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Everything posted by ELRaphae

  1. Here is what I know, Our God Yahweh is real, he is as real to me as every breath I take. He is in me and I in him. If I walk with him he walks with me and cares for me, David knew this as well, he stayed in an almost constant awareness of our God Yahweh, He was in his thoughts in his actions in his very being. David could do all things, Yahweh was with him because he was a man after Yahweh's own heart. He was a faithful servant to Yahweh. To David it was a forgone conclusion that Goliath could not stand, David was Yahweh's minister of justice to Goliath. David loved Yahweh more than life itself, he knew no fear, for Yahweh was with him, it wasn't just FAITH, he knew it, Yahweh was as real as David's own life. There is a difference, having faith or knowing. David knew beyond any shadow of any doubt. Yahweh IS.. How can you fear when Yahweh the all powerful all loving all merciful is with you and you with him ? This is where David's strength and courage came from knowing that through Yahweh all the strength and power he needed was at his reach. The giant was felled by the ROCK the almighty son of Yahweh. The Promised one that David knew well of. Yes David sinned but that is all the more wonderful for us to understand as well, even through disobedience Yahweh still loves us, if we confess our sin and return to him, he is faithful to forgive us, and continue to use us and be our Father, He knows our heart, from him we cannot hide. David was a child of Yahweh. I am sure Yahweh was pleased with him, he will be in eternity of that we can be sure. Bless the Almighty Yahweh forever and ever through eternity my prayer is to filled to over flowing with the Spirit of his Son our King Yahushua to be a useful vessel for his Glory.
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