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Everything posted by JoanG

  1. This is the last time that some people will be in front of God and Jesus. They will have to be a true and faithful believer or else they will be turned into the eternal fires. No body will be able to pretent to be a Christian any more. Their true colors are going to be revealed. Some people are not really sure that they have the faith or the salvation needed to get into heaven. They may also know that they have either a very weak faith or no true faith at all.
  2. We miss being a part of Christ's earthly body. We miss the celebration of life that should be taking place every Sunday. We really miss out on the acceptance, forgiveness and love that can only be shared with our brothers and sisters of faith. By our absence, we keep our love and our acceptance from others. We deny them with a possible smile or kind work that they will need.
  3. I feel that people have a really hard time to stand up for what we believe in. And spiritual warfare would seem an impossible battle. It is a battle of ultimate good versus untimate bad. It is our belief in God and the bible versus materialistic values of the world. At times this battle would seem insurmountable. However, Paul reminds us that we have Christ on our side. That Christ Himself is with us and in us. Christ is above all of it. he is the supreme victor within the battle already. An d we have that power through faith to win.
  4. I feel that we sometimes "think" we are powerless. Our fear is what stops us from action. I feel that we do not have faith at those times. We forget that God is always there for us. We forget to trust in the Lord to take care of us like promised. We forget about the foot prints in the sand. God is there to carry us through. I feel that individuals will look for churches that have people like themselves. I think the term is church shopping. They will find a place where they are welcomed, that they feel safe and wehre they can be themselves and grow in faith. So if people are filled with a miracle- believing faith, these people will find others to worship with. They will support each other and they will help each other grow. Churches with a wimp faith congregation are those churches that do not have a spark for life. They are happy with the pastor just being a chaplain and taking care of them. They are nothing more than Sunday worshippers. They are only there to fulfill an obligation. There is no apparent live faith there and there is no growth.
  5. By having a healthy local church, we are unifying ourselves in the knowledge of the Son of God. We are growing mature loving Christians. We are strong in our faith that no man will be able to cause us to turn our backs on God or each other. In the name of love, we will teach, help and guide each other. We will be able to loving repeimand those that need redirection and possibly intervention. There will always be a helping hand up to all those that need it. But there will not be hand outs unless there is no other way to help. We will make sure that we take care of our own.
  6. We are to act as disciples to Christ. It is the position of the pastor to help us find our strengths and to help us see the path that Christ has put us on. To act as a paid chaplain, the pastor is only servicing our needs to hear the word of god. He is only making us feel good. He is not helping us to fulfill our purpose through Christ. The pastor might make us look into ourselves and be completely honest with who we are. he can help us to find our hidden talents and to challenge us to use them to the best of our abilities. He can teach us without giving us the answers. A really great pastor will be able to talk to our souls.
  7. Pastors are to be the shepherds within the congregations. They are to build up the people to take over the mission of Jesus and the apostles to share the news of salvation to all the ends of the earth. Teachers are also to arm those students with the knowledge of the armor of Jesus and God. I see a few people who help guide the congregation. They act as the inner voice for the congregation to do the right things. They are there to help those that are struggling with their faith. Small group leaders and Sunday School teachers are the front line for teaching relavent parts of the bible to people.
  8. We need to be dilligent in our work for the Lord. We can not waiver from our Faith. We know what the truths are and we need to teach others about those truths. Any thing we do for the Lord is not wasted. He knows of all of our tallents and abilities. He knows what good we are doing even when we do not think that our works seem very important to us.
  9. I find great reassurance in the teachings in the Bible. Christ has promises that we will rise from the dead when He comes back to earth. I feel that we will be raised in our full body when He says this. Jesus is the first person to come back to life under His own power. He brought people back from the dead while He lived on this planet. And I feel that He will be opening the graves when He comes back for the final judgement.
  10. When we are baptized, we are reborn into a state of sinlessness. All of our sins from the past are forgiven. We are redeemed into a new life. It is the same concept of Jesus dying on the cross and rising up into heaven. We can actually feel a change in our hearts and our souls after we are baptized. We are like a little child in a very new situation. We become a sponge to learn and feel the experiences of being a new Christian. There is a new purpose to our lives that is hard to explain to non-believers.
  11. In order for us to have salvation, we must believe that Jesus died for us and was raised from the dead and is sitting at the right hand of God. Without this connection to the Father, we really might not be saved from sin.The whole concept of being God's adopted sons and daughters is that our brother opened the gates of heaven for us when He rose into the heavens.
  12. Jesus was protecting the reputation of the groom and his family. He only had teh servants to do the work for this miracle. Jesus was very generous with both the amount of wine and the quality of it as well. Jesus would not perform a weak type of miracle. He had too much glory in Him for that. He would only do the best. He only ever did His best so that the Father would be honored all the more.
  13. Alcoholics feel that they are only enjoying the gifts of God by drinking. They do not realize that they have a problem. They ignore all the signs of trouble in their lives. Drunkenness is the sin to having a drink. God never said to not enjoy wine, however to over do it can cause a number of sins to be committed. So these are against God's design and reason for creating the grapes. God meant for us to enjoy ourselves. He created a lot of things to help us to have a better life. However, when we abuse these things we are actually committing a number of sins at one time.
  14. It would have been a complete embarrassment for the wedding to run out of wine. It would have made the family look very bad. The fact that Mary knew about the wine would lead me to believe that the groom was related to her and to Jesus. It did not appear that all the guests knew about the problem. I feel that her words to Jesus were appropriate she had a personal concern and she was letting her son in on the conversation. I feel that Jesus was telling her that He did not have permission yet from the Father to start to do any miracles. Every thing had to be done on God's time schedule not ours. I believe that Jesus was given permission by God to go ahead and do this miracle now.
  15. We are to take **** very seriously. For **** is actually a sin of the heart. It can cause a lot of hardship for all people concerned. To realize that we are to love everyone as God sees them, is a blessing from God. It helps us to train our hearts and eyes. God knows that we are weak and He is giving us an easier way to cope.
  16. I would tell him that **** is an addiction like alcohol, drugs or gambling. And it is almost impossible to fight it by yourself. However, I would stress that I would be willing to help him the best that I can.you need to build in safety nets to catch yourself in. You need to pray and keep your heart and mind on God. You need to build in fire walls. You need to keep your eyes off those things that cause you to sin. Personally stay away from the beaches and the pools. And only watch certain channels on your tv.
  17. It is degrading. It portrays a fa;se idea of healthy sex. It turns men into animals. Prostitutes are not wives to these men. They are poor women who sell not only their bodies but also their souls for men to enjoy destroying them. Society and all humanity are the victims in these crimes.
  18. The actual truth of this question is this: forbidden **** is anything and everything outside of marriage. Any body who is not married sins when they have any hormonal activity towards the opposite sex.
  19. Each time we partake in the Lord's Supper, we are remembering that Jesus died for us and rose again. We are also to remember that we are to do this till Jesus comes again. And at that time, all the saints will celebrate the Great Passover together as the Glory of God is revealed to all that are worthy to attend it.
  20. In order to fully partake in the Lord's Supper, we need to be at peace and have a truly peaceful heart. We need to come to the table of the Lord prepared to receive graces and love from both Jesus and God. We can not just receive the body and blood of Christ because everyone else is doing it. We need to really put our hearts and souls into it.
  21. Jesus had to come to earth as a human to ultimately die a horrible death for my sins. I do feel sorrow because I caused the death of an innocent person for my sake. I am also filled with joy as well. I am important enough to Jesus that He wanted to make sure that my sins were forgiven.
  22. I am ver encouraged by Jesus's actions and statements since the Last Supper. He knew what it was like to have to face a major struggle or task. He did know what fear really was. He was able to push through this and do the Father's will. He did not give into temptation to give up. He showed us that prayers can give us the inner strength and courage to go and do what seems impossible for us to do. I am inspired to give more thought and feelings to my prayers. I need to make them intense and whole hearted. The have to have feelings and a life of their own. They have to be an extension from my heart to God the Father.
  23. Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. He allowed Himself to be hung on the cross for our sins. He wanted to unite us with God again. He wanted to open the gates of heaven again to common people. His goal was to bring us home to our Father. He was the bridge that allows this to happen.
  24. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We need to know that Jesus was human. We need to know that He knows what it is like to be one of us. It is easy for one to give advice and suggest ways of living when they have no clue what is really happening. You can just take so much advice from someone who never had children when you are up all night for the third night in a row with a sick child. It would be the same thing with a highly spiritual being coming to this world to teach us how to live. We would probably all agree that the lessons were great, even ideal. But we would just write them off as a goal but not reall good for every day living. We being humans are great as doing things as we always did because it is easy and it is well known, even if it does not work as well.
  25. To me, an evangelist is a person that can bring the word of God to life. They can take the bible and bring the thoughts and feelings of those books to life. They show how the messages are still very relevant to today. The are like the cheerleaders of the Word. They bring excitement, a renewed interest, a meaningful purpose to be there.
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