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Everything posted by PeteD
Q1. Believers' Motives
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 14. I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:22-71)
It seems that Jesus was rebuffing some of his followers for their superficial attraction to him. They were seeking a super-hero to take care of their physical needs only. Jesus is teaching them that there is more. The miracles were meant to attract them to him. Jesus is setting the stage for his radical teaching that they need so much more; they need a food that will last forever and a food that will satisfy their deepest needs. They need him. The core of our motive for following Jesus is our heartfelt need to get right with God. We have to realize our brokenness. We have to repent and accept his offer of himself. We have to receive and believe in him. -
Q4. Miracles and Evangelism
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
I appreciate many of the comments above. I personally, having recently transitioned from a more conservative church that downplays the signs and wonders to a church that is more neo-Pentecostal, see both the dangers of an over- reliance on signs and wonders and the value of accepting that God can and does use them for the advancement of His kingdom. -
Q3. Household Faith
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
I sort of answered this in my response to the previous question. I expect the official and his household would have sought out a community of believers and dug into the Scriptures for nourishment. -
Q2. Royal Official's Faith
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
The royal official has a strong belief that Jesus can work a miracle which explains his persistence in seeking out Jesus to heal his son. When the miracle's timing is confirmed he and his entire household believed. This tells me that the official's belief was confirmed and this no doubt brought him a step closer to a saving faith in the person of Christ as the Messiah, but only time will tell if this initial belief is genuine. I don't mean to downplay the importance of what is described any more than I would downplay the importance of the initial step of repentance when one is saved. But Hebrews 5 and 6 confirms that these initial steps if truly genuine will produce fruit. We are not told but I would like to believe that this royal official was able to go deeper with the Holy Spirit's help. -
Q1. Maturing Faith
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Miracles can get one's attention but one must believe not just in the miracle but in Jesus and that He is the Messiah. Jesus rebukes the Galileans because they apparently needed signs and wonders in order to believe. Jesus is saying that this belief relies on miracles is too shallow and will not sustain. He wants one to go deeper. Faith is knowing and trusting not just in an event but in the person of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is involved in this deeper faith. -
Q4. Savior of the World
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
As the notes state, Jesus was not at all hesitant to push back against the Jewish isolationist cultural norm when the situation required it. As was noted, John probably included this story to make the point that Jesus did come for the whole world - whosoever. So, for Him to stay an extra two days is no more surprising than the fact that he chose to go through Samaria and initiate a conversation with a Samaritan woman. The lesson for us is that we should be ready to go anywhere and not be hesitant to cross geographic and cultural barriers to bring the good news. -
Q3. Rewards for Workers
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
The ones who faithfully use the gifts given to them will receive a "well done" from our Lord. This will give utmost joy. Even now, one can take great pleasure in doing God's will. -
Q2. Eyes for the Harvest
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
The immediate cause for the rapid ripening of the fruit for the harvest is the Samaritan woman's testimony. Her neighbors no doubt saw a change and excitement in her. Perhaps they saw a boldness. The Holy Spirit was at work here both in the woman and in her neighbors. Her testimony was so simple: " Come and see the man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah" ? This is such a good lesson for me. It shows me that a simple testimony, with the Holy Spirit's help, can be very effective. But we have to open our eyes. Yes, all we have to do is look. When we look and see that the fields are ripe now we will become motivated to reap the harvest. Then we can take great pleasure in reaping the harvest even when in many cases other have done the sowing. -
Q1. Jesus' Passion
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
The food that Jesus desires in contrast to physical food is to do the will of the one who sent him (the Father) and to finish His work. His passion is to do this, that is to say, to complete the plan: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to offer his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10: 45. Jesus receives nourishment not only from what he receives from the Father but also from what he is able to give - his life. My passion also is to do God's will. He has gifted me in the area of teaching. My prayer is that with God's help, I can place myself in a space to receive the Holy Spirit daily. I have recognized that when I'm obedient to God's will is precisely the time when I'm most satisfied in Him. This I can get passionate about. To God be the Glory. -
Q6. Spiritual Worship
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
God is Spirit: I believe Pastor Ralph was correct in saying that it emphasizes that God is not a physical body as we understand physical with its many limitations - but that God is omnipresent but also that God is omnipotent in that the Holy Spirit is frequently a manifestation and working out of the power of God. To worship God in Spirit and Truth probably means we don't have to worship God in a special place or building since He is not confined to such a place. The word Truth has to do with the genuineness of our attitude and the honesty of our approach to God. Are we approaching the throne of God in a truthful way? We are to be humble as we worship. -
Q5. Provoking Controversy
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
The woman may have wish to change the subject because the conversation was getting very personal and no doubt very painful. I think , however, that John included this part of the conversation to make the point that although the story and way of salvation did indeed come by way of the Jews - the whole history from the early patriarchs right up to the time of Jesus -but now a new era was in the making when the dwelling place of God was spiritual and would be in the hearts of those who receive and believed in Jesus as savior. -
Q4. A Word of Knowledge
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
The woman recognized Jesus as a prophet or at least had a gift of knowledge. She was impressed. But this was not a saving faith at this point. Jesus still had to bring her along further. It's interesting how she immediately change the subject away from her failures with men/husbands. Special gifts and occasionally signs and wonders can impress prospective converts, ie gets their attention. But it is not enough. Jesus himself at another place and time did not entrust himself in "believers" who were at this stage. Yet Jesus used the signs and wonders and we can too. -
Q3. The Gift of God
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
In one sense the gift of God refers to Jesus Christ. When we receive him and believe on him we are or have the right to become children of God. (John 1:12). This is like an inheritance - a special place of belonging to God - a new life (like once we were not a people and now we are a people). The NIV study Bible states that the Greek word for gift is used only here in this Gospel and emphasizes God's grace through Christ as a freely given gift. I suppose Eph. 2: 8-9 uses the word gift the same way when Paul says it is grace that saves us through faith and this is not from our selves it is the gift of God - not by works so that no one can boast. The NIV study Bible goes on and states that the reference to living water is used here to refer to eternal life though in John 7: 38-39 the term plainly refers to the Holy Spirit. I personally like this explanation, being a bit of a "lumper" as opposed to a "divider". Regardless, I believe John 4: 14 states plainly that the water wells up to give eternal life. But I also believe it is the work of the Holy Spirit that works in our heart to accomplish this. -
Q2. Spiritual Thirst
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
At this point in the narrative Jesus is gently engaging the women with questions and statements about thirst and he certainly implies that there is a solution for an unquenchable thirst that she has. She initially misses the point, but Jesus drives the point that there is a gift and person that can satisfy the thirst. This reminds me of St. Augustine's statement: "Thou hast created us for Thyself, and our heart is not quiet until it rests in Thee." My experience is similar in that when I do street ministry, many when asked how they are doing, will say "fine" or "good". When asked if they have any prayer requests they often say "no, I'm good." Interestingly, Jesus does not try to establish that the woman has a thirst. He simply states that he has the living water for the unquenchable thirst - namely the gift of himself. She then indicates that she has a physical thirst and very concrete felt- need for something that will give relief for her situation of the lonely noontime trips to fetch water. Jesus continues to gently probe and engage to make the point that he is talking about something more than just physical thirst. And in our own encounters with people whom we wish to introduce to Jesus, we can pray that the Holy Spirit will soften their heart and convict them of their deep need. -
Q1. Good News and Social Norms
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
Jesus not infrequently went against social norms such as hand washing rules or his befriending or associations with unsavory people. He was teaching that the Kingdom of God was more inclusive than what was generally accepted. He was reacting against the heavy rule-laddened, works righteous culture of the Pharisees. He was being obedient to his Father. We to are enjoined to follow Jesus even when its uncomfortable as we sometimes have to come against social norms. But its not always easy. We want to be accepted by our friends and associates. We don't want to "make waves". And we rightly don't want to offend unnecessarily lest we diminish any chance of bringing our associates into the Kingdom. How to strike the balance?? We have to obey God rather than man, of course. But how? I think we have to pray often for wisdom and for the courage to do what's right. We have to seek the council of fellow Christians. We have to continually examine our motives as we decide what to do and what not to do. -
Thanks for many of the previous responses. They are helpful. How to be successful in our Christian life: In so many ways I have to examine every thing I do and think as to whether it enhances my walk/ relationship with Jesus. For me, I have to find/make more space for Him. It means that I have to check that all I do and think is according to His will and this involves ( Rom. 12:1-2) offering my life as a living sacrifice and putting myself in a place where I can receive the Holy Spirit and allow him to transform me. I will need to spend more time in His word and less time watching TV. I'll need to spend more time in prayer. I have to love mercy, act justly and walk humbly with my God.
Q3. Rejoicing in Another's Success
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
John the B. finds joy in doing a job well. He was given the task and privilege of being a servant of the King. He knows he will receive the praise of the Father " Well done - my faithful servant." This brings much joy. Why do any of us compete? Well, its is our sinful nature for sure. We are, as born again Christians redeemed sinners. But we are not yet perfect. It seems too easy to slip into the notion that we have to contribute to our salvation. We have to remind ourselves that we are saved by grace through faith and not from ourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works so that no one can boast. Eph 2: 8-9. We should be over joyed when anyone is saved because this brings glory to God - all heaven rejoices. -
In the past, when people left our church for another, my first reaction was sadness or disappointment that we weren't able to provide what they felt they needed. I admit since I was one of the leaders it was easy to feel resentful and defensive, and yes even possessive. With conversation, prayer and soul searching I was able to move on from this funky mood and see it as ultimately good for God's kingdom although it was and remains something I don't fully understand. John the B's attitude and teaching that he is a servant to the King certainly teaches us how we are to respond. Possessiveness can be a good thing if it has to with one's loving concern for the well being of a fellow Christian in the sense that we all belong to the body of Christ and we are to look out for each other. But one has to very careful that it's not a selfish possessiveness.
John 3: 16 is so famous because it summarizes the gospel message so succinctly. It declares God's love for us, the degree of this love - that he gave is one and only Son-, the reason for the gift of his Son - that we might not perish but be part of the Kingdom of God.. It teaches us about God's great love -that he loves the whole world. It teaches that we can be saved from perishing (hell) by simply believing in the one and only Son ( receiving, looking to him for salvation from the poison of the serpent (like looking on the brazen serpent that Moses erected (Numbers 22). It declares that our looking to or receiving this gift by faith enables us to receive eternal life. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
Q3. Water and the Spirit
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
I have believed and continue to believe the water refers to a cleansing or purification. It's a reference to repentance, that is a turning away from the old life or a recognition of one's sin and the seeking of forgiveness from God. It can only be accomplished by the Spirit of God working in us. I John 1: 9 speaks to this: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us (cleanse us) from all unrightestness.. -
Q1. Seeing the Kingdom
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
One cannot even see or discern the Kingdom of God unless one is born again. That is, one cannot be in a place where God is in charge in our life unless we make radical changes in our life as to who is ruler - God or our self. Jesus further clarifies that one cannot enter this Kingdom unless they are born of water and the Spirit. The water, I believe, refers to a cleansing or purification ,ie, getting rid of sin - that is, repentance. But more, the Holy Spirit is involved and is necessary. Nicodemus was a partial believer. He believed the miracles where signs from God. But from this exchange of Jesus and Nicodemus, it is clear that his belief was an insufficient belief. Nicodemus is an example of the those who believed but Jesus did not entrust himself to them ( John 2:23,24). Jesus was teaching Nicodemus and us that our faith has to be more that a belief about what Jesus did - although this knowledge is important. Jesus is teaching us that a radical change is needed and that our faith has to be in the Person of Jesus Christ. This can only be accomplished by the work of the Hoy Spirit. -
Q2. Born Anew / Again / from Above
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
To enter the Kingdom means to come to a place where our relationship to God is so strong or close that it takes on something that is entirely new or different from what we were that it can be described as a new birth. And It is spiritual because this new relationship is with God - a spirit. It is both a birthing again in the sense that it is a re-establishing of our original relationship with God prior to the fall, ie the way it was meant to be AND it is from above in that the Holy Spirit (from above) is working in our hearts to accomplish this thing. -
Q3. Drinking vs. Drunkenness
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
When anyone decides to indulge in anything, one has to decide if any is ok ever and if it's ok is it ok now and if so, to what extent- all ethical questions. The addict by definition is one who indulges in whatever to a degree that is harmful- yet he continues to indulge.The Bible here in our passage before us and elsewhere clearly makes the case that it's ok to drink alcohol. But as others have pointed out, the Bible has much to say about over indulging. -
Q1. Time for Friends
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
Selfishness-self love keeps us from connecting to others as we ought.We can use others -immediately judging and deciding if they will be helpful too us as we go about accomplishing our agenda. Jesus shows us a better way. He also shows us that he enjoys people. When we -I- see his better way and stand convicted and when I reflect on his love for me it pushes me in a gentle way to make changes. -
Q1. Time for Friends
PeteD replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Changing the Water into Wine (John 2:1-12)
Selfishness-self love keeps us from connecting to others as we ought.We can use others -immediately judging and deciding if they will be helpful too us as we go about accomplishing our agenda. Jesus shows us a better way. He also shows us that he enjoys people. When we -I- see his better way and stand convicted and when I reflect on his love for me it pushes me in a gentle way to make changes.