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Everything posted by PeteD
Q4. Water and Blood
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Lesson 31 Question 4 Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? Probably because of the fact that he was severely scourged prior to the crucifixion. What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus side indicate? That he actually died. How did it fulfill Scripture? He did not have to have his legs broken. -
Q3. It Is Finished
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Lesson 31 Question 3 When Jesus says, it is finished as the lesson states, this is a cry of accomplishment and an announcement of Jesus' obedience to the Father. The hymn in Philippians 2 sums this up. The mission given to Jesus is to: Bring eternal life Bring grace and truth. Reveal the Father and the Father's glory Die as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus completed the mission. His words and deeds brought eternal life. He brought the very words of the Father, full of grace and truth. He revealed the glory of the Father through His miracles and he did submit himself and allowed himself to be killed for the sins of the world. -
Q2. Caring for Mother
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Lesson 31 Question 2 Even though Mary, the mother of Jesus, knows he came to save, she has to be profoundly saddened for his extreme suffering. Jesus as the eldest son fulfills his duty to arrange for his mother's affairs. Jesus, even in this moment of extremity takes the time to arrange for his mother's care. This shows his faithfulness. -
Q1. Agony in the Psalms
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Lesson 31 Question 1 Psalm 22 accurately predicts the crucifixion of Jesus. It describes profound suffering - profound weakness, a heart turned to wax, strength dried up, one's tongue sticking to the roof his mouth, evil men and dogs surrounding the suffering one, pierced hands and feet, and gloating onlookers devidiing his clothes. I can hardly imagine such suffering. The psalm describes utmost humiliation suffered by Jesus. -
Q6. Pilate's Fear
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 6 Pilate, upon hearing that Jesus had claimed to be the Son of God, became even more afraid. Whether it was because pilot really considered that Jesus could be a son of a god or more likely that it substantiated the claim of the religious leaders that Jesus was a king leading a rebellion, we can only speculate. But, John makes clear, that Pilate was moved by his fear of a bad report to his boss -Caesar. I too, I must confess, fear a bad report, that is, I want to please people and too often don't speak up as I should for God for fear of ridicule. To see this same weakness in me as was in Pilate is very convicting of me. God forgive me and give me the courage to be like Jesus, who was completely obedient to the Father. -
Q6. Pilate's Fear
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 6 Pilate, upon hearing that Jesus had claimed to be the Son of God, became even more afraid. Whether it was because pilot really considered that Jesus could be a son of a god or more likely that it substantiated the claim of the religious leaders that Jesus was a king leading a rebellion, we can only speculate. But, John makes clear, that Pilate was moved by his fear of a bad report to his boss -Caesar. I too, I must confess, fear a bad report, that is, I want to please people and too often don't speak up as I should for God for fear of ridicule. To see this same weakness in me as was in Pilate is very convicting of me. God forgive me and give me the courage to be like Jesus, who was completely obedient to the Father. -
Q5. Scourging
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 5 Pilate had to have known that Jesus was innocent of the charge of rebellion against Rome and against himself. But he, being pragmatic, was also invested in preventing a riot, so he compromised, thinking he would give a little and appease the religious leaders. Unfortunately, he miscalculated and underestimated the vitriol of the religious establishment who was intent on killing and humiliating Jesus. Hebrews 12: 2 - 3 tells us that Jesus did this as the "author and perfecter of our faith" - died as a ransom for us. And, also, so that we will not grow weary and lose heart. How much persecution are you willing to endure to accomplish the mission the Father has given you? Am I willing to serve others and completely give up my rights - turn the other cheek. This is most difficult. Most of us will not have to make the ultimate sacrifice but we should be willing - not to suffer for the sake of suffering but for the sake of the other - for their good. This takes courage and much trust in the Father - that he works out everything for our good. -
Q4. King of Truth
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 4 When we as disciples of Jesus declare that the gospel is absolutely true, which it is, we run the risk of coming across as condemning, judging, self-righteous people. This is our problem not the problem of the gospel. Also, the world, like Pilate, may be totally unable to hear the truth or accept that there is absolute truth because of their relativistic mindset. They are therefore unable to hear anything we say. However, we must not shrink back from declaring that the gospel is true, but we must be loving and gentle in our approach letting the gospel do the convicting. If people reject the message of the gospel, we still must love them and pray for them. We may gently argue and ask them to consider that their rejection of absolute truth is in fact a declaration of an absolute and therefore is not logical. -
Q3. King of the Jews
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 3 The Jewish leaders imply that Jesus is a criminal, that is, that he committed a rebellious act that required death. If this were true this would certainly have threatened the hold the Romans had on the Jews. When asked if he is the king, Jesus states that his kingdom is not of this world but that it comes from another place that is concerned with the truth and not power. If it were political power his disciples would have fought for him. Jesus is saying that his kingdom is not political, that is, it is not predicated on physical force or threat. If it were it would be like any other show of force, a forced obedience and not true worship that is predicated on a love relationship. -
Q2. Courage Fails
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 2 What have been Peter's acts of courage at the arrest and in the high priest's courtyard? Perhaps Peter wielding a sword and his entering into the courtyard of the accusers could be construed as courage. But I have always thought sword incident was impulsivity and that the following into the courtyard "incognito" was more curiosity. I think Peter denied Jesus at this point because of fearfulness. He was fearful of arrest. Jesus rebuked Peter simply with his look. Probably it was a look of disappointment. Peter was jarred back by the look and wept bitterly. At this point, Peter needed assurance of Jesus continuing love. One could offer this assurance by gently reminding Peter of Jesus love - but not by minimizing the seriousness of the offense. I too, like Peter, have not been as courageous as I should. I must confess this and the underlying lack of trust in Jesus that it entails. I must pray for Jesus Christ's forgiveness and must lean on the promises of forgiveness as stated 1John 5: 9. I then must pray for more courage, trusting that he will supply it. -
Q1. Peter's Sword
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Lesson 30 Question 1 In John 18: 1 - 11, what do you think caused the soldiers to fall back in the garden? The text says - "they drew back and fell to the ground." As explained in the teaching notes, John mentions this because it is significant. The text does not say why they drew back and fell. I believe they were overwhelmed by Jesus's boldness and authority. John tells us this to emphasize that Jesus was in control. Jesus was submitting to his mission. Jesus rebuked Peter by telling him, "put the sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" Again, it is obvious, the arrest is a submission that Jesus, obediently to the Father, undergoes. John is telling us that this was all in God's plan, orchestrated by the Father and the Son. -
Q6. Unity
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 29 Question 6 Why is unity between Christians so important? A. 1. Jesus tells us. Jesus tells us in many biblical texts that love between disciples is important. 2. It's part of who we are in Christ. Just as the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father Jesus prays in John 17: 21 that the disciples will be one. 3. We have learned that we are to be connected to Jesus Christ as branches - plural - must be connected to the vine - John 15: 1 - 17. 4. Later the apostles - Paul - continued to press for unity by using the analogy of the body. We are all different, but serve the body with our special spiritual gifts - we need each other to flourish as a body. 5. Unity gives glory to the Father and the Son. God is glorified. 6. Unity will benefit our efforts at evangelism. B. The model of unity that Jesus uses is the very unity of the Father and the Son, that is, the love of the Father for the Son and the love of the Son for the Father. C. The effect of unity is that the world will see it and will want it. They with the Holy Spirit's help will see their lack of unity (enmity) - between themselves and God, and will cry out for love and acceptance. They will see that the Father sent the son and that the Father loves them even as he loves the Son - John 17: 23. For all these reasons one would think that we the church should strive harder to reach this unity that Jesus is praying for. Help us God. -
Q5. Not of the World
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 29 Question 5 In John 17: 15 Jesus intimates clearly that he is not praying to the Father that he take the Christians out of the world, but he asks the Father to protect them from the evil one . We are to remain in the world as God's representatives but we are not to be of the world, that is, we are not to be hostile to God, lost to sin, at odds with the divine, ruined. For us it is impossible not to be affected by the evil one. But with Christ help and with the help of the Holy Spirit in us we can live connected to God, daily taking advantage of the Word of God and humbly praying for God's protection and staying connected with fellow Christians - Christian Fellowship. -
Q4. Co-possessing
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 29 Question 4 Jesus declares to the Father in John 17: 10 : "All I have is yours and all you have is mine. Specifically, Jesus is referring to the 11 and to all who come after them who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus - the called out ones. To posses is to have or to take a special interest in -to own. It is to love. The Father and the Son co-posses. They both share in the love they have for the "called out ones". What does this say about the Father and the Son? The relationship between the Father and the Son is mutual owning - possessing - and giving to the other. It is perfect love. It is the essence of unity. It speaks to the fact that when we see the Son, we see the Father. We, when we believe in and receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are declared the sons and daughters of God - of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are co-heirs of Christ. We belong and can partake of this love relationship. When we belong, we are part of the family of God. His values become our own. We then live and do as a son and daughter of the King. Everything we think, say, or do is affected by this new identity that is now ours. This is almost too marvelous and humbling. This engenders praise and thanks to God. We are a new creation - born again. We put away the old and put on the new. We are redeemed sinners - sons and daughters of the King. Wrap your mind around this my fellow believers. -
Q3. Preexistent Glory
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 29 Question 3 Jesus's pre-existent glory was his place with God and the fact that he was God - John 1: 1 - by him and through him the world was created. His glory during his earthly ministry was being obedient to the Father - by teaching and healing and ultimately by dying for our sins. Jesus' glory peeked through during his existence here on earth by the power of His message, His miracles, and the Father's pronouncement at his baptism and again on the mountain of Transfiguration. Jesus now is at home - in heaven where he is worshipped with the Father. Jesus wants the disciples to see this glory so that they can know how much love there is between the Father and the Son. They can now know his true nature. That is, they can now know that he is God - part of the Godhead. -
Q2. Completing the Work
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 29 Question 2 The chief work that the Father gave Jesus to do was to come to earth, to teach and to heal and to save the lost by dying on the cross. he would then be raised and would ascend to heaven. Jesus's goal was to finish that task. We can bring glory to the Son by worshipping and loving him back. We also can go out and tell people the good news. -
Q1. Knowing God
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Lesson 28 Question 1 I believe that eternal life for most people means that they can now experience forever a life that they live now. It's focus is on the duration. Jesus, when he speaks of eternal life is not as concerned with the duration as much as he is with one's relationship with the Father and the Son. It is intimate knowledge of God. For me, prayerfully considering all of God's attributes, reflecting on his holiness, goodness, righteousness and especially his love helps me appreciate and love back. God help me when I don't do this as I should. -
Q2. Prayer to the Father
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 28. The Spirit Will Guide You (John 16:12-33)
Lesson 28 Question 2 To pray in Jesus's name is to acknowledge that we can now approach the throne of the Father because of what Jesus did for us through His death on the cross. Is it ok to pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Yes, , although the usual way is to pray to the Father in Jesus name. I don't believe we should pray to other Christians - although, I believe we can have inspiring fellow Christians in mind when we pray to the Father. We can now pray to the Father directly because he also loves us because we have received his love and grace by receiving Jesus as his son and our Savior. -
Q1. Guide to Truth
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 28. The Spirit Will Guide You (John 16:12-33)
Lesson 28 Question 1 I believe the Holy Spirit guides us primarily as we read and study the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit inspired the apostles to produce the inspired inerrant scriptures. Subsequent individuals also gifted in intellect and by the Holy Spirit in a similar - analogous fashion write and preach through the Holy Spirit based on the original scriptures - cannon. But these subsequent interpretations are not inspired to the same degree as the original scriptures. They are not considered inerrant but must be tested by the yardstick of the Scriptures. To the degree that they are in keeping with the accepted scriptures they can be used as any spiritual gift can be use, -to edify the church. -
Q4. Blessing of Jesus' Departure
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 27. The Spirit of Truth (John 15:18-16:11)
Lesson 27 Question 2 To testify means to confirm or attest to , on the basis of a personal knowledge to the truth of something. Jesus says in John 15: 26 that the Holy Spirit will testify about Him , that is, will impart knowledge about Jesus based on his personal experience - knowledge. The word testify implies that the Holy Spirit has intimate personal knowledge about the Son. But also, the Holy Spirit reminded the apostles of their own relationship with the Son when Jesus walked and talked with them. The Holy Spirit in this capacity is - the go-between God We too can testify of our personal relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us as well has it helped the original eyewitnesses -the Apostles. -
Lesson 27 Question 3 To testify means to confirm or attest to , on the basis of a personal knowledge to the truth of something. Jesus says in John 15: 26 that the Holy Spirit will testify about Him , that is, will impart knowledge about Jesus based on his personal experience - knowledge. The word testify implies that the Holy Spirit has intimate personal knowledge about the Son. But also, the Holy Spirit reminded the apostles of their own relationship with the Son when Jesus walked and talked with them. The Holy Spirit in this capacity is - the go-between God We too can testify of our personal relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us as well has it helped the original eyewitnesses -the Apostles.
Q2. The Spirit as a Person
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 27. The Spirit of Truth (John 15:18-16:11)
Lesson 27 Question 2 We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person because in John 14: 26 Jesus says that he will send a counselor who teaches and reminds. He is referred to as HE - not IT, when performing these functions. Likewise, in 15: 26 and 16: 13 HE is used when the Spirit's active attributes of testifying and teaching are mentioned. The Holy Spirit's personal functions listed in the lesson are as: appointing leaders and missionaries, speaking through prophets, correcting, guiding, searching all things, and working his will. We do sometimes refer to the Holy Spirit as IT rather than He when we are talking about the particular characteristic he has , namely, of the wind. -
Lesson 27 Question 1 Why are Christians persecuted even if they haven't hurt others? Christians, followers of Jesus, like him are hated because we are different from the world, that is, we are called out from the world. Our allegiance and goals are no longer for money and prestige, hence, the world's leaders cannot control us. Jesus warns us of persecution so that when it comes we are not surprised. We are less likely to fall away because of persecution - because we know it's coming. If we do compromise our beliefs, our testimony will be weakened. If we will remain steadfast in the face of persecution it may be positive witness to those who persecute. They will see us as strong.
Q7. Friends of Jesus
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 26. Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-17)
Lesson 26 Question 7 We are counted as a friend of Jesus if we keep his command to love each other as Jesus has loved us. The love that is required, or rather is engendered by Jesus' loves is that of self sacrifice for our friends. The privileges that we as Jesus' friends enjoy are that we are now made aware of much of what He learned from the Father - we now know his Father's kingdom enterprise plans, so, we are no longer just servants but now are part of the 'family business.' If we take this privilege for granted we will have diminished joy. That is, we will be lacking and incomplete. Let us stay close/ remain in/abide with Jesus daily. -
Q6. Obedience and Joy
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 26. Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-17)
Lesson 26 Question 6 I loved the example of a disobedient child whose disobedience detracts from the joy of the parents and the implication that we as God's children can bring joy to God and to ourselves when we are obedient. Obedience from the heart is a response to God's love. This obedience brings joy. An obedience that is more obligation than response is likely to diminish this joy.