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1Cor. 5:6-7, 13 "Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us" (13) But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from yourselves wicked persons." The new testament repeats what the old testifies, that the sin or leaven of one has the potential to affect the entire body and it is for that reason that radical excision is prescribed. From Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden who after sin while not physically killed were physically removed so as not to contaminate God's prefect space of the Garden to Judas who removed himself from the world by hanging himself after betraying Christ and receiving his pieces of silver. In the contemporary setting, the media reports many stories of bodies of saints with leaders whose reported practices are not scriptural and constitute sin. These persons not only bring themselves into disrepute but their families, congregations and the universal church or the worldwide body of Christ. The sinful actions of these persons whether leaders or ordinary members provide"grist to the mill" for persons outside the faith to hurl stones at Christ's church making our work of evangelizing more difficult. Saints are required to follow the scriptural guidance and discipline members of the body of God observed to have committed sinful acts. The guidance ,to me, is found in a surprisingly large number of books in the bible of which I will cite a few e.g Ps 144: 11-15; Matt:18: 15-18 ; Gal 6:1-2; 1 Cor 5: 1-11;1 Tim :3:15. Discipline in love to keep the saints hope of salvation alive is the role of every believer James 5: 19-20. The use of the disciplinary process as outlined in scripture for those adjudged too be in sin will greatly assist in reducing the judgmental and legalistic approach that tends to creep in. A key part of the disciplinary process is confession and repentance and restoration 1 John 1 :8-10. This process is personal, individual, corporate and national as we have read of the many prophets successfully interceding on behalf of these groupings.
Q3. Walls Fall
Blublack replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Walls Fall Down (Joshua 5:13-6:27)
(Joshua 6:1-23) What is the meaning of the seven days of marching with the ark? What does the ark represent? What mechanism do you think God used to make the walls fall down? The seven days marching with the ark was done in obedience to the specific instructions of God. The seven days marching which included seven circumnavigations on the seventh day evidences the stamp of God on the actions. This divine mark of perfection and completion starts from Genesis where God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. The number seven and multiples of the number seven can be found in the King James Version of the Holy Bible scores of times. Persons who study the numerology and the mathematics of the KJV Holy Bible have found even more connections between the occurrences of particular words and phrases and multiples of seven. For example, the word forgive appears 56 times, forgiven 42 times and forgiveness 7 times; the word parable 49 times. We should also remember that after marching around Jericho, the priests were required to blow their trumpets seven times. The number 7 and its multiples are at all times evidence of Divinity in action. The Ark of the Covenant as representation of God's throne on earth served as a reminder to the Israelites that God was with them in every step that they took around Jericho. It was also a visible warning to their enemies of the presence of the God of the Israelites in this battle. God is omnipotent and can achieve any outcome with a word. At times I do believe God sees fit to harness the natural laws of physics and chemistry to achieve his ends and confound the enemies of his people. So it is possible that the thousands of Israelites marching around the walls for a continuous period may have opened up and widened existing fractures /cracks in the wall. When the trumpets were then blasted in unison the sound combined with the shock waves of the marching feet and the edifice collapsed. I do not believe there was an earthquake as such an occurrence would not have brought glory to God. -
Q4. Meditate
Blublack replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1)
Q4. (Joshua 1:8) What does it mean to meditate on the Word? What is the difference between Christian meditation and Eastern meditation? How does God work through His Word to renew our minds? In my limited understanding, "Eastern meditation" is a collective term that embraces a variety of techniques including breathing, physical exercises and murmurings to both empty and open the mind and ultimately control the mind. The exercises are said to have many health benefits to mind, body and spirit leading to oneness with the universe. This universe appears to be ill defined and not fully understood. I suppose practitioners of eastern meditation may be considered similar to Christian practitioners who are yet to fully understand the triune Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One may also be tempted to suggest that meditation on the word of God is supposed to produce the similar healthful benefits to mind, body and spirit with speaking in tongues likened to murmurings. And while we totally agree about the healthful benefits on Christian meditation, it is so much more. Christian meditation on the word or in Joshua's case, the Law is to produce knowledge and understanding of God. This initial step builds a closeness with God/Christ which in turn gains the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. The meditation is also geared to transforming the life of the Christian bringing them closer and closer to the Holiness of God. Eastern meditation empties and opens the mind. As nature abhors a vacuum the practitioner is running the risk of occupation by unknown forces that can unwittingly gain control. The eastern meditation also seems to suggest that the successful adherent/practitioner becomes like unto god. We know what happened to the being in the bible who did the same. Meditation on God's word leads to life transformation Holy Spirit and oneness with God as stated by Christ. -
Q1. God Is in Control
Blublack replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Four Beasts and the Son of Man (Daniel 7)
Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? The Ancient of Days is a term used to describe God- Yahweh that links up with God's description of himself in Isaiah "Yea, before the day was I am...". The subsequent description of the ancient of days with white hair like wool and white garments presents a picture of a venerable sage who dispenses justice. Thus God sits in the judgement seat over the nations who presided over the destruction of his saints. Everything that is done by all of us including those beastly nations/kings is written in the book of life. Like in Revelations, Daniel also makes reference to the books( and the books were opened) where everything that we do is captured. The beasts are identified both as nations and kings. It is interesting that even though Daniel is told and shown that the saints will eventually prevail against the beasts and rule those very nations, he was much troubled by his thoughts. It appears that before the saints get judgement in their favour they would undergo terrible pain and sufferring. We can only look to recent actions taken against Christians in Nigeria, India and the recent mass shooting in the US where Christians were called out. What happens to these beast-nations? The four beasts/ nations are overcome when the Ancient of Days comes and gives over these kings and nations to the saints. The Ancient of Days takes action on three separate occasions against the four beasts who appear at different times. It is curious that the judgements against the first three beasts take away the kingdoms of each beast but allows each beast to remain alive for a season and a time. There is still some occurrence that God needs these beasts to fulfill. It is the last beast that is the most cruel such that the previous three are described as wild animals but the last beast is inanimate out of iron with no "soulish "feelings whatsoever. It is this beast that will be given special authority over time and laws who will inflict the most suffering on the saints. His end will be like the others, the Most High will take away the dominion and award it to the saints. Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in? When we see images of hundreds young children starving, or being abused; when we hear of persons who are doing charitable acts horribly murdered; when we read of natural disasters wiping out entire communities or religious leaders commiting sin and lliving in luxury while people are starving in many places on earth, we can get discouraged. More importantly when we see people who commit evil and corrupt action apparently prospering, our faith is tested. However the bible speaks to all of these apparent paradoxical situations. The bible says that God is slow to anger. Thus God gives all persons time to change their ways and like a lost sheep to return to the fold. Also the bible is clear that rain falls on all of us so both innocent e.g Job and not so innocent will have suffering. The sufferring of the saints, as in the case of Job, can serve to strengthen their faith and provides examples to others about Gods grace. The suffering may also be seen as preparation for the time of the fourth beast. We know from Daniel that immense suffering will take place at that time and those who have withstood previous situations are best placed to serve as examples to others. Ultimately we know that in all things we give God thanks as everything works together for good to them that loves the Lord. -
How do Christians act irreverently to offend God. I think that many Christians are confused or even misled by the idea of being under grace and not under law. So for some of them they believe that they can enter into serial monogamous liasons without consequence to their spiritual life. Even Pastors and senior church leaders/deaconate go through divorce and remarriage sometimes more than once. Some Christian churches forget Pauls stricture that it is better to marry than burn. Some leaders of such churches then fall into temptation and sin engaging in sexual acts with various persons placing the entire christian community in disrepute. Many young christians are caught up in entertainment that expose them to violent or sexually explicit lyrics, provocative behaviours/ dancing, immodest dress and illegal drugs. Some churches in order to widen their congegation include questionable types of entertainment and fail to speak out against immodest wear and fornication. What I have done. To live the Christian life, I daily strive to obey both the spirit and letter of the law as stated by Jesus and Paul. I read and study my Bible daily and I pray at least daily and I serve my church in whatever way I can attending services regularly. I also serve my community through an NGO.
Daniel 5:22-24)In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness? In the verses quoted, Daniel points out to the son of Nebuchadnezzar that he has learnt nothing from his father's experiences especially the need for humility. Daniel further points out that the King will suffer the consequences of his failure to follow the law as evidenced by his irreverence for God and his lack of humility. It is commonly stated that the old testament is about the law and the new testament is about grace however if we examine Matt 5 from verse 17 Jesus speaks of a combination of grace and law. As a matter of fact Jesus expands the old law making some laws even more stringent than what is written in the old commandments. Lets us look atsome of what Jesus says . 17: Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets... 18: In truth I tell you, till heaven and earth disappear not one dot not one little stroke is to disappear from the law until its purpose is achieved. 21-22: You have heard how it was said to our ancestors , You shall not kill and if anyone kills he must answer for it before the courts I say to you, anyone who is angry with a brother will answer for it before the court.... The position enunciated certainly does not justify saying that we are no longer under law. To me what it says is that we are required to obey the law but that Jesus coming; his death and resurrection brings to us saints who have acknowledged and accepted and diligently seek him, absolution for times when we fall short. Similarly,reduction or distillation of the law to Love; Love God and Love thy neighbour means that with love all the other commandments should naturally flow. This is similar to Pauls message in Romans. Paul says it is through knowledge of the commandments that we know what sin is( Rom 7:7). He further states that when we accept Christ we die to sin and can no longer go on living in it (Rom 6:1-3). So if we do not live in sin then we live in obedience to the law.(Rom 6:12-14) So Belshazar like many of us soon forget the lessons of our past. So it is important to repeat the stories not only of our successes but also those when we fell and were able by the grace of God to get up. These stories are for our own benefit (lest we forget) and benefit of our children. We can see that pattern in the Psalms where many repeat the sufferings of the Israelites and the saving grace of God. I daily struggle with walking the Christian road. I know my thoughts are not Christ's thoughts and I pray daily for his presence, and guidance. At this time I particularly pray for control of that unruly member my tongue. I pray to use my words for uplifting and not idle gossip.
Q2. Bold Answer
Blublack replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fiery Furnace and the Lions’ Den (Daniel 3 and 6)
How do the Jews answer the king? The King required that all persons bow/fall down and worship a huge image of gold which he commanded to be built or be killed. This act of obeisance, if performed, would result in the breaking of two commandments viz Firstly, the second commandment -Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image nor worship and serve any graven image and consequently the first and greatest commandment, Thou shall have no other gods before me would also be broken. There is absolutely no situation or conditions under which the Jews could countenance such and act. Thus in response to the King's question they made no attempt to dissimulate. They respectfully and unequivocally stated that they could not obey such a request and were willing tosuffer the consequences knowing that in so doing God would be their support. What is their attitude? In the face of the King's wrath, the Jews were calm and ready to accept the consequences of the heavenly reward for their obedience to Gods word and death for non compliance with the King's directive. This calmness was the result of inner peace born of faith that they were doing what they knew to be right in the sight of God. How do they witness about God? God is able. They expressed absolute confidence in Gods ability to deliver them from the hand of the King. Because no one knows the mind of God they tempered their statements accepting that his will could be their death. They were definite though, that God's will could not be any act that would result in the breaking any of His commandments. How do they face death; resignation or defiance? I would say they accepted that death will come when it is God's will. If we think about Job. God gave satan leave to do anything but kill his servant Job, so death is only as God wills. Resignation implies a sense of defeat that I do not get in this exchange while defiance suggests railing against the inevitable. There was no defeat and no railing but calm acceptance that this is Gods will and we are following his word so whatever the outcome all is well and God's will triumphs. Characterize their faith. They were steadfast, they were resolute. Thy had no doubt that God was there for them and with them. As with Job we see that steadfast faith in the face of adversity was well founded and rewarded as a demonstration to the unbelievers. d consequently the first and greatest commandment - -
Hi I live on the island of Trinidad part of the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago in the southern Caribbean. I am retired and welcome this opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the Bible. The first chapter of the Bible emphasizes the strategy of the conqueror Nebuchadnezzar and how God co-opted that strategy to work his will. So the conqueror took the best young men I.e. Those young men with outstanding physical and mental characteristics to indoctrinate them in the ways of the conqueror. Daniels group were able to resist the indoctrination by relying on Gods promises. I was fortunate to live for a while in a foreign land that supported my faith ; the Caribbean island of Jamaica. There I was exposed to some truly great preachers and churches practicing good works. Thus my sojourn abroad encouraged me to do good works, study the Word and strengthened my faith and knowledge of the Lord. We pray that we can continue in obedience to Gods word.