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Everything posted by grace2free
Q4. Miracles and Evangelism
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Q4. Have you read of miracles accompanying a great harvest of new believers on the missions fields in our day? To know that you are a sinner and heading to lake of fire, to believed in Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and to be accepted by the Beloved, to know your salvation, and to be a son of God, These is the miracle, and yes a lot are being harvest in the mission field now a days. What place do miracles have in evangelism today – both in your country and abroad? To a place where there are poor, sick, hungry, and weary. Why do some denominations in our day deemphasize miracles or claim that they were only for the early church? I would say, let us pray that in His perfect time they will be enlightened and learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ's miracles. . Why do some denominations emphasize miracles? Because those miracles makes initial faith that leads to deeper desire in knowing Jesus Christ. Which of these types of denominations tend to grow faster? The miracle emphasizing church grow more faster. What kind of “discipling” is necessary for those who come to Christ primarily on the basis of miracles? That to believe in Christ, to listen to his Word, that Christ is the miracle itself, our life, strenght, doctor, teacher, counselor, shepherd, and God. -
Q3. Household Faith
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Q3. (John 4:53) What are the factors that caused the royal official’s household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe? The time he believed in Jesus word is the time his son is healed. The royal official now told his household what he witnessed and that made all of them to believed. How mature was this faith initially? The official went a long way knowing that Jesus is his only hope to heal his son. He knows Jesus can do things that no one else can and that is faith already. Believing in his word is a moved to a deeper faith and that is how mature it is. How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere “miracles faith”? First he believed in what can Jesus do, and now he believed in what Jesus said and he saw the good result. -
Q3. Household Faith
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Q3. (John 4:53) What are the factors that caused the royal official’s household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe? The time he believed in Jesus word is the time his son is healed. The royal official now told his household what he witnessed and that made all of them to believed. How mature was this faith initially? The official went a long way knowing that Jesus is his only hope to heal his son. He knows Jesus can do things that no one else can and that is faith already. Believing in his word is a moved to a deeper faith and that is how mature it is. How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere “miracles faith”? First he believed in what can Jesus do, and now he believed in what Jesus said and he saw the good result. -
Q2. Royal Official's Faith
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Q2. (John 4:43-50) What do we learn about the royal official’s faith from his actions? His faith is based on the miracles he has seen. He has seen Jesus doing miraculous healing in Capernaum previously. Why did he travel 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana? He is desperate and his only hope is Jesus. A father will do anything to save his son. He will even swim across the ocean just to save his son. His only hope is Jesus so he must find the Master and travel. What does this say about his faith? He knows only Jesus can heal his son. He believes in Jesus as a Divine healer. When he departs for home and “takes Jesus at his word,” what does this tell us about his faith? He knows that what Jesus say and do comes from above so he trusted him, he believed in him when he says "Go back home now, your son lives." This time his faith comes out from his heart. Faith with assurance (your son lives). -
Q1. Maturing Faith
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Miracles is the Lord Jesus credentials. The two words, "signs" and "wonders," indicate the two aspects of miracles. To the thoughtful they were signs or attestations that the one who performed them acted under the authority and approval of God. When you started to listen to Jesus' words and obey it, that is the true miracle that only him can perform. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? They don't listen and obey the words of Jesus. Seeing the miracles to all others they were mere wonders, which startled by their strangeness. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? Because of their lack of faith on him. Jesus wanted men to believe in him because of his self-evidencing character and words -
Q4. Savior of the World
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
Q4. (John 4:39-42). Why do you think Jesus stayed two days in Samaria, when elsewhere he instructed his disciples not to preach in Samaritan villages? Sychar villagers are like the lost sheep or souls and also compared as ripen harvest, this Samaritan town is ready to believed in Jesus Christ and according to the appointed time of God two days is sufficient enough for them to be saved. These people are called and elected by God to his belivers and followers. What does it mean that Jesus is the Savior of the whole world? This is the promised of God, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:16-17) What are its implications for our lives? There will be souls that are ripe and ready to receive Christ and this is the reason why God made us, to minister to them. For your church’s mission? Outreach ministry in bringing the lost souls back to Christ -
Q3. Rewards for Workers
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
Q3. (John 4:36-38) Sowers and reapers usually got “paid” when the crop was harvested. According to this analogy, what will Christian workers receive at the end of the age when the final harvest takes place and Christ comes? Christian workers will received eternal life. Verse 36. He that reapeth. He that gathers the harvest, or he who so preaches that souls are converted to Christ. Receiveth wages. The labourer in the harvest receives his hire. Jesus says it shall be thus with those who labour in the ministry-he will not suffer them to go unrewarded. See Daniel 12:3, Matthew 19:28. Gathereth fruit unto life eternal. Converts souls, who shall inherit eternal life. The harvest is not temporary, like gathering grain, but shall result in eternal life. That both he that soweth, (*) "gathereth" Romans 6:22 (*) "both he that soweth" 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 Verse 37. That saying. That proverb. This proverb is found in some of the Greek writers (Grotius). Similar proverbs were in use among the Jews. See Isaiah 65:21, 22, Leviticus 26:16, Micah 6:15. One soweth, another, succeeding him, may be crowned with eminent success. The seed, long buried, may spring up in an abundant harvest. (*) "one soweth" Micah 6:15 Verse 38. I sent you. In the commission given you to preach the gospel. You have not labored or toiled in preparing the way for the great harvest which is now to be gathered in. Other men labored. (1.) The prophets, who long labored to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. (2.) The teachers among the Jews, who have read and explained the law and taught the people. (3.) John the Baptist, who came to prepare the way. And, (4.) The Saviour himself, who by his personal ministry taught the people, and prepared them for the success which was to attend the preaching of the apostles. Especially did Jesus lay the foundation for the rapid and extensive spread of the gospel. He saw comparatively little fruit of his ministry. He confined his labours to Judea, and even there he was occupied in sowing seed which chiefly sprang up after his death. From this we may learn, 1st. That the man who is crowned with eminent success has no cause of boasting over others, any more than the man who reaps a field of grain should boast over the man who sowed it. The labour of both is equally necessary, and the labour of both would be useless if GOD did not give the increase. Comp. 1 Corinthians 3:6. 2nd. We should not be discouraged if we do not meet with immediate success. The man that sows is not disheartened because he does not see the harvest immediately spring up. We are to sow our seed in the morning, and in the evening we are not to withhold our hand, for we know not whether shall prosper, this or that; and we are to go forth bearing precious seed, though weeping, knowing that we shall come again rejoicing, bearing our sheaves with us, Ecclesiastes 11:4, Psalms 126:6 3rd. Every part of the work of the ministry and of teaching men is needful, and we should rejoice that we are permitted to bear any part, however humble, in bringing sinners to the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:21-24. -
Q2. Eyes for the Harvest
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? Their spiritual state of readiness to receive Christ. How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? This discredited woman was changed and thats the miracle that gave the huge impact. When someone was saved, it is a miracle that only Jesus can do. What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? God thru his mercy and grace by the Holy Spirit will lead me to glorify him by telling the soty of Jesus to ohters special to the lost souls or the ripen harvest. Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest? Many times and most of the times we are blinded because of focusing on ourself. That is why when the Holy Spirit sometimes its like he is poking us and suddenly we will see and realized its not about us anymore but its about Jesus. That our commission is to labour for the ripen harvest. This is now our reason to live, this is now our life to labour for the Master. -
Q1. Jesus' Passion
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
Q1. (John 4:31-34) What does Jesus mean by “food” in these verses? Spiritual food is what Jesus mean. The supply, the energy, the living, the food of Jesus is to do will of the Father. What was his passion? His passion was to minister to the sinners soul. What is your passion? My passion is to be use by God in his passion. What will it take so that your passion, your goal in life, is to do the Father’s work? By the grace of God that he'll put in my heart to have a passion and goal in life to do his will. In your life, what do you think that might look like? May God have mercy on me to learn more about him and live my life doing his will. -
Q5. Provoking Controversy
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
Q5. (John 4:19-22) What motives cause the woman to bring up a religious controversy to Jesus? It is a very rare opportunity to meet and talk to a Jewish prophet in a place like Samaria so she took that chance to ask Jesus of that controversy. She wants to know more on what to believe. Why do people today try to generate religious controversies with us? They hardly understand our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ thats why they are seeking for a judicial resolution. What are their motives? They want to know the real truth or they making a stand on their own belief. -
Q4. A Word of Knowledge
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus’ special knowledge of the woman’s history with men? The woman learned that Jesus knows she is a sinner and knows everything about her. What effect did it have on her faith? Her faith becomes more deeper. How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? By the mercy and grace of the Spirit, it gives prophetic word to a person or will have special knowledge of a person's condition to increase their faith so God might work in them. -
Q3. The Gift of God
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
Note: Believing Christians disagree about some of these issues. Be gentle and loving as you respond to one another. Q3. (John 4:9-15) What does the “gift of God” and the “living water” (4:9) refer to? The gift of God refers to having the knowledge and understanding of knowing Jesus and learning that she is a sinner and that believing to Jesus as the Saviour, as the living water. What does receiving this gift result in (4:14)? Will never thirst no more, salvation, having eternal life. Does this gift differ from or is another way of saying the “baptism with the Spirit” that John the Baptist spoke about in 1:33? The gift is the Holy Spirit, the eternal life. -
Q2. Spiritual Thirst
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? I those who are being called are all spiritually thirsty, like the Samaritan woman. I am being being guilty everyday of the wrong things that I've done and one day I've found my self asking the Lord to give me a chance to serve him. Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? The woman not knowingly is spiritually thirsty at this point. What caused her deep thirst to surface? When she heard of the living water and she will never thirst again. She must has been tired in drawing water and carrying them. What does this teach us about our own witness? That God is our source of life and everything that are goodness. -
Q1. Good News and Social Norms
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman? The Lord's way is not our way. There is no social norm for God to talk to the Samaritan woman. Jesus loves sinners and that time she will be saved. Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news? We many times fear the opposition and ridicules of other belief. How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture? We respect other belief while we remain in our own belief and obey God by loving our neighbors. -
Q5. Love and Wrath
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
Q5. (John 3:36) Is it possible to believe in God’s love and God’s wrath at the same time? Yes it is possible because you must know how God loves you and what would happen to those who don't love by the Lord How does God’s justice allow salvation, when what we deserve is punishment for our sin and unbelief?(Hint: the “substitutionary atonement.”) for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in him should not perish and have everlasting life. -
Q4. He Must Increase
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
Q4. (John 3:30) In what sense, in order to be successful in your Christian life, must you decrease and Christ increase? Yes I must totally decrease, I must be humble down like a worm, I'm just a breathe, a mist and Jesus Christ is my gracious life. How can you facilitate the shift necessary for this change to occur? By the mercy and grace of God he can change you. Only he can save, only he can change. What steps might help you do this? By knowing that God is a Sovereign God you listen and obey only him. -
Q3. Rejoicing in Another's Success
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
Q3. (John 3:29) How does John the Baptist find joy in Jesus’ success? "I find fulfillment in the bridegroom's joy." By hearing the voice of the bridegroom John is fulfilled enough. Do you find joy in the success of others who could be seen as competing with your ministry – in your church or in your community or in your denomination? My joy is when that others are being used by God as a tool in converting many to Christianity. Why do you think some pastors seem to compete with each other? Many pastors are just using Christ for their own profit. -
Q2. Possessiveness
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
Q2. (John 3:26) Have you ever resented “larger churches” that attracted people from “your” church? I have never resented any larger churches that attrarted people from my church. I believed God is directing people according to his will and purpose. So wherever church you belong right now, only God knows why and it doesn't matter if it is big or small congregation church. What is wrong with this kind of possessiveness? Its wrong because what you want what others have and that is jealousy, its a sin. Is it self-pity or something else? Mostly it is self-pity. They felt they are failure when they can't have what others has. -
Q1. Hanging Out with Jesus
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples? It is very important to be with someone and get to know each other better and intimately. What is his strategy? He personally went to them, he personally called them, he humbled/leveled himself to them and showed them how he engage with the needy people. How does Jesus make disciples today? He calls them and let them follow him. He let them listen and teach them in his preaching. He let them watch and observed, how to pray. He taught them to be a minister and let them know his love in action. He want us to use his ways in all kinds of situations were facing. Where is our time with the Discipler? Out time with the Discipler is all the time. We are to exercise all we’ve learned to Him and also make disciples under his name. How important is your time as a discipler, "hanging out" with people God puts on your heart to disciple? My time is God’s time, whatever I do and all the things I do is to glorify God. So I’m hanging out with someone to make them the follower of Christ. Only God can put it into my heart according to his own will and purpose. -
Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? Because it shows the love of God to all that will believed in Christ. What does it teach us about God? That God is a loving God who doesn't want us to perish but have everlasting life. What does it teach us about salvation? That there is two destination for us, the hell. and the heaven. And we have body and spirit. We have two deaths, the death of our physical body, we are to be bury 6 feet under the ground. Our spirit will leave our body and where will it go? It will go to hell or heaven. Faith in Jesus Christ is to have everlasting life. Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny? That God will allow us to enter his Kingdom by having faith in Jesus and that is our destination.
Q3. Water and the Spirit
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
Q3. (John 3:5-7) What does it mean to be “born of water and the Spirit”? Verse 5. Be born of water. By water, here, is evidently signified baptism. Thus the word is used in Ephesians 5:26, Titus 3:5. Baptism was practised by the Jews in receiving a Gentile as a proselyte. It was practised by John among the Jews; and Jesus here says that it is an ordinance of his religion, and the sign and seal of the renewing influences of his Spirit. So he said (Mark 16:16), "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." It is clear from these places, and from the example of the apostles (Acts 2:38,41, 8:12, 13, 36, 38, 9:18 Acts 10:47, 48, 16:15, 33, 18:8, 22:16, Galatians 3:27), that they considered this ordinance as binding on all who professed to love the Lord Jesus. And though it cannot be said that none who are not baptized can be saved, yet Jesus meant, undoubtedly, to be understood as affirming that this was to be the regular and uniform way of entering into his church; that it was the appropriate mode of making a profession of religion; and that a man who neglected this, when the duty was made known to him, neglected a plain command of God. It is clear, also, that any other command of God might as well be neglected or violated as this, and that it is the duty of everyone not only to love the Saviour, but to make an acknowledgment of that love by being baptized, and by devoting himself thus to his service. But, lest Nicodemus should suppose that this was all that was meant, he added that it was necessary that he should be born of the Spirit also. This was predicted of the Saviour, that he should baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire, Matthew 3:11. By this is clearly intended that the heart must be changed by the agency of the Holy Spirit; that the love of sin must be abandoned; that man must repent of crime and turn to God; that he must renounce all his evil propensities, and give himself to a life of prayer and holiness, of meekness, purity, and benevolence. This great change is in the Scripture ascribed uniformly to the Holy Spirit, Titus 3:5, 1 Thessalonians 1:6 Romans 5:5 1 Peter 1:22. What do you think “water” refers to? Water refers to baptism. You must be baptise with water. Even Jesus was baptized with water and Spirit (Matt.3:16) Why have you come to this conclusion? Because this is the ordinance and the only way once faith comes into your heart. How, then, would you paraphrase “born of water and the Spirit” to best bring out the full meaning? Rinsed and anew. -
Q2. Born Anew / Again / from Above
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does “entering the Kingdom” have to do with being “born anew”? Those who can enter the Kingdom are those who are born again, spiritually changed. Which do you think is the best translation here: “born again,” “born anew,” or “born from above”? Defend your reasoning. I prepared "born again." It is more confusing but interesting to someone who is already being called by God and receiving his light. Before, you don't know anything about God and his Son Jesus Christ. You don't know that you are a sinner and come short of the glory of God. You don't know that you are a sinner and that the wages of sin is death, and that is spiritual death. So when you die your physical body will be buried six feet under the ground while your spiritual body will go to hell, it will be cast into the lake of fire, eternal damnation. So now spiritually you are dead. But then the mercy and grace of God came to you, he gave you light, he open your understanding that Jesus Christ bore our sin, he died in the cross, he spilled his blood to wash away our sin. and whomsoever believe in him will not perished and will have everlasting life. Now you are "born again." Only God can do that, it "comes from above." -
Q1. Seeing the Kingdom
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Jesus is teaching that God through the Holy Spirit even before the beginning of this world he has chosen you to know and understand the spiritual Kingdom of God. And that you will entered it because you are born again. The spirit of the Lord is with you, the spiritual Kingdom. That is Nicodemus is missing before. He studied the old testament word of God but he don't have the Holy Spirit yet. God have mercy on the soul of Nicodemus and gave him a gift of The Holy Spirit, the salvation, being born again. Do you think Nicodemus understands him? At first Nicodemus can't understand him, but eventually he did understand. He is predestinated to be saved. Why or why not? Why? Nicodemus thought of physical born again, or getting back on a mothers womb. Then Jesus explained to him about the spiritual Kingdom and being change spiritually. Thats the Sovereignty of God to choose whom he pleased that will glorify him. -
Q3. Miracles and Faith
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Cleansing the Temple (John 2:13-25)
Q3. (John 2:23-25) What is the problem with faith that rests solely on miracles? It's like to see is to believed. But faith that rests on miracles alone, and doesn't mature to embrace Jesus and follow him, is shallow and fickle. Is it true faith? No it's not, it is a fickle and shallow faith. What is necessary for it to develop into true faith? it must be a complete and whole hearted trust to Jesus Christ and growing trust everyday. Did Jesus see these problems as a reason not to perform miracles? Yes, Jesus knows every man's heart. He knows they will only believe if he show a sign or miracles. -
Q2. Jesus' Anger
grace2free replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Cleansing the Temple (John 2:13-25)
Q2 (John 2:11-17) Apparently, Jesus was angry. Was his anger justified? Yes, it is justified. Why? that God's house had become perverted from its main function as a house of prayer, and turned into something resembling a market, at which everyone brought their produce, set up stalls, and crowds came to do their shopping. For the Son of God to return his Father's House to its rightful state was entirely appropriate, if not "politically correct." Is anger good or bad? Yes, some anger is good. Those controlled anger that acts appropriately. What about anger gets us into trouble? Uncontrolled anger will cause troubles.