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Q2. Consecration
Divine replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves?: The Isrealites needed to consecrate themselves because it was primarily commanded by the Lord their God. They needed to be clean because He was going to walk out with them to the promised land. What might this entail?: Consecration might entail, washing of one's body and wearing fresh clothing, abstaining from sexual activity, might entail some Spiritual cleaning as well in the area of fasting and being in a mood of warship and reverence to the Lord God. Might entail singing praises to His Holy name and having a joyful heart. In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself?. Personally I think, abstaining from sex, fasting and praying, singing praises to His Holy name and reading and meditating in His word. What would this require of you?: This will require that I set out specific time for that, I get prepared in my mind and body and also inform my wife about what I am doing. It would need periodical quiet times just with the Lord and being attentive in spirit to get what He might be revealing to me as directives. What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself?. My congregation would need to carry out periodical fasting and prayers. Corporately arranged as a group. We will need to all strive for holiness and to be attentive to any revelations. -
Q4. Devoted to the Lord
Divine replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Walls Fall Down (Joshua 5:13-6:27)
Q4. (Joshua 6:27) The slaughter of all the people in Jericho is difficult for us to understand. Why do you think God ordered it?: God ordered the slaughter of the people in Jericho because of their sins and detestable rebellion against the Lord. The people were wicked and lived perversely in a way that defiled the whole land. Since God was angree with them, He ordered the land to purge the people out (Lev. 18: 24-26). He equally, warned the people of Isreal about the dangers of getting entangled with that kind of life. For the above reasons, we observe that God did not want to permit any chances with the Isrealites (His people) that is why He strictly gave the order to kill everything living in that city. God is supreme and remains God. There is no one who can question His actions and decisions. The bible makes us to understand that He is the potter and we are the products of His handy work. He decides on which ever shape and the pot has no say. In what sense are you “devoted to the Lord” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).?: I have made a decision to follow Jesus Christ and therefore try to devote myself to the Lord by staying true to Him and avoiding getting into sexual sin that would defile my body which actually belongs to the Lord. In doing this I talk to him seeking His help through His Spirit. For it is written, not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord (Zech. 4:6) Metaphorically, how does this relate to Jesus’ teaching to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow him, and Paul’s teaching on the crucified life? (Luke 9:23; Romans 6:6; Galatians 2:20). In fact, we should step out of our worldly ways and follow the example of Jesus Christ as He illustrated that the son can do nothing of His own but that which He sees His father do (John 5: 19-20). We should in fact turn from our wicked ways, greed, and all other vices of the enemy and copy the life of Jesus Christ. -
Q3. Jordan Stops Flowing
Divine replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
Q3. (Joshua 3:13-17) 1. How was Joshua able to announce the miracle of Jordan stopping its flow ahead of the event? Joshua knew God and His abilities. He knew God was extremely faithful and will always honour His words, therefore, on hearing from God Joshua on his part had to simply obey and do the announcement believing God for the rest. Joshua under Moses had seen similar events taking place and had not even the slightest doubts on God Almighty. 2. What kind of faith did it require to do so?. This kind of action required great faith but as said when you know and believe God, immediately you know that it is an instruction from the Father Himself, you have no other choice than to follow His instructions. God will never disappoint you because He is not a man who would change his mind. I was planning a trip to a city to meet a friend about a business I am trying to put up and God knew about my planned trip, so God gave me an instruction last week to pray for a friend and in this instruction He mentioned HIV, HIV, HIV. Knowing my God, I quickly got up prepared myself and when I was in my car, I rang this friend up telling him I have good news for him and I asked if he was staying home that day. He answered in the affirmative. I drove off, when I arrived that City, I went to meet the other guy for the business and then rang the other guy and requested his address so that I could type it in my GPS. So I drove to his home and met him a lone. I greeted and asked if I am allowed to come in. He said yes. When I was in the house, I announced to him that God sent me with a message to pray for him and since this friend never told me about his diagnosis of HIV, I told him that, in effect, it would be good to confess anything that I would say that he knows is right in order to shame the enemy. So I told him God told me to pray for him and mentioned HIV. This friend confirmed saying yes he had been diagnosed with HIV 10 years ago. I shouted Gloy to God. I prayed for him, decreed and declared him free in the name of Jesus Christ. I told him to give his life to Christ because Jesus Christ is turning his whole life now for the better. Wow!!! What a wonderful God we have as our Father. This situation makes me know and imagine the position Joshua had amongst the Isrealites, he knew God and heard from Him and trusted and believed Him with no doubts. And God will always honour his words for He remains the Almighty God (see Numbers 23:19). 3. What did this do for his credibility as a leader? I can say in the case of Joshua, this confirmation from God consolidated and increased his credibility amongst is brethren as the new leader after God's servant Moses. -
Q4. (Joshua 1:8) What does it mean to meditate on the Word? To meditate in the word of God means to read it slowly over and over again, think about it, memorize it, imagine it and live it. Meditating in the word of God creates the presence of our Lord God around us. What is the difference between Christian meditation and Eastern meditation? The difference between Christian meditation and Eastern meditation is that Christian meditation is over the word of God, creating a connection to the creator who is Almighty and able to communicate with you through the Holy Spirit, for guidance and direction while Eastern meditation is usually emtying oneself, through quietness, slow breathing, concentration in order to connect to a power that is most often unknown or actually emptiness. How does God work through his Word to renew our minds? The word of God is life and is living, therefore the word can renew our minds because it is active. John 1:1-4 says ' In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men (www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-1-1/)
Q3. Fear vs. Courage
Divine replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1)
Q3. (Joshua 1:6-8) What kinds of things might Joshua be tempted to fear if he were to allow himself to dwell on his anxieties? Joshua if left on his own would have probably feared rejection by his fellow countrymen, he might have feared to fail, he might have seen the task of fighting the occupants of the promised land a difficult if not impossible task. What does it mean to “be strong and very courageous”? To be strong and very courageous in this context mean to have complete Faith in the finished work of our Lord Almighty. When the Lord speaks it is done for he is not a man who would change his words. What is the distinction between weakness and strength in Joshua’s situation? Weakness in this dispensation would mean the inability to act as commanded by God and strength would be to stand up to the full complete command and do the job requested with absolute boldness. What is the relationship between fear and faith? The relationship here is that fear is a dangerous element that can destroy even the strongest man and faith on the other hand is a powerful element that empowers every man. When you have faith in the Almighty God, you do not fear anything. Can you be courageous and still be fearful? Yes, this is very true that one can be courageous but still fearful. There are situations that people do something possing as if they were very courageous and later confess that they had some fear or doubt in them. -
Q2. God's Promise
Divine replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1)
God told Joshua after the death of Moses to get ready to lead the Isrealites across the River Jordan. He further on Joshua to be strong and courageous and not to be discouraged. He also said he will be with Joshua as he was with Moses as encouraging statements. God obviously knew Joshua more and knew that He had to provide Joshua assurance that He the Lord was with him. He wanted Joshua to assume the position given to him without fear of anyone. It is said if God be for us who can be against us? No one. In my case it gives me complete assurance and strength in knowing that the Lord my God is with me and therefore there is absolutely no reason for panic or fear for My Lord is the Mighty God in battle. Since God is with me in the positive sense, I do not have any limitations for I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. Now looking at it from the worldly view, we realize that our ego, our own will, will make us suffer simply because we have to exercise patience and wait on the Lord's time for everything. -
Q1. Active Faith
Divine replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1)
These are very serious questions to us at this present dispensation. I would say, Joshua had a relationship with God as he was the assistant to the Lord's servant Moses who passed unto glory. Joshua already had seen the power of God work with his master. I think he had no other choice than to obey and with faith trust on the Lord. In fact, if God will continue to show me things like He has been doing there is no doubt that I strobgly trust Him. I experienced a funny situation when I moved to a small Swiss village mainly inhabited by farmers. Being of black African origin, the elderly neighbour opposite the house questioned my landlord why he had to rent his house to a black man. He was not friendly to us eventhough my wife is white. We lived in that house for about 9 years, then one night I got a revelation, that I was going to buy the very house of that elderly man. The man was still happily staying in there with his wife. I recounted the revelation to my wife. Three years later they advertised the house on the net for sale, now they were looking for the individual who will offer the most. I told my wife we also have to show our interest. It turned out that there were over 70 families interested in buying the property. So those responsible started screening and discussion with the potential buyers. After about 8 months of waiting we received a letter from the man's children informing us that they are sorry to let us know that we were no more among those short listed to the next round of screening. My wife broke down because she liked the area. I told her to simply trust my God and have Faith and that those selling the house will turn around but will come back to us and we will own the property because God has given it to us. 4 months later, our land lord came up with a brilliant idea since he wanted the surrounding farm land for grazing. He siad we should get into a deal to buy the property and share it. So we agreed and came up with a strategy that we take the house and he takes the grazing field. He then approached the sellers and offered them his intension to buy everything on his own. The sellers accepted and started discussing with him but by the time he had to finalize the deal he told them that he was only interested in the land and informed them that they should contact us because we are still interested in buying the property. Some weeks later they contacted us by phone and wanted to confirm that we are still interested. I said yes but will only buy it if he goes 100'000 CHF down with the price. He got quite angry and fumed but said he'll have to discuss that with his oldman. Why did I do that? I did that because I knew the Lord God had already given us the property. Two days later he came knocking and wanted to discuss, we gave him a seat. He told us they have gone 60'000 CHF down. Finally we bought the house. This is just to say God is still speaking and He is so Trustworthy and Faithful. In conclusion, Joshua knew the power and goodness of the Lord and that there is no other God that the Lord Almighty. The instruction to Joshua was conditional on the simple fact that if Joshua and the Isrealites wanted to get to the promised land then they had to keep walking for God said “I will give you every place where you set your foot,”. The Faith that depends on the will of God forces us to obey God and to know that He is God. This kind of Faith helps us kill our fleshly desires and make us learn to be dependent on the Father alone.