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  1. Yes, in 2009 I went to Dearborn, Michigan for the annual Arab American Festival as a missionary and worker in the setup of the event. That part of the United States is very much like going to a middle eastern country. Even the supermarket there was unlike anything I'd seen here. While it was only for a few days, and we stayed in a hotel that was normal US fare, it was shocking at times. Our goal was to take our faith with us, and to share it! Seeing many of the inconsistencies amongst the participants in the festival, and the PLO people in their hateful action, was very telling. Also seeing "Americanized" Muslims kowtow to the PLO there, in Dearborn, Michigan, was shocking. Seeing Muslim teens with hijabs on while wearing Brittney Spears t-shirts shed light on many things. It is a very different feeling, though nothing like Daniel and his young friends being in Babylon.
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