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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Donna Marie

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Everything posted by Donna Marie

  1. Mary's "How" question was asked from a believing point of view. She accepted that this was what was going to take place because the Word was from God, but was curious as to the method. Zechariah's "How" question was one of disbelief. He did not think it possible to have a child because of their ages, regardless of the Word given to him by God's angel.
  2. Mary's child was to be Jesus, Son of God, Eternal King.
  3. The titles for Mary are really quite appropriate: she was blessed (as declared by the angel, Gabriel); she was a virgin; and she was the mother of God because Jesus is incarnate of God, which was acknowledged by Elizabeth. Some people may fear that exalting St. Mary implies that she comes before God or is on the same level as God. The fact that she was chosen by God to mother of the Messiah shows us that Mary was, in fact, exalted above all women by God himself. By the way, Catholic Christians do not pray TO Mary; we ask that she intercede on our behalf, just as many Protestant Christians ask friends, and even Facebook strangers, to offer prayers on their behalf.
  4. The essence of Mary's response lies in her complete trust in God. She views herself as the servant or "handmaiden" of God, bending herself to His will. She knows what the possible consequences of such a pregnancy could be, yet her faith is greater than her fear because she knows she is accepting God's plan for her life. If we could trust in God as completely as St.Mary did, how much easier our lives would be! "Let it be done to me according to your will." "Not my will, but Your Will be done." Words that we need to keep in our hearts, minds, and actions.
  5. The concept of the virgin birth teaches us that Jesus was incarnate of God: becoming man through the power and spirit of the Most High. Jesus, the Son of God and St. Mary the Virgin, is the basis of the Christian faith.
  6. Mary asked "How can this be?", implying that she understood that this is what would happen to her. She only wanted to know how. Mary had faith. Zechariah asked, "How then will I KNOW this?", reasoning that he did not think it possible because he and his wife, Elizabeth, were too old to have a child. It was Zechariah's lack of faith that resulted in retribution.
  7. Mary would give birth to Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Son of Man prophesied by Daniel. He would be given the throne of David from which He would reign over His eternal Kingdom.
  8. I look forward to my first online study, especially as we are about to enter into Advent. God bless and guide us all as we study and ponder His Word.
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