Rebellion is an ACTIVE and CONSCIOUS choice to disregard/ go against certain laws and established rules. My take on witchcraft is that it "takes matters into your own hands". From what I generally see, it's never used in any good way but rather to change the course of things to suit one's twisted desires. Rebellion like witchcraft is actually turning away from God and deciding that you and do things your own way. In witchcraft, you are acting as though you are God, making things manifest in your own way. Rebellion is also saying you know better so you can do things your way irrespective of the law.
Arrogance is having too great a sense of one's own abilities or importance (Oxford dictionary) and you wouldn't rebel if you didn't think that you know better, if you didn't think that your way of doing things is much better, that your way of doing things is the right way. So embedded in rebellion is arrogance. The two go hand in hand.
The best thing to do is to go down on your knees, acknowledge what you have done, confess your sin and ask for forgiveness. But the important thing there is (1) Truly mean it and (2) Actually change your ways. For that is the true essence of asking for forgiveness, turning away/cutting ties with what you have done.
If we do nothing, that sin follows us. We will be held accountable for it and pay the price. I think that the worst price of not doing anything about it is not spending time with Our Father in heaven,
What a powerful lesson learnt.