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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by KatHudgins

  1. We are supposed to be sensitive and politically correct today. These two things are sending people to hell everyday. We need to stand up and tell people that the only way to God, the Father, is through Jesus Christ, His Son. We have to have the courage to tell people that sin is sin, no matter what. We need to yell from the roof tops that we need to ask forgiveness and repent from our sins. Most Christians do not want to make waves and are just scared of offending people. Offense is the devil's weapon. We are going to have to stand up in front of Jesus Christ one day and explain to Him why we did not obey His word and preach the gospel and save souls.
  2. Christ died in our place. He took our sins on his back to save us from the wrath of the Father. We need to strive to hold steady and not sin. God Himself provided a lifeline. The churches today preaches feel-good sermons. They are more interested in numbers than in peoples souls. It is so heartbreaking.
  3. We should be forever careful as to what we do, say, dress. Everyone who is not a Christian is watching us and wanting us to fail in our faith. We must be strong so the new Christians will learn to be strong. Jesus was strong when he faced the cross. Paul was strong in his persecutions, as was the disciples of Jesus. What can be better than to imitate Jesus!
  4. We are to look to Christ for the true example. He is the great leader. Church leaders are to lead by example too. They are supposed to show us how to live the life of Christ. We are to read and study the Bible so we are lights to show others the love of Christ and the way to Him. Often we humans err and our examples are no good.
  5. The Holy Spirit is still working in the world today. He is delivering God's messages to all who will listen. Miracles are still happening. I have seen many in the churches I attend. I have seen legs lengthened and the sick made well. Ask and you shall receive. People only have to open their hearts and mind.
  6. For every convert to Jesus, that was a person turning away from Judaism. To love Jesus is to love each other. For a Jew to associate with someone other than a Jew was not the thing to do. wives of high officials were converting and it is likely they urged their husbands to convert also. If the officials converted they would have looked differently at the Jews and realized they were the ones causing the trouble. Paul keeps preaching because he know Jesus is the only way to heaven. We should never stop teaching people about Jesus. From the cross, Jesus was giving loving instructions.
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