Hester Brandow
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Everything posted by Hester Brandow
Q1. Types of Glory
Hester Brandow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
REPUTATION: The diamond in the Royal Crown has the reputation of being the biggest ever; the most expensive, the brightest, the most protected, etc I have read about it and heard about it but personally not seen it, but it has a reputation. DERIVED : That diamond, when brought out of security into light one will clearly see the beautiful colourful reflection! We know how a diamond can reflect with sparkles of light flickering all around as it is moved around! INHERENT: That diamond; any diamond, has inherent shine within itself. It's in its makeup! Because it is locked away for security reasons does not mean it has no glory or shine. People know that diamond is set within the Royal Crown, a beautiful, magnificent, most glorious piece of artwork fit for a king or queen, but the diamonds brightness and glory is truly appreciated and seen when brought out into the open where its shine and glory can be appreciated and reflected all around it. Specs of light falling on people and things close to it. God has a reputation from what we read in His Word. Gods glory is derived by what others witness about Him, telling of their experience of Him. God is inherent glorious, even if some people don't glorify Him, others will, even if NO people glorify Him, creation does! He is inherent Glorious! -
Q1. The Name Yahweh
Hester Brandow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (
Yahweh is Self-Existent; He has no beginning and no end; He is past, present & future; He will continue to be; He is Creator, Mighty, Powerful; He is a Covenant God Who fulfills His promises; He is ever present with His people! He is involved in His peoples lives and demonstrates that involvement ! Idols are handmade from stone or wood or other materials, they are breakable, dead symbols /figures /statues that are blind, deaf, speechless and powerless ! What a Mighty Loving God we serve !! -
Q5. The Battle Is the Lord's
Hester Brandow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
Knowledge is power /confidence! knowing Who our God and Father is will give us confidence and courage in times of battle. Remembering at all times He is The Mighty War Commander, God Almighty, Victorious and Triumphant! Knowing His promises are true and faithful that He has already overcome! He ALWAYS is with us and before us to lead us into triumph with Him, Mark 16:20. We can rely on, believe in and trust Him and so be filled with peace that passes all understanding that will guard our hearts and minds. Timidity and brashness are lies and unstable 'feelings' we allow from hell to dissabilatate us, robbing us of courage, leaving us afraid or we act recklessly and without discretion or regard of consequences! God will not fight for or with us when we are disobedient or without faith! Putting our total faith, trust and obedience in our Commander /Leader is what gets us LIFE and every promise He has made ! -
While the "rod of God" - Moses' staff or stick or rod - was lifted high, the troops had courage to keep fighting, they knew The Mighty Warrior was fighting with them! The staff/ stick/ rod of Moses was a symbol of Gods presence. It was a tool God used to do many wonderful, mighty deeds! At a time the rod with the serpent on was lifted high and those who looked up on it were saved / healed! We see the Lord, He is high and lifted up ! God promises He will never leave or forsake us, He made His home within us, His Spirit is in us. The battles we fight are also His battles - spiritual battles! He fights with and for us. Jesus has already disarmed and made a spectacle of our enemy! Keep eyes on Jesus, keep the faith, Jesus always leads us in triumph ! We have His Word as Sword !
God had a savings plan for mankind which Jesus knew from the beginning of all time! The promises and prophesies made through all the ages had to be fulfilled! In the garden, under terrible, terrible stress, He knew He had to submit to the Fathers will and plan. He had to focus, at that moment, on the end purpose of the suffering, therefore He had to endure and give Himself, alone, so that man can be saved and God be glorified! The once and for ALL sacrifice ! Even though the heavenly army was standing ready, waiting for the call, He had to die, alone! When Jesus does call on the heavenly hosts,they will be ready! It is the one almighty war the heavenly hosts are waiting for, the war in which The Faithful, Loyal, Incorruptible, Almighty All-Ruler, King of kings will strike and overpower the beast and nations because of their moral degradation, defeat, kill and conquer ALL evil !! Praise, honour and glory be to God !
The servant saw with fleshly natural eyes that which is carnal, right before him, that which he can hear, see and touch - just like we very often do ! Elisha looked from a Spirit filled heart of faith on The One with whom he has a personal relationship. Knowing Gods Word, having a relationship with Him, believing, trusting relying on Him ! Having learnt of His Greatness, Power and Might, knowing that Holy Spirit lives within me, therefore He that is in me is Greater than whatever is in the world! The battle is a spirit one, not fleshly! So we can take courage and our faith strengthened in the knowledge that El Shaddai, Yahweh-Sabaoth, The Almighty God, Lord of host is victorious! He has already defeated the enemy! Therefore we are victorious with Him!
Q1. Commander of the Armies of the Lord
Hester Brandow replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
God does not take sides! He is on the side of righteousness. He has an ultimate plan with ALL involved. He loves and believes in man and has a purpose to build into man faith, humbleness, dependence and Christlike character! The moment Joshua realized The Commander is God, he knew himself to be totally dependent on The Mighty Warrior ! After his encounter his faith was strengthened, he was confident and focused ! -
Over the years and generations, I think we have, in our conduct and minds, made God smaller and more "human-like", (if I may say so and you might understand what I mean). We carry on with our lives and can sometimes praise and worship in in a matter-of-fact way, thoughtlessly! This study has made me again realize Whom I belong to! Here I can repeat what I have studied, read and answered in Q 1 & 2, the God is The Most High ! Creator, Ruler, Totally Supreme over every- and anything in ALL the universe! The scripture (and others relevant) in Isaiah 57:15 where God says He inhabits eternity and dwells in high and holy places BUT ALSO with the human that humbles himself, confesses, acknowledges Him ! Makes me think of the song: "How Great is God, how big and wide His vast domein, He's big enough to rule the might universe, yet small enough to live within my heart"!
There is no other God, He is The God above all, King above all kings !! In prayer I will remember and acknowledge Him as The Most High, everlasting, all powerful God, Creator of everything. He is The Strong & Powerful One, exalted and worthy of all praise. I will be more aware of the above facts when, through Jesus Christ, my Savior, I may enter boldly into His presence ! As I listened to songs suggested, of which I know and could sing with, as I read the scriptures and pondered on them, I am struck, once again, by Gods Greatness ! The wonderful realization that even though He, The Most High, dwells in high and holy places, He also dwells within me, because I accepted, acknowledge & confess Jesus Christ as Son of the Living God, Jesus my Savior! Praising and worshiping Him will be more meaningful.