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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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  1. The lack of awareness of our spiritual poverty allows us to develop arrogant and proud hearts; the antithesis of righteousness. Pride is the wellspring of sin. Abandoning our pride is an absolutely necessary (though without Christ, impossible) early step in advancing our Christian walk. (In my life this has been the most difficult blessing to pursue. I’m not so sure I can ever attain true spiritual poverty; mourning, meekness, hunger and mercy may come a little easier. Praise God he has rescued me from my weakness!) Mourning is a common life experience for humans however; the Bible speaks of morning for those lost to sin, those who do not know the love of a compassionate creator who truly longs for a personal and intimate relationship with his children.
  2. Greatings fellow travelers, I am THarvey from Indiana in the USA. This is my first feeble steps into a JesusWalk study so please excuse any false stumbles. I am excited to get started and have had a long facination with this topic. Jesus really appears turns the world upside down, especially here.
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