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  1. I think it means that we honor and glorify God with everything and every way we can muster. This of course means worship and praise and doing obediently what he would have us to do. In ourselves we completely fail, but thank God we have the Holy Spirit within us and the Son of God interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. PeterD
  2. Lesson 4 Question 3 I believe that to repent the king is asked to break off from his previous actions - to be sorry for what he did and to stop doing it. Additionally, is asked to administer justice by treating the poor and unfortunate fairly. We too when we repent must not only be sorry within ourselves for what we've done, but we must be ready to plan and execute the plan to rectify what we have done and to demonstrate by our actions that we are truly repentant. To be kind to the poor for us is to administer justice - to treat them fairly and to possible help rectify the problems that they find themselves in. It may be impossible for us to rectify the situation, but we must strive to find ways to comfort and encouraged. From our standpoint God always asks us to respond and obey his command to love our neighbor. In so doing he does provide the greatest reward, that is, to know that we belong to him and are loved by him.
  3. Lesson 4 Question 2 To acknowledge that heaven rules one has to acknowledge in his mind and heart and voice with his mouth that God rules, that is that God is sovereign. This is of course difficult for everyone because of our inherent pride but particularly for a king who is not used to acknowledging that anyone else is sovereign. Every time we disobey God's commands and rebel against him we are declaring that we are in charge.
  4. Lesson 4 Question 1 Lesson 4 Question 1 It appears that Daniel is actually afraid to interpret the dream, since the interpretation portents bad news for the king. I expect that the king was already beginning to be unstable and unpredictable. Daniel may have feared for his life. Alternatively Daniel likely cared for the king and found it difficult to share bad news. We too find it difficult to share hard things with our brothers and sisters. We would rather be encouraging. But sometimes we must challenge are friends with the truth. If it's done in love it often in the long run will be a blessing for the recipient.
  5. Lesson 3 Question 7 Lesson 3 Question 7 Daniel could have credited his good fortune to luck or other circumstances - the Lions weren't hungry, but he gave credit to his God for sending an angel to shut the mouth of the lion. He gave testimony to his God and also testimony to the fact that he was innocent of wrongdoing both in the eyes of God and the eyes of men. For me, when I am complimented or praised, I can be quick to give credit to God for his favor and downplay the my own character or talent. I'm not talking about false modesty, but giving credit to whom it is due. Also, I think it is important that Christians in giving testimony to their God that they emphasize the fact that they are not perfect but rely on God's grace. Not to do so would be discouraging to many who feel that they could never measureup up.
  6. Lesson 3 Question 6 The lesson summarizes Daniels prayer practices as: praying privately, praying toward Jerusalem, praying regularly, praying while kneeling, praying with bowed head, praying giving thanks - praising, praying and petitioning God, and praying - seeking God's mercy. I have adopted some of these, namely praying regularly, in private, giving thanks- praising God, petitioning and seeking His mercy for my sins. These are all very helpful and I thank God that these have been tought to me and I do appreciate that the lesson encourages us to pray in such a way.
  7. Lesson 3 Question 5 The words trustworthy, diligent, and honest adequately describe Daniel's character. Although some people seem to have these characteristics inherently, I believe that they are gifts of God. I pray to God for that I too will manifest these characteristics - let my light shine so that everyone will glorify God.
  8. Lesson 3 question 4 Nebuchadnezzar states before everyone that these Jewish boys trusted their God and defied the king himself. The Jewish boys faith was vindicated. Although I have to admit I would have tried to reason with the king, I would like to think that in the end my faith and hope in God would be strong enough to defy any earthly power or temptation- God helping me. What would hold me back? I suppose that my faith in God's power is sometimes not strong enough. Doubts arise. This indicates that I have to reach out and trust God for help.
  9. Lesson 3 question 3 The effect of this display of God's power was amazement. The king and everyone could hardly believe their eyes. Indeed, glory of God is manifested.
  10. Lesson 3 question 2 It is surprising that the Jews did not show deference to the king considering the threat of death. One would have thought that they would have pleaded their case and reminded the king of his previous interactions with Daniel. Instead, they courageously witness to the protection and power of their God. One could say they were defiant to the king. Indeed, they trusted God.
  11. Lesson 3 question 1 I agree that the reason the government officials reported the Jews was because of jealousy. The king was angry because of pride - his pride was impugned.
  12. Yes, I moved from a Christian school and then Christian college to the University where Christians were in a distinct minority. I was fortunate to find a group of Christians and a small campus Chapel where Christian could encourage each other. I was forced as never before to stand up and sometimes defend my faith. I agree with the others that one has to be quick to listen and slow to argue and to be quick to love.
  13. Lesson 24 Question 1 Jesus told the disciples to cast their net to the other side giving the reason that they will find more fish. We can infer that the reason behind it was that Jesus wanted to impress upon disciples the fact of the resurrection and it gave him one more chance to talk about about the ongoing mission that he was preparing for the disciples - to shepherd his sheep. Why did the disciples obey? The text does not tell us specifically why the disciples obeyed. Perhaps they thought it worth trying. At this time they did not yet recognized Jesus. So, we can only speculate as to why. The important thing is that they did do it and then because of the success, John recognized that it was Jesus. Sometimes we do things for various reasons and only later come to recognize that God's hand is in it. Then Peter in his excitement jumped out of the boat to meet Jesus.
  14. Lesson 24 Question 1 Jesus told the disciples to cast their net to the other side of the boat giving the reason that they would find more fish there. Why did the disciples obey? The text does not tell us specifically why the disciples obeyed but perhaps they thought it worth trying. At this time they did not yet recognized Jesus. So, we can only speculate as to why they did it. The important thing is that they do it and then John recognized that it was Jesus. Sometimes we do things for various reasons only to recognize later that the Lord's hand was in it. The result was success - - many fish. The disciples - specifically John - recognize that the stranger was the Lord. and then Peter swims to shore. We can infer that Peter is excited and cannot wait to greet Jesus, the Risen Lord.
  15. Lesson 33 question 6 John was selective in what he included in his gospel because his readers were already familiar with the other Synoptic Gospels and it was not necessary to repeat everything. Additionally, John states that he wrote this so that the hearers of the gospel would believe and have eternal life. It was not necessary to include a day to day diary like bibliography to accomplish his goal and it was impractical considering the sheer volume and effort of such an undertaking. John gave two reasons for writing his gospel. It was so that we could believe, that is, learn and consider a preponderance of evidence and then be intellectually satisfied that he made his case and then that we could believe / accept / receive this through faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. In all this, we receive eternal life, that is, we are now able to live in peace in the deepest sense of that word.
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