinvent the will. The blueprint is already laid out in the Scriptures. To "me", innovation could be a waste of time and energy in our walk of faith with God.
  13. Excellent question! I am diligently working on my worshipping skills. I can always improve in this area. Admittedly, I get distracted with day to day busyness. This is unfortunate and unacceptable. I need to get organized and denounce procrastination in my life. I could also use someone who would hold me accountable.
  14. The key to knowing who returned lies in chapter 5 with the statement, "them whose spirit God had raised." It appears those who went needed an unctioning of the Holy Spirit of God. The characteristics needed to go back to Jerusalem is faithfulness, trustworthiness, loving, devoted, dedicated, hardworking, and prayerful. To answer the call of Christ one must be ready and willing to totally surrender all. Many people are attached to this life. Scripture is very clear, one must be willing to lose their life for Christ's in order to gain eternal everlasting life. Unfortunately, the Scriptures states "many are called but few are chosen." One must be obedient, faithful, willing to die, focused, and willing to pick up your cross and blindly follow the Messiah.
  15. It is difficult for me to answer this question for others, however; I make a conscientious effort to not give up easily because I serve a risen Savior who has told me He would supply all of my needs and to walk in FAITH. The characteristics of a robust faithful saint is one who is not selfish but is willing to deny themselves, pick up their cross, and will blindly follow the Messiah until His return.
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