Stanley Tavaziva
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Everything posted by Stanley Tavaziva
The term "basket" here refers to a large hamper-type basket. It is significant that Jesus did not waste any of the multiplied food. Nor did He change the nature (or type) of the bread. There is a lesson in the leftovers. God gives in abundance. He takes whatever we can offer him in time, ability, or resources and multiplies its effectiveness beyond our wildest expectations. If you take the first step in making yourself available to God, he will show you how greatly you can be used to advance the work of his Kingdom. The term "twelve" have symbolic significance. It is been interpreted as a reference to the tribes of Israel (Jesus satisfies the OT) or one basket for each disciple, Jesus satisfies and provides for His disciples
In performing his miracles, Jesus usually preferred to work through people. Here he took what a young child offered and used it to accomplish one of the most spectacular miracles recorded in the Gospels. Age is no barrier to Christ. Never think you are too young or old to be of service to him. The disciples' role was to serve, organise the people and distribute the food. In the gathering there were believers and non believers so the disciples were to prepare the congregation's hearts and minds to see and receive miracles
If anyone knew where to get food, it would have been Philip because he was from Bethsaida, a town about nine miles away (1:44). Jesus was testing Philip to strengthen his faith. By asking for a human solution (knowing that there was none), Jesus highlighted the powerful and miraculous act that he was about to perform. When Jesus asked Philip where they could buy a great amount of bread, Philip started assessing the probable cost. Jesus wanted to teach him that financial resources are not the most important ones. We can limit what God does in us by assuming what is and is not possible. Is there some impossible task that you believe God wants you to do? Don’t let your estimate of what can’t be done keep you from taking on the task. God can do the miraculous; trust him to provide the resources. The disciples are contrasted with the youngster who brought what he had. They certainly had more resources than the boy, but they knew they didn’t have enough, so they didn’t give anything at all. The boy gave what little he had, and it made all the difference. If we offer nothing to God, he will have nothing to use. But he can take what little we have and turn it into something great.
If anyone knew where to get food, it would have been Philip because he was from Bethsaida, a town about nine miles away (1:44). Jesus was testing Philip to strengthen his faith. By asking for a human solution (knowing that there was none), Jesus highlighted the powerful and miraculous act that he was about to perform. When Jesus asked Philip where they could buy a great amount of bread, Philip started assessing the probable cost. Jesus wanted to teach him that financial resources are not the most important ones. We can limit what God does in us by assuming what is and is not possible. Is there some impossible task that you believe God wants you to do? Don’t let your estimate of what can’t be done keep you from taking on the task. God can do the miraculous; trust him to provide the resources. The disciples are contrasted with the youngster who brought what he had. They certainly had more resources than the boy, but they knew they didn’t have enough, so they didn’t give anything at all. The boy gave what little he had, and it made all the difference. If we offer nothing to God, he will have nothing to use. But he can take what little we have and turn it into something great.
Q5. Discernment and Scripture
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Life in the Son (John 5:17-47)
The role scriptures in our lives is to walk with God. Feed our soul, body and mind with the word of God, get saturated and over spill to others as well The religious leaders knew what the Bible said but failed to apply its words to their lives. They knew the teachings of the Scriptures but failed to see the Messiah to whom the Scriptures pointed. They knew the rules but missed the Savior. Entrenched in their own religious system, they refused to let the Son of God change their lives. Don’t become so involved in ”religion” that you miss Christ without the Spirit of God living in the man's heart, no discernment, no Jesus. Whose praise do you seek? The religious leaders enjoyed great prestige in Israel, but their stamp of approval meant nothing to Jesus. He was concerned about God’s approval. This is a good principle for us. If even the highest officials in the world approve of our actions and God does not, we should be concerned. But if God approves, even though others don’t, we should be content. -
Q3. Wisdom from the Father
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Life in the Son (John 5:17-47)
I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. Jesus, the incarnated Logos of God was subject to and submissive to the Father. This strong emphasis on submission also appears in v. 19 ("the Son can do nothing"). This does not imply the Son is inferior, but that the Trinity has delegated the redemptive tasks among the three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Spirit. I do not depend on my culture but God who gives me wisdom. In everything I do I depend on the all mighty who gives me power and wisdom -
Q2. Passing from Death to Life
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Life in the Son (John 5:17-47)
The Father raises the dead and Jesus can raise the dead is equivalent to a statement of equality with YHWH (cf. v. 26). linked to a physical manifestation of life in the new age. The Son gives life to whom He wishes. To whom does the Son choose to give life when you die. We want to pray for who are not saved to be reborn and when they die they meant have eternal life. My role is to walk with God , be examplerly to those who dont know Christ be born again and start to follow Jesus -
Q1. Listening to the Father
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Life in the Son (John 5:17-47)
Because of his unity with God, Jesus lived as God wanted him to live. Because of our identification with Jesus, we must honor him and live as he wants us to live. The word Son shows Jesus' unique understanding of His relationship with the Father and reflects the titles "Son of Man" and "Son of God. When we walk by the spirit will be able to hear or listen to God. Read the word study the word do what it says. When we hear and obey God we become His instruments and do His work according to his will. Pass on from generation to generation. -
Some people are healed but pretend that they trully believe.This man had been lame, or paralyzed, and suddenly he could walk. This was a great miracle. But he needed an even greater miracle—to have his sins forgiven. The man was delighted to be physically healed, but he had to turn from his sins and seek God’s forgiveness to be spiritually healed. God’s forgiveness is the greatest gift you will ever receive. We need not to neglect his gracious offer. Jesus wanted to know that God had healed him and should believe in God.
Q3. Spiritual Blindness
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Healing at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-16)
According to the Pharisees, carrying a mat on the Sabbath was work and was therefore unlawful. It did not break an Old Testament law, but it broke the Pharisees’ interpretation of God’s command to “remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” (Exodus 20:8). This was just one of hundreds of rules they had added to the Old Testament law. Some people live in the law and traditional beliefs which control their daily life. I was never been in that predicament but helped those lost in this situation. New believers before their were born again face traditional hang over to say before they are delivered. -
Q2. Inquiry and Prayer
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Healing at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-16)
He had no hope of ever being healed and no desire to help himself. The man’s situation looked hopeless. In life we should know that there is hope in God. It is important not to make assumptions, but to seek discernment and pray for fellow brother who are in need. -
Q1. Character and Grace
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Healing at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-16)
Some suggest it is because this man is the only one who had given up all hope of ever getting into the pool.10 This man had been sick 38 years. I wonder how many other experiments this man had tried to get healed. He was ready to hope in something else. If that is true, it is analagous to the principle that people have to recognize they are lost before they are ready to trust in Christ. But, what is very evident in this miracle story, is that this man did not even know who Jesus was and so his faith was not involved. I think it is interesting to note that the solution to the man’s problem was Jesus, but he could not see it. He was focused on getting to the pool. He wanted to use Jesus to help him get to the pool. He was not looking to Jesus for the healing. After 38 years, this man’s problem had become a way of life. No one had ever helped him. He had no hope of ever being healed and no desire to help himself. The man’s situation looked hopeless. But no matter how trapped you feel in your infirmities, God can minister to your deepest needs. Don’t let a problem or hardship cause you to lose hope. God may have special work for you to do in spite of your condition, or even because of it. Many have ministered effectively to hurting people because they have triumphed over their own hurts. -
The attack on the World Trade Centre in 1993 "brought many to Christ together and many are now served. Many have given themselves to Christ. They survived the attack on when the planes hit the twin towers on that fateful day in 2001 9/11 God saved their life. In the evangelistic ministry many miraculous healing occur. All over the world, holding crusades where millions of people encounter the life changing and life saving love and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. People are touched by the amazing power of the Holy Spirit and many receive a divine healing. Why do some denominations emphasize miracles because it is the only way some come to Christ and be born again. God has chosen in the book of Acts that his method of advertisement is the miraculous The presence of signs and wonders are proof to them being true prophets of God and discipling will be easy when miracles are performed. False prophets all so mislead many and as they use signs and wonders as well. Exodus 7 v 11- 12 Then Pharaoh called in his own wise men and sorcerers, and these Egyptian magicians did the same thing with their magic. 12 They threw down their staffs, which also became serpents! But then Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs..
Q3. Rejoicing in Another's Success
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
3:29 "He who has the bride is the bridegroom" It is striking that this marriage was describing the relationship between God and Israel ( Isa. 54:5; 62:4,5; Jer. 2:2; 3:20; Ezek. 16:8; 23:4; Hos. 2:21). Paul also uses it in Eph. 5:22 that Christian marriage may be the best modern example of a covenant relationship of God and man. ▣ "So this joy of mine has been made full" Instead of having a competitive spirit, John the Baptist obviously recognized his place and rejoiced in Jesus. -
Q4. He Must Increase
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
John’s willingness to decrease in importance shows unusual humility. Some Pastors, leaders and other Christian members get tempted to focus more on the success of their ministries than on Christ. We should be beware of ourselves who put more emphasis on their own achievements than on God’s Kingdom. This can be achieved by knowing God and obey his decrees. -
Q5. Love and Wrath
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. He Must Increase (John 3:22-4:3)
1 Jesus says that those who believe in him have (not will have) eternal life. To receive eternal life is to join in God’s life, which by nature is eternal. Thus, eternal life begins at the moment of spiritual rebirth. 2 John, the author of this Gospel, has been demonstrating that Jesus is the true Son of God. Jesus sets before us the greatest choice in life. We are responsible to decide today whom we will obey (Joshua 24:15), and God wants us to choose him and life (Deuteronomy 30:15-20). The wrath of God is God’s final judgment and rejection of the sinner. To put off the choice is to choose not to follow Christ. Indecision is a fatal decision. -
Q6. Spiritual Worship
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
“God is Spirit” means he is not a physical being limited to one place. He is present everywhere, and he can be worshiped anywhere, at any time. It is not where we worship that counts, but how we worship. Is your worship genuine and true? Do you have the Holy Spirit’s help? How does the Holy Spirit help us worship? The Holy Spirit prays for us (Romans 8:26), teaches us the words of Christ (14:26), and tells us we are loved. -
1 When this woman discovered that Jesus knew all about her private life, she quickly changed the subject. Often people become uncomfortable when the conversation is too close to home, and they try to talk about something else. As we witness, we should gently guide the conversation back to Christ. His presence exposes sin and makes people squirm, but only Christ can forgive sins and give new life. 2 The woman brought up a popular theological issue—the correct place to worship. But her question was a smoke screen to keep Jesus away from her deepest need. Jesus directed the conversation to a much more important point: The location of worship is not nearly as important as the attitude of the worshipers.
This woman (1) was a Samaritan, a member of the hated mixed race, (2) was known to be living in sin, and (3) was in a public place. No respectable Jewish man would talk to a woman under such circumstances. But Jesus did. The Good News is for every person, no matter what his or her race, social position, or past sins. We must be prepared to share this Good News at any time and in any place. Jesus crossed all barriers to share the Good News, and we who follow him must do no less.
Q2. Spiritual Thirst
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
1 What did Jesus mean by “living water”? In the Old Testament, many verses speak of thirsting after God as one thirsts for water (Psalms 42:1; Isaiah 55:1; Jeremiah 2:13; Zechariah 13:1). God is called the fountain of life (Psalms 36:9) and the fountain of living water (Jeremiah 17:13). In saying he would bring living water that could forever quench a person’s thirst for God, Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah. Only the Messiah could give this gift that satisfies the soul’s desire. 2 The women did not feel spiritually thirsty because she did not realise it first. 3 Many spiritual functions parallel physical functions. As our bodies hunger and thirst, so do our souls. But our souls need spiritual food and water. The woman confused the two kinds of water, perhaps because no one had ever talked with her about her spiritual hunger and thirst before. We would not think of depriving our bodies of food and water when they hunger or thirst. Why then should we deprive our souls? The living Word, Jesus Christ, and the written Word, the Bible, can satisfy our hungry and thirsty souls. -
Q3. The Gift of God
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
1 This woman (1) was a Samaritan, a member of the hated mixed race, (2) was known to be living in sin, and (3) was in a public place. No respectable Jewish man would talk to a woman under such circumstances. But Jesus did. The Good News is for every person, no matter what his or her race, social position, or past sins. We must be prepared to share this Good News at any time and in any place. Jesus crossed all barriers to share the Good News, and we who follow him must do no less. 2 Many spiritual functions parallel physical functions. As our bodies hunger and thirst, so do our souls. But our souls need spiritual food and water. The woman confused the two kinds of water, perhaps because no one had ever talked with her about her spiritual hunger and thirst before. We would not think of depriving our bodies of food and water when they hunger or thirst. Why then should we deprive our souls? The living Word, Jesus Christ, and the written Word, the Bible, can satisfy our hungry and thirsty souls 3 At Jesus’ baptism, John the Baptist had declared Jesus to be the Messiah. At that time God had given John a sign to show him that Jesus truly had been sent from God (1:33). John and Jesus were related, so John probably knew who he was. But it wasn’t until Jesus’ baptism that John understood that Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus’ baptism is described in Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; and Luke 3:21, 22. -
Q4. A Word of Knowledge
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:4-26)
1 The woman did not immediately understand what Jesus was talking about. It takes time to accept something that changes the very foundations of your life. Jesus allowed the woman time to ask questions and put pieces together for herself. Sharing the Good News will not always have immediate results. When you ask people to let Jesus change their lives, give them time to weigh the matter. 2 When this woman discovered that Jesus knew all about her private life, she quickly changed the subject. Often people become uncomfortable when the conversation is too close to home, and they try to talk about something else. As we witness, we should gently guide the conversation back to Christ. His presence exposes sin and makes people squirm, but only Christ can forgive sins and give new life. The women's faith grew more as he realilised this men brought good news to her. The holy spirit working in us and the Spirit of the Lord working today to bring people close to Christ and our faith o deepen -
Q3. Household Faith
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
We notice how the official’s faith grew. First, he believed enough to ask Jesus to help his son. Second, he believed Jesus’ assurance that his son would live, and he acted on it. Third, he and his whole house believed in Jesus. Faith is a gift that grows as we use it. -
Q1. Jesus' Passion
Stanley Tavaziva replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest (John 4:27-42)
The “food” about which Jesus was speaking was his spiritual nourishment. My passion includes more than Bible study, prayer, and attending church but to be used by God. Spiritual nourishment also comes from doing God’s will and helping to bring his work of salvation to completion. We are nourished not only by what we take in, but also by what we give out for God. Jesus come here on earth to complete God’s work and to save the sinners.