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  1. How is the meaning of Jesus’ name linked to his mission? What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? How did he fulfill his mission in your life? King JESUS' name is salvation, "God saves!" It has a significant meaning for the world to not forget. His mission was to save us from the penalty of our sins, which we have inherited thru Adam. King JESUS fulfilled his mission by dying on the CROSS and receiving the punishment we deserved, by making us righteous before God as we accept the work on the CROSS by Christ/King JESUS and fulfilling Old Testament prophesies. HE SAVED ME FROM MYSELF AND MY SINFULL NATURE. I'VE ACCEPTED MY KING JESUS AND THE WORK ON THE CROSS AND NOW I'M GOING THRU THE SANTIFICATION, CONVICTION AND LESSONS FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT DAILY.
  2. Q8. (Matthew 21:33-46) Who do the servants sent to collect the landowner’s share of the crop represent? What happened to Israel who rejected God’s servants and Son who were sent to them? This is a parable about resisting those whom God sends to us to help us. Have you ever seen a church reject a pastor or leader that God sends to help them? Why is supporting our pastors and leaders important to God’s plan for the church? (Hebrews 13:7, 17). In the Beatitudes, how does Jesus encourage those who are rejected and persecuted? (Matthew 5:10-12)? 1. The servants represent the prophets of God, sent to the nation of Israel. 2. After Israel final rejection of God's son. God punished the nation by allowing Rome to destroy the city of Jerusalem and enslave and kill the Israelites. 3. No, I haven't witnessed a leader or servant of God rejected by a church in my time. But I have witnessed preachers on the streets and evangelists on the streets being rejected and bullied by secular people off the streets. 4. It's paramount to always support a preacher from a church that is faithfully preaching the correct message of the gospel of Christ JESUS. He is leading them correctly to salvation and acknowledging God and His son JESUS 5. There is a reward in the kingdom of HEAVEN for the persecuted that shared and defended the word of God like the old prophets of the Old Testament. Praise God!
  3. Q7. (Matthew 22:1-10; Luke 14:15-24) In Jesus' Parables of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew) and the Great Banquet (Luke), who are the people represented by those recruited from the streets and lanes of the city? From the highways and hedges? Who do the servant-recruiters represent? How diligent are you and your church in recruiting those who are of a lower class than others in your congregation? What keeps you from this Kingdom task? How might your church fulfill it? 1. The people recruited from the streets and lanes of the city are God's people the Israelites, the poor and downtrodden. From the highways and the hedges are the Gentiles. 2. The servant-recruiters where the prophets of God sent to reach out to the nation of Israel. (Today it applies us as evangelists) 3. "I'm not diligent enough" Unfortunately I don't go to any church, but I have to make time to spread the gospel of Christ JESUS thru talking to people and social media. What is keeping me from this task is that I'm not practicing time control and organizing my time to reach out to love ones. This is my fault. I have to fulfill my task by changing my heart and priorities and not be afraid to speak to people that I love, from members of my family to strangers, like both parables explain.
  4. Q6. (Matthew 22:1-10; Luke 14:15-24) Who do the excuse-makers represent? What are the potential results of excusing ourselves from carrying out God’s will as we know it? The excuse-makers represent the religious Jewish leaders and Pharisees. The horrible result of excusing ourselves from God's will is death, spiritual death. A separation from GOD and JESUS forever and not experience the love and joy in the banquet that God prepared for us.
  5. Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree? During JESUS' time, lack of fruit came from lack of faith in people, and years of being oppressed by the Pharisees' and Sadducees' strong hold on the Israelites. There was no fruit in the nation because of years of idol worshipping and not staying the course with God when HE was intentionally stayed with the nation of Israel and pleading with them to love HIM and follow his laws thru the prophets. During the time of JESUS, Israelites where adding there own rules their own prejudices against themselves and their own people. What could keep the HOLY SPIRIT from growing and maturing in my life would be if I stray away spiritually from God and not studying or be honest with myself and pray faithfully and walk with the HOLY SPIRIT. By allowing "the world" to interfere in my emotions and influence me to egoism. What I can learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree is that I should not take God's patience for granted. He is giving me so many chances to turn away from selfishness (which bares no fruit) and receive the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT and stay close to God and what HE wants for me. I need to re-soil my mind and spirit and give the nourishment it need to grow and that is by studying the WORD OF GOD continuously and faithfully believing in HIS promises and walk the walk.
  6. Q4. (Matthew 18:23-35) In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, where do you see justice? Where do you see grace? Where do you see greed? Where do you see unforgiveness? What lessons from this parable are disciples to incorporate into their lives? Justice. The King show's justice (against the administrator that owed him money about 15 million dollars) by sending the administrator to prison for not only not forgiving the debt of another person's debt which was 15 thousand dollars, but sending the poor guy to prison Grace. In the parable I saw grace and compassion from the king himself towards the administrator, who was begging and pleading for more time to pay off the debt he owed to the king. Greed & Unforgiveness. That was shown by the administrator for aggressively abusing the man that owed him money and not showing mercy like the king did to him. All the administrator focused on was the money owed to him by the poor man he was choking and threatening. Instead of forgiving and demonstrating the same mercy extended to him, he sends the poor fellow to prison until his debts towards the administrator was paid off. LESSON: We as future disciples must show mercy and forgiveness towards those that have offended us and demonstrate God's love and mercy, keeping in mind that the good LORD forgave our debts as well. The LORD cancelled our debts with the blood of KING JESUS, so should we demonstrate that same mercy as well to the ones that offended us. Our king is watching us and hearing our thoughts and hearts. We must be careful not to ever behave like that Administrator in that particular parable.
  7. Q3. (Luke 7:41-43, 47) According to Jesus’ Parable of the Two Debtors, do you think the woman was saved prior to the dinner or during the dinner? How effusive is your love for Jesus? How should we as disciples express our gratitude for salvation? I believe the woman was during her encounter with JESUS. But her love and belief in HIM, before Simon's invitation to JESUS to dine with him, brought her to HIM. She must have certainly heard JESUS teachings before, for her to show up and cry and anoint JESUS' feet. JESUS sealed it by purposely recognizing her before Simon the Pharisee. My love for JESUS is great if not greater after reading studying this particular parable. We as future disciples must emphasize in your hearts and mind, continuously, gratitude for Salvation and the work of KING JESUS on the cross.
  8. Q2. (Luke 15:11-32) What does this parable have in common with the Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin? What does the parable tell us about our Father’s way of operating and his values? In what ways does the older son hold his father’s values? In what ways does he lack them? What should disciples learn from this parable to equip them for ministry? What all the parables have in common is that there is a relief and large celebration for "the found". The way the Lord God operates according to what I have learned is that HE allows us to make our own decisions (right of wrong) and come to HIM after our recognized fallen state. He's willing to wait for us, seeking us out and ready to celebrate our return to KING JESUS. God gave us an inheritance that we need to maintain, protect and nurture. Obeying the Lord and follow suit. The eldest son did follow suit, and obeyed the family ordinances and keeping the land, but lacked mercy to his fallen brother instead his focus was on his works and that he deserved something for the work he's been doing. He lost the concept of his father's love and mercy for his sons. We as disciples can never looked down at fallen people, (they are our family, at least we need to look at them that way) We need to show them not only our love and compassion for them, but the TRUE LOVE OF GOD and how their fallen nature if overlooked if they decide to come back to JESUS and God's love, mercy and forgiveness.
  9. Q1. (Luke 15:1-10) What do the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin teach disciples about God’s heart? In what way do these parables represent a contrast to the murmuring of the Pharisees? How should a disciple implement Jesus’ value of seeking the lost in his or her own community? It teaches me how God's heart for us sinners is precious and genuine. We apparently are incredibly important to him. He loves us very much. The Pharisees are about ego and selfishness and they only think about themselves and not about their fallen brothers and sisters. By contrast, they would not have gone out of their way to find, help and rescue a fallen brethren. As a disciple we have to look at mankind, our fallen brothers and sister, (because we too have been in that horrible fallen state journey to nothingness as well), and help them find their way towards the GOOD SHEPHERD KING JESUS and the good news that GOD LOVES THEM and salvation is thru KING JESUS. We need to be loving towards the sick (sinners) and rejoice when they return back to THE FATHER and knowledge of the GOSPEL.
  10. "Obedience" demonstrates that we have received wholeheartedly the power of "forgiveness". Obedience shows that we take God's forgiveness and king JESUS' sacrifice very seriously. To assume to just receive God's forgiveness and not obeying JESUS' teachings. I'm convinced by scripture and Holy Spirit influence and guidance that it is God's grace and not my works that saved me, but works (working for God to show love and mercy to all mankind) is important and have more meaning after God's amazing grace. I'm able to appreciate the works because I was saved.
  11. A Christian who has not yet discovered (or remembered) his place in the Kingdom. By identifying themselves with the present homeland and not heavenly, they are subject to worldly influence and not heavenly influence. Yes, I'm guilty as charged, I caught myself doing this unfortunately. By being part of the world as a Christian, I become "luke warm". What I have to do to set my priorities straight is to "renew my mind" by making tough choices to not be misled by my present homeland. The spiritual realm of God must take precedence over my thoughts and actions. I have to 1) Study the Word more often, 2) Be around believers 3) Pray constantly 4) Talk to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit often, *Keeping them in mind often. 5) Believing wholeheartedly that the great "I AM" knows my heart and my thoughts and actions. 6) Reminding myself that fearing God is the beginning of wisdom. 7) Meditate on Holy Spirit influence.
  12. Q1. How is the meaning of Jesus’ name linked to his mission? What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? How did he fulfill his mission in your life? 1) It was father God's plan to name his son "Jesus" to indicate his mission. Jesus comes from the Hebrew name Yeshua. Yeshua is a compound word that means "God saves". 2) King JESUS' mission was to rescue us and save us from the penalty of sin. <3 3) He brought re-assurance in my life. Confidence in not fearing the unknown. And most importantly JESUS brought the Holy Spirit into my life so I can work on becoming a better man in understanding king JESUS' finished work for me and try to emulate my king. <3 He made me a work in progress and I am so grateful! :-) Praise king JESUS and father God.
  13. Q5. (John 1:18) What does it mean that Jesus is the “Only God” or the “Only Begotten God”? Does the Apostle John seem to make a distinction between God the Father and God the Son? What does all this mean for our understanding of the Trinity? *Simple. King JESUS is the same and part of farther GOD. JESUS is not only son, but GOD himself. A son is a reflection of his dad. King JESUS is not only a reflection OF THE father, but is also originally GOD himself. * Yes there is a distinction. Jesus is one of a kind, so is Father GOD. Seperated they are "son" and "father". But together they are one of the same, , ,but seperated they are one of the same as well! It sounds contradictory, but it makes sense. Supernaturally speaking. King JESUS is the begotten God\son. ;-) *Understanding the Trinity is simple. GOD, JESUS & HOLY SPIRIT are three different people, but the same as a whole. Seperated they are still ONE. The Holy Spirit was there with the Father and JESUS when creation of the universe began.
  14. Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? What would Christ's life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to "become flesh"? In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? *God dwelling among us shows how much HE loves us. It says a lot about my Christian faith that i have a LOVING CREATOR. How important it was for HIM to manifest himself to " reach out to us" thru JESUS. . That is so incredible and beautiful. That is amazing love. *JESUS' sacrifice and Christianity would be meaningless if HE only pretended to be flesh. *I've experienced GOD's grace when I've humbled myself with sincerity before HIM after I "back slid" several times. Father GOD is good! *JESUS is slowly changing my life. Conviction thru the Holy Spirit is always intense. Painful, but thankful. I'm slowly growing. But growing nevertheless.
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