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Everything posted by Barbiemac
Q4. Son of David
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q4. (Matthew 21:9, 15) Why were the chief priests and scribes so angry when little children referred to Jesus as "Son of David"? What does the title "Son of David" signify? When Jesus was referred to as the Son of David this would be know as a title of the messiah. The Chief Priests did not see Jesus as the messiah. -
Q3. Peter's Confession
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20). Peter said you are the Christ the son of the living God. This was revealed to him by the Father in Heaven. Jesus did not want the disciples to tell anyone because the people would want him to take the earthly kingdom. -
Q2. Messianic Prophecies
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
My favorite messianic prophecy is: The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah My favorite title is "Prince of Peace". We so need His Peace in the world today! -
Q1. Christ and Messiah
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus the Messiah, Christ, and Son of David
Q1. What is the meaning of the words "Christ" and "Messiah? How does the Davidic Covenant influence messianic expectation in Jesus' day? Both Christ and Messiah mean anointed one. The Davidic Covenant looked forward to a Messiah that would rule and bring in peace. They were looking for a man to deliver them and rule justly. -
1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1 John 2:1) In what sense is Jesus our "one Mediator between God and man"? What happens to this personal relationship with Jesus when we ask a minister or a saint to intercede for us? How is Jesus our Advocate before the Father? In what ways are you an advocate for the powerless in your community? How do you function as a reconciler, a mediator, a peacemaker as you serve Christ? Jesus is our mediator with God because He is the final sacrifice, He stands between us and the Father pleading our case because the debt has already been paid. If we have someone pray for us that is ok but if we pray to a dead Saint that will get us nowhere with God. We can stand with others in prayer because where two or three are gathered together in His name then He is there.
Isaiah 53:3) How can Jesus be the Man of Sorrows as well as the one who finds joy in his Father? How can we experience sorrow without it coming to dominate our lives? I believe Jesus was a man of sorrows because He was confronted with so much unbelief and the suffering He had to endure for all our sins. He found Joy in the Father because He knew the plan, and that would save all who came to believe in Him. If we trust the Lord and know He has the best in mind for us, we can have true joy knowing that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
Daniel 7:13-14) Since Jesus is the Son of Man in Daniel's prophecy, what implications does that have for your obedience, your worship, your estimation of Jesus' power and glory? Jesus is the fulfillment, and He will complete it when He returns. He deserves all worship and His power and authority is over all. Just meditating on this and the scriptures in Revelation is inspiring.
Daniel 7:13-14) What attributes does the "one like a son of man" have in Daniel's prophecy? In what ways does this personage possess divine elements? What authority does he have? How do we know that Jesus identified himself with this Son of Man in Daniel? Resembles a man. Comes on the clouds of heaven, perhaps denoting his heavenly origin. Approaches the Ancient of Days, a figure obviously representing God. Receives authority, glory, and sovereign power. Is worshipped by people of all nations and languages. Possesses an everlasting kingdom. Has glory and sovereign power and He possesses an everlasting kingdom He has sovereign power! He comes on the clouds of heaven.
Q4. Jesus' Wisdom and Truth
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
John 4:16; 1 Corinthians 1:24) How does Jesus' truth contrast with your culture's dearly held "truths"? How does Jesus' wisdom differ from the worldly wisdom that your culture teaches you? What would help you hold on to Jesus' truth and wisdom more effectively? Our culture wants to be able to do whatever they want without guilt or consequence. But the truth that Jesus brings is true freedom, He created us and knows what is truth and how we should live. The world rejects the truth of God's Word because it is a two edged sword cutting to the quick, exposing the darkness in us. As we study His Word and meditate on it ,it will help us live more according to His truth and wisdom. -
Q3. Faithful Witness
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Q3. (Revelation 3:14) Why is Jesus called the "true and faithful witness"? What did he witness to? How was he faithful in his witness? As a disciple, to what degree are you a "true and faithful witness" to the Word that your Rabbi has taught and has done in your life? What would it look like if you improved as a witness? Jesus is the true and faithful witness because everything He said was from the Father. He was a witness of the Father but also everything the Old Testament spoke about regarding His coming. By sharing His love and my testimony and the fulfillment of the Word is how I become a true and faithful witness. I imagine if I improved as a witness Jesus would be glorified and more souls would be won to the kingdom. -
Q2. Jesus the Word
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
Q2. (John 1:1-3, 14) In what sense is Jesus the Word of God? Why do you think he is called this? Why does John call him the Word of Life (1 John 1:1)? What does this say to us about the importance of hearing, meditating on, and internalizing Jesus' words? Jesus is the fulfillment of the Word. He is called the Word because everything He said and did was the Word in flesh. He is the Word of life because His Word brings us life, He is our life. It is important to spend time in His Word because there is a renewing and growing that is life to our souls. -
Q1. Jesus Your Rabbi
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus our Rabbi, Teacher, Prophet, and Word
What is your relationship to Jesus as your Rabbi? How often do you come to him to teach you? How do you receive his teaching? How teachable do you think you are? I would like to think I follow Jesus's teaching and sit at His feet often listening to His teaching, there is always room for more of Him. I love His teaching and try to make sure that I learn what He really was teaching instead of trying to make it fit into what society is trying to say. I feel that I am teachable especially in the moments when something jumps off the page at me, the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart. -
Q4. Power in Jesus' Name
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Q4. How did Jesus' disciples use his name when they healed and cast out demons? Do we have this kind of authority, or was it only for the apostles themselves? In what way does speaking or acting in Jesus' name demonstrate the concept of power of attorney? Why are we sometimes afraid to speak or act in Jesus' name? How might hearing his voice about a particular matter alleviate that fear? The miracles they did were in Jesus name which reflects back on Him. We can also pray in Jesus name by the Holy Spirit and God moves. When we pray in Jesus name we are asking on His behave for something to happen in the spiritual realm . Sometimes if we are afraid it is probably because we haven't spent enough time with Him in the Word or prayer, therefore we don't have the faith to believe He will answer. -
Q3. Prayer in Jesus' Name
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
To pray in Jesus name gives you the authority to come before the throne because we are covered by him. We aren't praying to some foreign god but God's Son who won the victory at Calvary. -
Q1. Name and Mission
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter's Son
Q1. How is the meaning of Jesus’ name linked to his mission? What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? How did he fulfill his mission in your life? Jesus name, Yeshua, means salvation. His mission was to be the final sacrifice for all our sins. He went to the cross sinless, as a lamb without blemish, at the same time as the Passover sacrifices. Day by day Jesus fulfills this in my life by his blood covering God's judgement passes over me. -
Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time? I believe through persecution believers will turn to God in a way they have never before. Church's today for the most part look like the church of Ladiocea. We need to put on the whole armor of God.
Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God's people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news? The time of persecution will be 3 and one half years. I believe God wants us to prepare our hearts for His return.
Q4. (Daniel 12:3) What is the end of those who are wise and influential for God? What is their reward? How does God use your influence currently to advance his Kingdom? What would need to change so that you might have greater influence for Christ? The just get to spend eternity with God. Our lives and how we live them brings people to knowledge of God.
Q3. (Daniel 12:2) What do we learn about resurrection? How does this compare with New Testament teaching? What is the future of the righteous who are raised? Why do you think the unjust will be raised also? Both the just and unjust will be raised one to everlasting life and the other to judgement. Jesus taught resurrection of the dead. The righteous will have eternal life to be with Jesus. The unjust have to face judgement.
Q2. (Daniel 12:1) What will happen during the great distress of God's people? In what ways does this time seem to conform to the "great tribulation" spoken of in the New Testament? Ther will be great persecution as never before.this matches up with the book of Revelation. The four hourseman ,war and persecution.
Daniel 11:36-45) What do we learn about the character of this Antichrist figure? What seems to be his prime motivations? What does he have to do with the land of Israe This antichrist figure goes against the God's of his father. He is a warrior and wants to fight against the nations. He wants to be worshiped so he goes after Christians.. He opposes anything that is if God Especially Israel.
Q4. (Daniel 11) What does this rehearsal of prophecy and history teach you about the world rulers and geopolitics of our own time? How does the "big picture" inform us about the events of our day? Do you believe that God knows and cares about the details of your country's struggles and future? Are you praying for your country's leaders? I believe we are living in the last days, the pieces of the prophetic puzzle are coming together. God is bringing together all the players in the prophecies. We don't always understand until we see it fulfilled. God is involved with all countries and rulers. What I find difficult is to pray for leaders who seem so evil in their motives. I have prayed that God would reveal himself in a miraculous way.
Q3. Fulfillment
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Kings of the North and South (Daniel 10:1-11:35)
Q3. (Daniel 11) What is your general impression of Daniel's vision after reading the prophetic words matched by their historical fulfillment? What other Biblical prophecies can you think of that have been fulfilled so precisely? What does this teach you about God? It is so amazing how God fulfills the prophecies he gives to us. When Jesus came he fulfilled the prophecies for his first coming exactly, so this should tell us he will do the same for his second coming.. What God says He will do! -
Q2. Spiritual Warfare
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Kings of the North and South (Daniel 10:1-11:35)
Q2. (Daniel 10:12-13) Why wasn't the angel messenger able to bring his message in a timely manner? Who resisted him? Who helped him? What does this teach us about prayer? About spiritual warfare? The angel was delayed by the Prince of Persia, the Angel Michael had to come to fight the demonic entity. This gives us insight into spiritual warfare and how answers can be delayed and what happens in the spiritual realm. We need to not give up when something is layed on our hearts to pray for. -
Q1. Spiritual Struggle
Barbiemac replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Kings of the North and South (Daniel 10:1-11:35)
Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? This vision is devastating to Daniel because of what he sees happening to his people. He cannot eat and does not groom himself, he becomes so weak he can hardly breathe. He is undone emotionally and spiritually. Spiritual warfare is a wrestling with principalities and powers and rulers of darkness. It is taxing on us because of the weight of the darkness that we become aware of and the time it takes for victory.