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Everything posted by John6:68-69

  1. I think at first the royal official & his households faith was based on miracles. But I think that as the royal official kept asking for Jesus to go with him, that his faith became deeper "genuine" and when Jesus said that his son was alive, the royal official knew it to be. He believed in Jesus as the savior.
  2. True faith is believing with your whole heart & mind & is a deep and sustaining faith. Where faith based on seeing miracles only can be superficial and doesn't necessarily last.
  3. The Samaritans humbled themselves asking Jesus to stay. This led to many more to believe in Him because they got to hear HIs word vs just what the woman said. Jesus has given us an example & if we follow He will give us the harvest
  4. Rewards at judgement for doing His work.
  5. What does Jesus mean by "food" - The spiritual nourishment that He receives fro doing God's work. What was His passion - being obedient to God What is my passion - to be an instrument that God can use What will it take to accomplish my passion - listening to God through continued heart felt prayer allowing for quiet time in order to hear God. Diligently reading & studying his word. What does that look like in my life - currently I am a member of a disaster relief team, I assist in the nursery at church, and I am anxiously seeking my next assignment
  6. God is a spiritual being not a physical being, not flesh. Worshiping is not just going through motions/acts. It's our human spirit interacting with the Divine Spirit. Our spiritual birth-receiving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit assists us with speaking/worshipping God.
  7. She was uncomfortable with Jesus' level of knowledge of her. She evoked a "self preservation" act, so not having to acknowledge her wrong. Satan does not want them to see the truth, so he has them question/dispute in order to prevent them from seeing the truth as well as he would like nothing better than to put a chink in our armor of God.
  8. That Jesus was a prophet-someone special-not ordinary. It gave her faith in Jesus where up to then she was being somewhat sarcastic. The Holy Spirit turns the light bulb on. The Holy Spirit provides insight/understanding of God's Word, and also events in our lives.
  9. Eternal life-salvation-the receiving of the Holy Spirit. Yes I believe that this is another way of stating receiving "baptism" of the Holy Spirit.
  10. On the outside she does not appear to be spiritually thirsty. But, Jesus used curiosity to "entice" the woman. Jesus offered her a very valuable gift for free. Each evangelistic encounter works best if individualized to that person, being able to begin with something that you both have in common can go a long way.
  11. Yes, Because Jesus took our punishment, He paid the penalty for our sins.
  12. I think I need to have more one on one quiet time talking to God. I have actually just recently (today actually) to a step toward this. I got rid of cable tv, now I just have basic channels abc, cbs, nbc. I'm also thinking maybe to leave the house & find a quiet place in nature.
  13. John is pleased w/ Jesus's success, it's as it should be. Yes, I am pleased with other's ministry success, The success is not mine, it's the Holy Spirit that is successful. RE: pastors competing with each other, I ponder the question whose gain are they working for God's or their own? Unfortunately, it reflects that they are only for their own gain.
  14. No. Churches that preach and follow God's word, are God's church.
  15. This was the way Jesus was teaching them to be disciples and so they could continue to spread His word and they could make disciples. Through the Holy Spirit, reading the Bible and in prayer. More people come to God through friends, neighbors etc.. So it's very important to be with people so they can observe you & see how you live your life and it gives you opportunity to spiritual discussions & not be push it on them.
  16. That one verse tells the gospel. God loves us more than can be expressed in any words. To receive salvation all we have to do is believe in Jesus. That we will live with God and we will have everlasting life.l
  17. I think that water is referred to our human birth. The spirit is the Holy Spirit giving birth to our spiritual life,
  18. You can't enter the kingdom without being "born anew" a spiritual cleansing by the Holy Spirit. For me they both fit appropriately. You have to be "born anew" cleansing by the Holy Spirit & that gift is from God, so you are also "born from above" by God's grace.
  19. It's only obtainable by a spiritual re-birth cleansing/renewal by God's spirit. It's a gift from God. No, he didn't understand or believe Jesus' testimony about new birth.
  20. It's shallow, it's not real faith, it's belief on what you can physically see - not faith No, true faith is belief not only in what you can see, hear, touch, smell, taste etc..., but also on what you cant see, hear, touch, smell, taste etc.... God - a change in the person. Jesus wanted those with true faith, not fake (false) faith.
  21. Yes It's not the anger that is good or bad, but our choice of actions that come from the anger that is good or bad. When we choose to act in a cruel &/or threatening manner.
  22. Selling of animals, exchanging of money. They turned the temple a place of worship and prayer, a place to seek God's presence as a place of business. They disrespected God's house. Jesus dismantled what was happening, knocking over tables, sending the animals out of the temple, verbally reprimanding by telling them how they were disrespecting God's house. By claiming the temple as His Father's house, Jesus was telling all that he had the authority.
  23. This shows Jesus' immense love for others and also obeying the commandments, that even as he was dying on the cross he chose to honor his mother by ensuring that she (a widow) would be taken care of as he would have done (he knew John would do this). Here we see Jesus 1. honor his mother 2. take care of widows. Love, what a lesson to be learned by all. Even when you are personally goes through "tough times" (in Jesus case-dying on the cross) that we must still love & help others, not turn in selfishly & only think of our self "woe is me".
  24. When mostly everyone else present no longer believed that Jesus was the Messiah, here was one that had tremendous faith & belief. The thief received salvation, I believe it may have strengthened Jesus during these final moments because can you imagine how it must have felt for Jesus to be separated from the Father. That would be worse than any physical pain.
  25. It was not time for Jesus' miracles to be known yet. I believe that Jesus was aware of God's time line and needed to follow it. His disciples, because he needed the time to prepare (teach them) to continue His ministry after his crucifixion/resurrection. Jesus is very giving - He wanted to ensure they wouldn't run out again. He is magnificent in everything he does. His creations are marvelous "the best", He does nothing mediocre.
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