The Lord's Supper reminds me of the sacredness and seriousness of Christ's sacrifice. For me it is part of my worship and a part of my intimate relationship with Christ. His body and His blood - these are gifts. I think about how the Father required the sacrifices in the Old Testament to symbolize the ultimate sacrifice that was to come and how serious He is about sin. I recall Leviticus 17:11 where God says "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement." I see God's justice when I receive the Son's body and blood because He poured out His wrath up on Him. No way could I stand justified before Him without Christ. I shake my head and tell Him, I don't understand You. I don't understand this type of love. I just know that I don't deserve it and I am overwhelmed because it bypasses my logical mind. I feel that my emotions during the Lord's Supper cannot even begin to touch the magnitude of His affection toward me. I see His grace in that He allows me to partake in the fellowship of Christ's sufferings. The Lord's Supper gives me a glimpse of the One whose face I will behold in eternity. The Lord's Supper makes me long for His coming.