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Everything posted by JoanG

  1. I really have no personal experiences with miracles on a level of church-wide or world-wide basis. I believe that most people refuse to believe in miracles. They insist that miracles are impossible and they continue to look for rational answers for everything that happens. If someone comes to Jesus and God because of a miracle, I feel that God has softened that person's heart. I believe that we need to lovingly guide that person to the basics of our faith. We need to help them to grow in Christ.
  2. The boy lived without Jesus having to be there to physically touch the boy. The time that the fever went away was the exact time that Jesus had said that he was healed. The father was the one that traveled to Jesus most likely alone to make the trip faster. But everyone knew what he was doing and why. The royal official was able to see past the miracle to the greatness of Jesus. He did not believe in the miracle alone, but he believed in the word of Jesus and probably took it upon himself to further study the words of Jesus.
  3. The royal official has shown great faith in all of his actions. He traveled the 20 miles to talk to Jesus on a one to one plea for his son's life. He knew in his heart that only Jesus could save his son. He believed in the man of Jesus not in his ability to perform miracles. He knows the honesty of the son of man. he has a true faith and does not need signs. he believes in the spoken word of the Lord more than anything else.
  4. By witnessing miracles, people have a way to grasp the greatness and uniqueness of the ability of a person. They can cause the person to see that there is a greatness beyond the every day. There is something more powerful out there than us. But a mature faith is more than just believing in miracles, it is believing in the unseen power behind the miracle. It is believing in the person that has the ability to do the miracles. It is the undying ability to know that there is a lot more to come. There is an ultimate truth that is greater than all we can see or hear with our human senses. The Galileans feel that all the power was in the miracles alone. They refuse to see past the magic of the moment.
  5. Christian faith is based on principles that Jesus Christ is the true son of God, he took our sins upon himself and dies for us. he was in the grave 3 days and rose from the dead. And because of him, we have been delivered from the wrath to come. This would equate to the end times in the book of Revelation. I believe that all of these elements hold all of the same equal importance. You can not have one without the other. These are the basics of who Christ was and what he did. I feel that we have come to a type of fluffy religion now. We want people to have warm and comfy feelings at all times. We do not stress enough the basic principles of our faith. We are afraid of what they might think. We do not want to be the cause of any discomfort to those that attend the worship service.
  6. I believe that new Christians need role models on who can lead the young ones onto the proper path of God. We need to be able to stand out and stand proud in our faith. We need to show those that follow in our faith. We need to show those that follow in our footsteps how to walk the walk and talk the talk. We need to be Christ like in everything so that all those that follow us can have the best possible examples of what Christians are. I feel that we are to use examples in all types of ministries. Mentors and leaders set the tone of the Church. If they are strong in their faith, they will lead in very strong ways. There will be growth and maturing of all members. Those people that aren't part of a strong Christian community will never grow to their fullest faith potential. They will always long for something more in their hearts and souls. They will feel empty and they will continue to search for the connection that fills them. I need to be a good example for my family and friends. I need to show them how Christ is in my life and how much I can teach them about following the positive ways of life. By my words and actions, I want them to see God coming through me. I want to shine with God's love.
  7. The Holy Spirit is the guiding force in all believer's lives. This is the connection from humans to God himself. To have a God-led ministry and not people led, we need to listen to the Holy Spirit as we are guided through our daily lives. When people try to use will-power to accomplish things, we usually have very little effect. We need to learn to do things God's way. we need to learn to have faith that God is always at work to give us what is best for us. Paul, it seems, does not personally do miracles. He does not do healings or things in the open. But he gives credit for everything to God. He believes that God works in special ways. I believe that miracles in evangelism do take place but we are too blind to see them. People do speak of God and they lead people to God but it is hardly ever notices by the numbers. I believe that people are hindering all the actions of God. They refuse to let God take control. They are always trying to do things their own way. We are doing what we feel is God pleasing but we are constantly under-minding what God really wants. We refuse to listen to him.
  8. I feel that the Jews were still trying to keep a monopoly on God. They were afraid of losing their money from offerings and the people to look up to them. They liked the status quo. And the teachings of the gospel really threatened their lifestyle. It showed that the laws that they held on to so strongly were really obsolete. Paul believes in everything he is saying, he knows that he has the grace of God and the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ in his whole being. He refuses to cave into the bullies on any level. He realizes that he is striking nerves for the right reasons. He is scaring the old for the new. He is making a big difference and he will not stop. I feel that we need to be true to ourselves but also truer to God. We need to express what is right no matter what the opposition is. We need to stand up for what is right no matter what the consequences might be. If we make the opposition that uncomfortable, we can be honored a that we have make our point and that they are running scared.
  9. The offense of the cross was that Christ was put to death as a criminal for being the Messiah. Yes, he fulfilled the scriptures from the Old Testament by his death. But the Jews did not realize who he was. They allowed the leaders to corrupt their view points. They allowed their egos to destroy their faith and their beliefs in what is right and wrong. People today only want to remember the pleasant aspects of Christ's life. They do not want to think about his death. They do not want to dwell on the facts that they are sinners. Some people want to take the easy way out in their faith. They find that they can manipulate the bible for their own purpose. They pick and choose what to believe. They refuse to live the faith, they make the faith fit into their own lives. I feel that the true meaning of the message of the cross is being compromised and manipulated to fit into the soft world where we now live. People do not really want to have to work at faith. There are a lot of people that go to worship to be entertained. They forget that they are there to give glory and honor to God.
  10. The mark of the New Christians is the indwelling spirit that Jesus gave to us when we were baptized into the faith. This Spirit is to help us to soften our hearts to the love that Jesus gives to us freely as his adopted brothers and sisters. It helps us to get over past habits and to form better and grace filled habits. It allows us the freedom to become who we are to be through God's grace. We are more able to follow the path that God puts us on to be everything that God wants us to be. But the real evidence of all of this is the love that is not only in our lives but also the love that radiates from us. We are to shine love to the whole world. We are to be the love of Christ here today.
  11. Paul means that the Galatians are of risk of losing the grace of God and the forgiveness of their sins and in all reality their salvation. They are at risk of undoing all the good that has been done for them. They are willing to go backwards in time and to suffer under the old laws that were created to make life difficult for all men. There was no grace to be had from God with these laws. In today's society, people can fall from grace by turning their backs on their moral convictions and allow people to create laws that cause problems for their fellow man. They can blindly follow things that are wrong. We stand by and watch innocent people being falsely accused of treason for taking a stand on things that are right. We can watch the rich take advantage of the poor in very unfair practices. We can stand by and watch the government destroy our democracy and human rights.
  12. Paul feels responsible for the actions of the Galatian people. He feels that he had failed them in some ways. He feels a need to be there to talk to them in person, to reason with them to do what is right and to help them to avoid peer pressure to turn their backs on the truth that he had taught them. As young Christians start to grow in their faith, they start to act more like Christ that dwells in their hearts. Their actions start to show how Christ is working in them to change their lives. The process involved is to accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. Allow Christ's love to flow through us by our actions and thoughts. We need to get to know the Lord better by studying his words and deeds in the bible. we have to work on doing this on a daily basis. We need to cleanse ourselves or all of our bad habits.
  13. It is okay to celebrate special days as long as they hold a personal meaning for you and connects you closer to God. You should not celebrate because someone is forcing you to do it. Paul felt that the Galatians were only worshipping because they were ordered to. They did not have any ties to the worship. It was like a false thing to do because it did not bring any glory to God or meaning for them. They were forcing themselves to act like Jews as far as the law goes. But their hearts were not into it. I feel that it is beneficial to observe special days. We need a chance to have a special connection to God on those days. However, our hearts and souls need to be into it. It has to be an act of faith and not an act of obligation.
  14. We have inherited the Spirit of God. God placed his spirit into our hearts and souls so that we are known as his. We are one with him in heaven. We are to know him on a personal level. He is our Abba. Not our Father but Abba. We are also one with Jesus. He has accepted us as brothers and sisters into his inner circle. He has made a special place for us in heaven.
  15. Both groups were caught up in laws and rituals that were sucking the life out of them. They were caught up in a never ending cycle that left them empty. They needed to be saved. Christ came along and they were redeemed. He saved them from this life. Christ freed them by giving them a choice to follow him and to live again. We as God's adopted children and now able to worship him totally and fully on our own. We can talk directly to him on a daily basis. But by agreeing to this, we are also required to live under his rules. we are to live in the ways that we are taught in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  16. I believe that God wanted the hearts of most of the people to be right. he needed to make sure that the message would not fall on deaf ears. I believe that the people were very willing to walk away from the type of religion that became stale. They were unable to be fulfilled spiritually any longer. There were people starving for the type of food that only God could supply.
  17. In the time of Jesus, I really feel that the Jewish nation looked down on all those that were not circumcised. they felt that those people were not equal to them because they were not the chosen ones. But through Christ, we are all the same. We all are equal in the eyes of God. This means that we have the right to pray and worship and thank God just as those next to us. We need to realize this on a regular basis. I believe that we need to look at each other with the love and understanding that Jesus showed us by example.
  18. Jesus stayed in Samaria because he was able to see into the hearts of the people there. He knew that he would make a huge difference in that area with the hearts of the people. Jesus was trying to get the lost sheep of Israel back to God. However, it is impossible to turn your back on people that were so hungry for the truth. The whole world is looking for salvation and peace and love. Jesus is one that can provide that for them. We have to go to all corners of the world to open up the eyes, ears and hearts of all people to the things that are available through Christ for all of those that believe. This means that we have a lot of work to do. We have a lot of people to talk to.
  19. I believe that if we follow the path that God puts us on. And we do the work that God created us for. We will be graced with eternal life in heaven. We will be sitting with him at the right hand of the Father along with our brothers and sisters.
  20. The kindness that Jesus showed the woman at the well, changed her for life. The forgiveness of her sins, the grace that Jesus gave to her caused her whole being to glow and caused an excitement in her soul. When there is such a dramatic change to a person, people will take notice immediately. They want to share in this revelation. My testimony might help to give hope to others. They might be able to learn that things take time but God will always be there to help solve the problem. We need to be able to see people for who they are. We need to be able to look into their eyes and into their souls. We have to stop looking past people. We need to see the single individual from the large crowds.
  21. I feel that Jesus means a spiritual food. I think that he means type of food that fills his soul and our souls. Jesus was very passionate about doing the work of his Father. Right now I am very passionate about my studies of the bible. I feel that this is what the Father wants me to do right now. I try to find places to share the knowledge that I am getting. I want to show others the positive things in their lives. I am trying to be that example that helps people to come to God.
  22. God is everywhere. God is able to see all, be all and know all. We must come into worship with truth and honesty in our hearts. We have to feel the excitement in our spirits, in our souls. We have to be true in our statements. We cannot just sit there and repeat words with no thoughts of what we are saying. There have been times where I actually did not think about God once while I was in church. I was too busy thinking about those around me and judging people. I needed to rework my thought pattern. I needed to find a new church where I was able to feel the spirit around me. I needed to be around real people and not fake ones.
  23. She is possibly afraid that Jesus was there to try and judge her and convert her to the Jewish way of thinking. She did not want to hear how she was a lesser person from this man. Jesus was showing her that nothing was going to be the same in the future. The Samaritans worship a God that they did not know. But that to Jesus was going to bring about salvation for all. Today, many of the religious controversies comes from people thinking close- mindedly that their way is the best way or the only way to worship., They refuse to believe that God can be worshipped in many ways with the same effect and benefits. They want to belittle our personal faith, to personally make them feel better about themselves.
  24. We need to be confident when we approach God in prayer. We are to trust in God to answer our prayers. We have to believe that God wants to spend time with us. We have to be honest with him at all times. I believe that prayers will go unanswered if we do not approach God in the right ways. I feel that God can and does turn his back on people to teach them lessons.
  25. Paul does not want people to think that he is better than they are. He wants them to know that it was God and Jesus that changed his life and it was them who showed him a better way. We can not do anything on our own. We need the grace from God to succeed in becoming and doing what we were meant to be. We need to allow God to work through us. We need to be God's hands and feet and hearts in this world. We need to allow his love to shine through us at all times.
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