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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

May Flower

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Everything posted by May Flower

  1. This is a very good course within the lessons learned. God didn't honor the lie, but the action through faith in assisting His people. As, I've stated God didn't honor nor justify the lie, because the lie is a sin...But...because of lives were at stake and to save those lives it was justified, she reordered her life for the cause of Belief, Faith and Trust. There is never a time to be permissible to lie, because it is a sin. I believe that we do error for a good cause and intentions great for a cause of life, etc. This is where and it's hard at times we must kneel and pray for direction, guidance, wisdom and trust Him in the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Rahab is being honored for her faithfulness, and reordering her life. Prostitution and Prostitutes are sinful to God, because it defiles the temple. Jesus forgave the prostitute for sinning. Rehab was declared righteous for the role she played in Jericho. I am being taught daily of who God is and His Faithfulness. God uses the weak and poor, whose faith is strong through His Son Jesus the Christ.
  3. Rahab believes in Israel's God Yahweh for all the Mighty works she has heard of and found that He is more powerful than their fertility gods. Rahab faith is so deep she risks all to save the spies and reorders her life. How deep a faith....hmmm. That depends on one's action to carry out their faith. Are we willing to change, repent, Be strong, Be courageous, Trust God no matter...
  4. The spies were sent look over the land, as to military forces, strategies, guarded posts and the like. I believe that while they were there on investigation, a place was needed to stay (much like when we travel long distances today, we stay at a motel/hotel...) while they were there. Yes, I believe God sent then that He would get the Glory in terms of saving a family, turning one from sin and His plan to use one (sinner) in His efforts to show who He is.
  5. Blessing's to all here, I believe Joshua would have been overwhelmed with such a great responsibility and the thought of filling the shoes of such a great man as Moses. There would've been doubt, fear, street, depression and the fact that Moses was gone would've been enough to be shaking in his sandals. To 'Be strong and courageous' means to be confident in your decisions within your own mind, to keep moving forward "No Matter What" because God gives us the promise, and He always follows up with instructions or commands of what we ate to do. So, with that we are to 'Walk in Faith knowi g we have the Victory. The distinction I would say is in understanding and recognizing whatvlies in you. I am reminds of Paul in 2nd Corinthians 12:9 where our strength comes from the LORD when we are weak or in our weaknesses. Joshua knew and had seen both in his walk with Moses and the LORD. The relationship between fear and faith, is unbelief, doubt, confidence and faith. In order to stand on Faith we need to First Address Issues That Hinder us to move forward in confidence. Hmmm. To be courageous is to be determined in one's decision, where fear brings doubts. So, I will say 'no'. The only Fear we are to have is of the LORD.
  6. Blessing's to All here. O.K. when we meditate on the Word of God, we are going over in our own mind what He is saying to us, actually repeating His thoughts. We ask ourselves as we ponder o er certain scriptures to get a better understanding of what is being spoken to us. The difference between the Eastern and Christian meditation is the thought process, of how they position themselves to receive and ponder over God's Word. When God works through His Word to renew our mi d through transformation, He will have a particular scripture speak out at you, that will bring about clarity when one sits and chew on that Word. But, this comes with consistency in His Word. Romans 10:17 as Dr. Ralph brought out in the lesson "Faith comes by hearing the message..." And that's done through the Word of Christ.
  7. Blessing's to All. I believe it's important to Joshua (as with us) because of the great responsibility of leading such a multitude of people can be overwhelming in any stance. Knowing g or having the assurance that God will Always be there Never leaving or Forsaking him or us gives that encouragement and umph we need at to.es, and so often don't not get. Joshua sat under a great man "Moses" and saw all and maybe was wondering "Can I fill his shoes, leading these people". He is on hi own and the promise from God builds and lifts him to the strength he needs to go forth. It is important to me, because when ever I am low on fuel and the promise gives me strength \o/ and it lifts me up. His Words through the Bible, this lesson, people, you all, Dr. Ralph, a devotional, a prompt or whisper can make All the difference in what you're going through. It has that umph to lift you and give you a rested assurance and peace.
  8. Blessing's to All, We...the conditional pro.use came as a general promise from Moses in Debut. 11:24, this makes the promise a confirmed Word from the LORD due to the posture of the condition. Faith took place in the time of the given promise and works give existence to the possession of the land. The fact that one would speak of God wanting to have and He gives is much like an selfish type of vainess to me. It leaves one to be in a position of laziness, and not standing on the promises of the LORD. It states in James that we must work our Faith, for this helps us in development, patience, strength, trust and belief not in non-chalantness. Leaning on Him. He is our Shepherd, we lack nothing, He Restores, guides and comforts us (PS. 23); 2 and Corinthians 9:8; Ephesians 3:20,21. \o/
  9. Blessing's to you and to all here. I am Sheila and new here. I am having trouble posting as to no icon or sort to leave a comment. Can you assist. Thank you.
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