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  1. We have been "crucified" because we have "died" to our old sinful life to a new life in Messiah. We no "longer live" because we have died to the old nature and have been created anew. We are now not our own but belong to Messiah. His life motivates us to live for Him according to His Word. When you are a new creation, you put away the old patterns of believing and behaving. In embracing your status as a new creation, you seek that which enables you to live in a new way, motivated by the life of Messiah. He loved us and gave Himself for us even though we were sinners. We are no longer viewed as children of wrath but are beloved and sanctified.
  2. Circumcision for salvation adds works to the message of grace and is an unnecessary and unbiblical burden upon all believers. This issue needed to be resolved because it was president setting. If works were added to the salvation message of faith in Messiah alone, it would bring perpetual harm to the gospel message through the ages. Once again, the Reformers dealt with this same issue and acted upon resolving it to keep the original gospel message pure and biblical.It's also important in our day because the pure and biblical gospel message is becoming polluted with a works-based "social justice" gospel which is nothing more than Marxism in a "christian" wrapper. It is no gospel at all. Keeping the gospel message within a grace-based framework blows legalism apart and brings us back to the original gospel message. We do good works because of grace;the grace G-d shows sinners by our redemption.
  3. Our culture is so deeply ingrained in us and it is very difficult to see and believe outside of our biases. The Catholic church went into parts of the world where the people took paganism and mixed it with Catholic beliefs. The danger is syncretism and a muddling of the gospel. It brings chaos and confusion to people and throws the purpose of the church "under the bus." We need to keep the gospel message pure and simple. It needs to be presented in a multicultural manner by those presenting the message to develop relationships with the people groups they are sent by G-d to. Once you are familiar with their culture, language, and world-views, they can trust you and be more receptive to you and the gospel you want to share.
  4. Paul called Peter out because he wasn't behaving correctly even though he was sent by G-d to Cornelius, a Gentile believer. I would imagine Paul mentioned this issue to Peter before he called him out publicly. It benefitted all the believers because it reminded all that salvation is by grace and not works. Paul's confrontation halted a divide from growing between Jewish and Gentile believers. It put tremendous pressure on Paul because if he sided with Peter and the Jewish believers who wanted Gentiles circumcised, it would have damaged the gospel message.
  5. Before men came from Jerusalem, he felt it was proper to eat with Gentile believers like Cornelius who G-d sent Peter to in Acts. He only withdrew from these Gentile believers because he was intimidated by the Jewish believers who had political clout with the Jerusalem leadership. He was easily intimidated and cowardly at times and was more concerned with "saving face" with his fellow Jewish believers. He should have known better because it was G-d Himself who gave Peter a vision about presenting the gospel to the Gentile, Cornelius and sent him to meet with him. Barnabus was from Cyprus and defended Paul in Jerusalem when Paul was there getting the leadership's imput into the gospel he was going to present to the Gentiles. He was also sent by the leadership in Jerusalem to instruct new believers in Antioch.
  6. It seems he knew that his work of bringing the gospel to the Gentiles was different than the work of those presenting the gospel to the Jews: same gospel, different audiences, but one body of believers. Paul wants to make sure they know that he has really been converted and thereby called to ministry.
  7. It just signified that one didn't need an outward sign for an inward transformation. Paul was on the side of what was right and they all knew it. Grace was for all people and was sufficient.
  8. He was deeply learned and immersed in Judaism and was extremely zealous for it. So, he intensely persecuted the new believers. He did not consult anyone after his experience with Jesus that converted him. He never studied with the other apostles at Jesus' feet but encountered Him after His death and resurrection.
  9. He received the message by revelation from Jesus Himself. It was revealed to Paul by G-d and so it finds relevance in the Old Testament Scriptures. The danger of not investigating what is said by a pastor or evangelist against Scripture leads to apostasy.
  10. It is pulling them from worshipping G-d purely. Once they begin to serve Him only out of their good works, they begin to see themselves as responsible for their salvation. They become self-righteous and non-discerning, falling for everything a preacher or teacher says that is unbiblical and elevates man over G-d. The same can be said of the age we live in. Instead of reading the Word and interpreting it correctly, they rely on the newest "revelation" from unscrupulous, false teachers. Their hearts fall further from G-d's true Word to fantasies and fables. The lives they lead are far removed from obedience and holy living to reckless abandon and heresy. It infects and poisons the body of Christ, rendering the church ineffective and apostate.
  11. Jesus gave Himself for "our sins to rescue us from the present evil age according to the will of our G-d and Father." He rescues people the same way today. We are kept from falling back into our old ways because He has sent us the Holy Spirit upon salvation to equip us to live lives pleasing to Him. Because we are redeemed according to His sovereignty, He never loses those He has called. John 6:37 states, "All those the Father gives me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away." John 10:28 says, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand."
  12. It was common practice to use lambs as a sacrificial animal not just for Passover but as a general sacrifice offered for the people by the priests in the various feasts at the Temple. I am sure they understood that analogy when John uttered those words. The concept of global redemption would have caused a stir due to the thought that unclean Gentiles could be redeemed by a Jewish Messiah as well as the children of Abraham.
  13. They were taught correctly by Paul and because they are new believers, they can become easily confused. Believing in a gospel of works in order to be redeemed rather than a gospel of trusting in the redemptive work of the Messiah would lead others astray and give them false hope. Today, believers are easily confused especially when those presenting a gospel different or unbalanced gospel seem to have authority from G-d when in fact, the opposite is true.
  14. He gave Himself for our sins so we may be delivered from this evil age. He rescues us in the same way in this present day. He keeps us from falling back into our former ways through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
  15. I am Jeanne and I am excited to be studying this wonderful letter with all of you. Shalom (Peace)
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