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Everything posted by Crankypants

  1. You cannot answer this question unless you look at the man's answer in verse 7 as well. Jesus says "Do you want to get well?" The man says "No one will help me.." All the man cared about was to get to the pool. As other answers to this question have pointed out, one must ask the question (why?) Just to want to do something is not a reason to do it. A good example is the old adage "keeping up with the Jones". My personal one is cable TV. Why anyone would subscribe to something called entertainment when the majority of it is filled with advertisements and the quality of entertainment is very poor. In verses 10 and 11 the man is questioned about carrying his mat. His answer was "the man" who healed me told me to pick up my mat. He still has no idea by what power he was healed. But, I feel you have to look at the length of time the man was an invalid (38 years). Probably his lifetime. Put yourself in that position. Without knowing God how would you react? Finally Jesus ask him to sin no more and he does. Isn't this man a good example of people today. We do not obey God and isn't that what the Bible is all about ?
  2. As I look at the dictionary for the definition of a single words I find many words and phrases that describe it. Born again, born anew? Born is defined as existing as a result of birth; having natural ability to do a particular job; brought into existence; existing as a result of a particular situation or feeling. Again: another time; once more Anew: in a new or different (typically positive) way So, if you use the definition of BORN as: brought into existence or existing as a result of a particular situation or feeling then you have to follow it with anew. But all this is academic as far as I am concerned. What is more important is that we obey what Jesus has asked us to do.
  3. Why did Jesus perform miracles? John 20: 30-31 "30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." It may be hard for people to think about the miracles Jesus performed in terms of why He did them instead of what the miracles did. It is not what He could do but why He did it.
  4. There is no recommendation or loss or gain etc. God is in charge of our lives and John and the two disciples were following His plan. John said "Look, the Lamb of God". He is pointing out who the person was passing by. I would say through John's ministry to to two disciples they were able to accept believing in Jesus so when Jesus walked by they wanted to follow Him.
  5. I like Storybell's reply in total. Romans 8:34 it says Jesus sits on the right hand of God. As Storybell says " Jesus is the expression of God...." " Jesus told us that God's gift to us is the Holy Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit of Truth is our teacher and guide through this age." Can't be much simpler than that. God, Jesus , Holy Spirit. So many learned commentators in the present and from the past have used he words "it is believed" or "we think" or some other set of words that mean they really do not know. So the answer to the question "is Jesus fully God" is there is no answer because we don't know. As Kiwidenis put it ' I don't think any of us can fully understand the Trinity – it's a mystery revealed in God's word but is difficult for us to fathom with our limited minds. For that matter none of us can really understand God either. "
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