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Q1. Name and Mission
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Jesus' Hebrew name Yesua is a compound name meaning Yahweh Saves which links to his mission because he came to Save the world from Siin. He died on the cross to fulfill his mission which was fulfilled in my life when I accepted the truth that He died for the remission of sins once for all including mine. -
Q2. Bold Answer
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fiery Furnace and the Lions’ Den (Daniel 3 and 6)
The Jews answer Nebuchadnezzar confidently that they will not bow down to a statue, and that their God will save them from anything put upon them. Even if it means death because they know that Gods Will is best. Their attitude is confidence in their Faith so there is no need to argue about it..Bring it On. These Men have such a strong Faith they face whatever they are sentenced too is better than bowing down as commanded. Because of this Faith it clearly lets everyone in the Kingdom know about their God which they may have not known before. -
Q1. Bowing Down
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fiery Furnace and the Lions’ Den (Daniel 3 and 6)
The Jews government officials report because there are people from their own country needing the jobs that have been given to Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, similar to how Americans feel when foreigners get jobs here. Nebuchadnezzar is very angry with the 4 Jews because they refuse to bow down to is statue, He probably feels like they owe it to him since he has given them such prestigious jobs. Nebuchadnezzar wants to rule over the people in his Kingdom and needs the Jews to do this also so everyone will see that he is truly the one in Charge. -
Q2. Change and Compromise
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Daniel and his friends experienced cultural changes, language changes, belief changes when they were taken to Babylon in their teenage years. They were no longer considered members of the Royal Family in Jerusalem but servants in Babylon Changing their names was probably one of the hardest changes because they believed their original names were given to them for the purpose of what their names meant. If they became Eunuchs the impact would be no Wife, no children and nothing to look forward too except serving the King. They did make compromises with what they were given to eat, -
Q1. Culture Change
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
No, unfortunately I have never been outside the United States -
Q1. Holding On to Faith
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
The writer is pleading with his readers to hold on to their Faith and what they have heard because he knows the consequences and wants the best for them. He is doing what God wants all of us to do ENCOURAGE...ENCOURAGE...ENCOURAGE all of his children to to hold on, be of strong courage, be of hope, and be faithful to the end to receive the completeness and fullness of His rest. We must continue in our faith for the same reasons as the people the writer was writing too, because God is the same everyday and if we don't we will not be able to enter into the Holy Rest God offers. -
Christ agreed to die on the cross to save everyone who believes in him from death because there has to be a sacrifice good enough for God to accept. It is only by the Grace of God that he allowed Jesus to come in the first place, Jesus loves us and pleads with God for mercy and in doing so he took our place in death. All of a believers sins are forgiven period, God can not look upon sin so Jesus stands between us
Jesus suffered first because he was separated from our Father in heaven, away from his life as the creator, as an honored, glorified son of God. He came to earth to live as a person who was ridiculed, thought of as lesser citizen, most of the time homeless and dependent on others to provide for his daily needs. His death was a very cruel and painful death. Sometimes suffering may teach us a lesson but for Jesus the only value was to provide forgiveness for us according to Gods will. If we avoid all suffering we would never learn from our mistakes
Jesus suffered first because he was separated from our Father in heaven, away from his life as the creator, as an honored, glorified son of God. He came to earth to live as a person who was ridiculed, thought of as lesser citizen, most of the time homeless and dependent on others to provide for his daily needs. His death was a very cruel and painful death. Sometimes suffering may teach us a lesson but for Jesus the only value was to provide forgiveness for us according to Gods will. If we avoid all suffering we would never learn from our mistakes
Hello, my name is Cindy I live in Fort Worth Tx I am looking forward to this study, I am sure it is going to be just as exciting as the others I have taken.
Q1. The Idea of "Son"
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
I think that Hebrews uses the word SON, to let us know that God has sent his SON literally to earth to tell us, and to lead us to Him, -
Q1. Self-Exaltation
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Judgment upon the Nations (Isaiah 13-23)
The ruler's attitude was Pride and Arrogance he wanted to put himself above God in all ways. The evidence is very weak for this scripture about Babylon's King being Satan, but it does let us know that anyone who tries to put himself equal or above God will fall from heaven like Satan did. I don't think I have ever exalted myself over Gods will, but I have certainly went against Gods will knowing it was wrong and wishing I hadn't done it my way. It differs because I knew I was doing wrong and wanted to get it right with God. The best way to humble oneself is to pray and ask for forgiveness and try harder to do Gods will -
Q2. A Stumbling Stone
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
In this sense Yahweh is a stumbling stone, trap and snare because Ahaz knows God is the one true God but chooses to move forward without him and because of this both houses of Judah will be rejected and not protected by Yahweh. It may seem like God is being mean but it was Ahaz's choice. People today fall into this same situation, we know that God is real we know what he requires but we still make choices to trust other Gods, such as our own feelings, horoscopes, people who aren't true believers, we will look for ways to get the answers we want to have in any format that fits our need. When we step out from underneath Gods umbrella of protection we are on our own which usually causes us to stumble or completely fall down and then we wish would have listened. It is very easy to confuse when our feelings make us feel like what we are doing is what God wants even though we know it goes against scripture. We convince ourselves that since it came easy, or was more convenient that it was the answer God sent only to find out later that we moved to fast and could have done better if we would have waited. -
Q2. A Stumbling Stone
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
In this sense Yahweh is a stumbling stone, trap and snare because Ahaz knows God is the one true God but chooses to move forward without him and because of this both houses of Judah will be rejected and not protected by Yahweh. It may seem like God is being mean but it was Ahaz's choice. People today fall into this same situation, we know that God is real we know what he requires but we still make choices to trust other Gods, such as our own feelings, horoscopes, people who aren't true believers, we will look for ways to get the answers we want to have in any format that fits our need. When we step out from underneath Gods umbrella of protection we are on our own which usually causes us to stumble or completely fall down and then we wish would have listened. It is very easy to confuse when our feelings make us feel like what we are doing is what God wants even though we know it goes against scripture. We convince ourselves that since it came easy, or was more convenient that it was the answer God sent only to find out later that we moved to fast and could have done better if we would have waited. -
Q1. Ahaz's Test of Faith
cjenkins1388 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Book of Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12)
Isaiah a true prophet of God instructed Ahaz to be calm and have faith in God and everything will be okay. But since Ahaz has very little faith,in God he probably feels like he needs to do something no just sit and be calm. Today we still struggle with the same circumstance, we think we have faith until it is time for us to be still and wait upon the Lord to provide the answer. We may know what God expects us to do when he gives instructions with difficult circumstances, and we know we should wait but it is our lack of faith that makes us want to move forward, we even convince ourselves that our actions are what He wanted us to do. If we had a true prophet today that told us what God wanted us to do we would probably still make decisions to do the opposite of what was asked of us.