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Everything posted by puritu
Q2. Born Anew / Again / from Above
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
To enter the Kingdom one has to be born anew, a new creature in Christ Jesus. Being born anew means we trust not in our own understanding but a true and deep belief in Jesus; its an assurance beyond what we could see and touch. Doubting Thomas believed cause he saw and touched Jesus' wounds we are asked through faith and being born anew to go beyond that need to see and touch and believe once the Spirit has been tested. Being born anew is a better translation it speaks to you being you but different and in the difference its where our witness for Christ comes its thats transforming aspect that speaks to our being born anew. -
Q1. Seeing the Kingdom
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual place and to enter in we must be born again with water and the spirit. Born again in our thinking, in our relations with others in our relationship with God we must seek after heavenly things and thoughts. We must believe in all that God has revealed to us. Having believe our actions must reflect this new belief it goes deeper than just mouthing the words, being born again means our central point and focus is Jesus and God's Kingdom. Nicodemus did not get pass the born again revelation, he was still caught up in earthly thinking. He believed it to be a physical action of being born again. Although he taught spiritual aspects of his faith to others it went no deeper than book knowledge. It was not shared on a spiritual level but one of rituals and expected actions where was the love and compassion and mercy of God? Nicodemus failed to grasp Jesus' meaning of born again thus to understand the nature of the Kingdom of God. -
Q1. Offense in the Temple
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Cleansing the Temple (John 2:13-25)
People were treating the temple as a common place and not a holy and sanctified place of worship. Further to which they were desecrating God's holy place set aside for his worship by commercialising their purpose and making a Holy day unsanctified. Jesus was offeneded cause the leaders of the temple were leading the people astray and placing a greater focus on the things of this world than on God's glory. Jesus physically showed the people the errors of their way and the real purpose for their presence at the temple. -
Q4. Quiet Miracle
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
Jesus performed this miracle quietly for the sole purpose of demonstrating Gods awesome power, to build the faith of those who participated in the miracle. His purpose was not to cause a stir but a small ripple amongst those who were privy to the miracle. The quality of the wine speaks of and to Jesus perfection when we receive a blesing from God. The wine was a reminder that all given from and by God is perfect and good. Let us focus on his goodness and good deeds in our lives. -
Q3. Drinking vs. Drunkenness
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
People who over indulge in anything always look for a plausible excuse to justify their excess. Often quoting the word of God out of context. They actually miss the miracle which is an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God. Makes me think of the song look beyond the bread you eat see your Saviour and your Lord. Look beyond the notion of wine and see the miracle performed one of love, compassion and understanding of the situation. Using all given to us in moderation shows our love to God and what he has given us to take care of and to treat with respect acknowleding all is from his bounty. -
Q2. Mary's Nudge
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
Mary does not push Jesus but ask with assurance that he could help and he would know what to do and more importantly she knew he had a kind heart and so his response to her 'woman my time has not yet come' showed he too understod his mother and her love and compassion for people. So they mutually shared a desire to help. His response of woman was not a rebuke but an endearment, he acknowledge all who she was as 'woman' in his reply to her request. Jesus goes ahead with the miracle out of love and to bring glory to his father. He Jesus was the new wine. -
Q1. Time for Friends
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
We are too busy cause we believe that our lives are so more vastly important than others. When family members call too check on us or share their day we most times than not see it as a bother, a waste of our time when we have so many more unimportant things to get done. We are always screening our calls. I remember a friend once told me there was a friend of his who called to speak with him, and his mom said he is resting. He was the last person he called before he killed himself. There is never anything more sure and important than sharing yourself with others. Jesus'attendance at the wedding shows us that he was human in all things...he teaches us the value of spending time. His ministry was now beginning he had called his apostles, yet he found time to visit with family. We often think that God's call upon our lives means we have somehow become more important and what we have to do supersedes everything else even family. Jesus shows us the opposite, he shows us love and humility. In our personal lives this teaching shows us how to live and love one another, how to be a part of others lives, how to share the gift of you. -
Q1. Recommending Jesus
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Disciples Direct Friends to Jesus (John 1:35-51)
They followed Jesus upon hearing John the Baptist's declaration, there goes the Lamb of God. No discourse was held amongst them and John, they simply left and began to follow Jesus. Hearing Jesus' call to us do we follow without questioning, leaving the comfort of the familiar. This recommendation cost John pure joy to know that in sharing with his followers they too understood who Jesus was and recognized him. -
Q4. Lamb of God
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. John the Baptist’s Witness to the Lamb of God (John 1:19-34)
Jesus being the "lamb of God'fulfilled the OT by being the perfect LAMB OF GOD the one who takes away the sins of the world. -
John reminded the Jewish leaders of their duty to serve God above all else and for that they felt threatened. Their questioning of John was not to see if God was speaking to them through him but to exert their power and authority; hoping to have John cower before them, but John who acknowledged and recognized his mission spoke as the Spirit gave him utterance. They the leaders may have been conflicted but John remained pure and true to his purpose and mission - a simple man.
Q3. Receiving and Believing Children
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
To receive Jesus is to welcome his presence, his will, his way...those who love me follow my commandments, they listen to his voice the sheep knows the shepherd. The hire hand does not care for the sheep. To receive Jesus is to believe in the one whom the Father sent. Believeing in his divinity that he took flesh and dwelth amongst us, that he left a road map through his word for us to follow and follow Him to eternal life. Our spiritual relationship is dwelling in His word and exuding those words by our very lives. Those who exclude themselves from a relstionship with Jesus chooses a different path but God continues to call us back to Him even to our death he stills calls...but we choose.. -
Q2. Testifying to the Light
puritu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
John announced Jesus the light, that was his purpose. Our purpose in being a light is to show others what it means to follow Christ who is the Light of the world. Dying as John did a physical death is one way to testify to the light another is by dying to self taking up your cross daily and follow Christ thats being a witness to the light. For me my mantra is when people whom I interact with leave me they must feel a sense of peace and love the peace and love of Christ. I teach religious knowledge once a week to 10 and 12 yr olds my purpose to be a light to them to plant a seed for Christ to grow. The kids said once to me they can see and feel that I believe Jesus is real that was my witness to the light. -
Hmmm Jesus is God. He is part of the trinue God, He is the Word. The word made flesh and dwelth amongst us. God's purpose in revealing 'the Word' would be for us to know how powerful our spoken word is once spoken from a place of faith and union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus' ministry was demonstrating the power of the word so we too could follow his example and lead. What did he teach 1. Time in prayer with the Father, 2. Total dependence on the Father's will, 3. Faith and trust that his plan was perfect, 4. Believing in His Father's timing...basically his union with God was his source that was his ministry and he flavoured it all with HUMILITY. Although his state was divine he empitied himself to assume the condition of a slave..even to accepting death on a cross Philippians 2:6-11
Blessings to all. I am Wenda from Trinidad. Staying in the word by reflecting and sharing helps one to deepen their faith. Learning from others shows God's desire for us to be in community. I look forward to us sharing on His word.