I would think that a woman was given the honor of seeing Jesus first because of the ministry of reconciliation. When Eve took of the fruit she "saw" that it was good; (for lack of better words) she thought she was doing right. She gave what she found to Adam and he did eat with her. Now, Jesus is giving her another chance to truly "make it right" (remember the men also came to the tomb and when they saw it empty, they left. If He had wanted to give the message to the men, He could have.) She now has something that is truly "good" to take back and feed man. Only this time, man is far more cautious about what he will "eat" from the hand of the woman and believes not (Mark 16:11). But, when Jesus returns again and sups with them, it is as He is breaking bread that their eyes are open and He vanishes from sight (Luke 24:30-31). Our eyes were opened in the Garden and we saw death, now our eyes are opened again to Life.