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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Debra53

  1. What motives cause the woman to bring up a religious controversy to Jesus? People who throw religion at you is all they know. Religion does the work for you, it doesn't make you use your own spirit/soul/thoughts. Robotic copycats. When one has a personnel relationship with the Lord Jesus it is the real heartfelt you and Him. Why do people today try to generate religious controversies with us? What are their motives? The religious people truly believe their ways are correct. It is pride and ego that will cause the strife which will turn up in fighting. Leaving a bad taste. Let the truth and peace of the Word of God rest in your spirit/soul. Follow Jesus and not man.
  2. The Word of God states that Flesh and blood can not enter the Kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 15:50). Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus basically how we need to live our life spiritually. Our flesh(sinful nature) will not enter the Kingdom of God but if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and allow His Holy Spirit to abide in us then the Spirit of God will teach us how to live, how to be reborn (spiritually speaking). The Word of God also teaches us how to live according how Jesus wants us to live. Nicodemus was understanding Jesus on a physical matter. All this spiritual talk was not his way of living or thinking. Jesus came to teach us His way and how to die to our sinful nature(the flesh). I want to believe down the road Nicodemus continued to learn from Jesus and then maybe was getting this new spiritual way of living. He certainly had a hunger and thirst to know more about Jesus and the Truth.
  3. It is not about us. It is all about doing the Father's Will. Jesus came to show us how to do the Father's Will. Amen John the Baptist understood this. Blessings and love to all
  4. Praise Jesus that He died for OUR sins. Thank you Lord for forgiveness. 1John 1:9 Thank you Lord
  5. Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? God is Holy, pure and perfect. Man is not. God became flesh as Jesus. That perfect man took our sinful self upon Himself to become our sin. Praise Jesus forever. God became flesh to die for ALL man kind. Those who believe/follow in Jesus will become children of God. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? I experience the Lord's Grace when He opened up my eyes to know Him and understand Him. I am so grateful for eternal life. To be able to spend the rest of my life with the Heavenly Father and Jesus forever. In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? I grew up believing as long as you go to church, as long as you are a good person then you will enter Heaven. I never knew Jesus growing up. I heard about Him but I did not understand Him and care to know Him. I always had faith in God but never knew Jesus. The Heavenly Father told me you can not truly know me unless you know my Son. Hallelujah I know Jesus now. I want to talk about Jesus with everyone. He lives in me and I want to share Him with everyone.
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