Debra Grant
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Everything posted by Debra Grant
Q5. Women in Ministry
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
Q5. (1 Timothy 2:11-15) How should Paul's instructions about women teaching and leading in the church be applied in the twenty-first century? How do you support your view? 1. My personal view is women can and are qualified to teach and lead in the church. Paul’s instruction to the Ephesus women not to lead is because women at that time had no educational knowledge, that is why they were easily deceived by the false teaching. 2. In the 21st century church mostly women are well educated and gifted. Men are no better than women because both are learning and well needed as the other. If it was not for women, spiritual learning would not be what it is today. There are mostly women in the church and lesser men. -
Q4. Fancy Clothing
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
Q4. (1 Timothy 2:9-10) How did women dressing in fancy clothes threaten to compromise the church's witness in Ephesus? How do we apply the principle of Paul's directive in twenty-first century churches without instituting a new legalism? 1. Women were more concerned about how they looked rather than about worshiping the Lord threatened the church, because their dressing habits also distracted other people from worshiping the correct way. 2. We should dress sensible when we go to church, not over dressing, under dressing or wearing to much makeup. When people are distracted by paying more attention to a woman rather than the preacher because of the way a person is dressed, it is wrong. That is not what the Lord wants. He wants you to come to church to worship him, not someone else. -
Q3. Pure Hearts
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
Q3. (1 Timothy 2:8). What problem among the men of the congregation is Paul referring to in this verse? What is so serious about worshiping with the opposite of love in your heart? 1. The problem among the men of the congregation was controversy of salvation that false teachers were causing among the people. Although disagreeing with one another they carried that anger with them to worship, which did not allow them to truly worship God. He let them know that their prayers were not heard by God if any anger was in their heart. 3. The problems were infighting and anger. God does not accept the worship of a heart that is not pure. -
Q2. Mediator and Ransom
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
Q2. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) In the context of the salvation of all, why do you think Paul emphasizes the roles of Mediator and Ransom? In what way did Christ fulfill both these roles? 1. Paul emphasizes again there is one God and one mediator between God and man, which is Christ Jesus. Paul reaffirms that Christ came that all might be saved. 2. Christ’s blood was the price for our sins to be cleansed. He laid down his life for us so that we could be reconciled to God. -
Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church? 1. Salvation to all mankind, because the people was so engaged in preaching their own way, and praying for only the people of the church which left out others. We should pray for everyone. 2. Paul emphasizes again there is one God and one mediator between God and man, which is Christ Jesus. Paul reaffirms that Christ came that all might be saved.
Q4. Exhortation
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Q4. (1 Timothy 1:18-19) Why does Paul need to remind Timothy about the prophecies spoken over him? In practical terms, what does "fight the good fight" really mean? Why does Paul tell Timothy to "hold on to faith and a good conscience"? What temptation is Paul trying to counter in his prot 1. Paul is reminding Timothy when he was commissioned, God's Spirit spoke through a person with the gift of prophecy concerning of spiritual gifts Timothy had been given. Timothy is also encouraged so he will not be overwhelmed of what he is to do. 2. To be stead fast and hold on to the truth regardless of the situation. 3. He doesn't want Timothy to lose focus or let anyone or anything convince him not to follow or preach the truth. 4. Paul wants Timothy to speak out about telling the false teachers to stop confusing the people by speaking false doctrine. -
Q3. Doxology
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Q3. (1 Timothy 1:17) What do we learn about God from this doxology? What do we learn about praise? Have you ever tried speaking out a doxology in your personal prayer or praise time? What effect does a doxology have on the speaker? 1. We learn from this doxology that God is eternal, immortal, invisible and the only God. 2. Praise is our way of acknowledging our thoughts of who or what God is and has done for us and others. 3. Yes I have. I've learned that when I am praising him, it is just me and God. 4. It strengthens me and gives me peace because I know that my God is alive and always with me to protect and love me. -
Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission? 1. Paul is commenting on his own life to let the church know that he also was a sinful man and only by God's grace and the help of the Holy Spirit was he able to change. 2. He wanted them to see that he was trying to keep the law, but after he met Jesus, he no longer needed the law. 3. This may help others to see their wrong and the opportunity they have to be forgiven and to turn their lives around.
Q1. False Doctrine
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission? 1. Confusion of truth was not being taught. There was quarrels and confusion among the people 2. The confusion brings fussing and breaks unity. 3. The minds of people will not be on God’s word or any truth which can cause bitterness, strife, and pride. 4. No time and energy is put in the right place to work together doing God’s will. -
Q60. Scribes of the Kingdom
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Parables about Caring for the Lost
Q60. (Matthew 13:51-52) What is the “old” that the householder brings out of his treasure box? What is the “new.” In what way must we disciples be “cross-trained” as scribes of the Kingdom? 1. Living under the law and not being able to keep. 2. The new is being trained for the kingdom of heaven through Jesus. 3. We must know how to walk in the spirit, preach, heal, witness, and teach the new wine of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ. We have to be able to listen for God's voice, heal the sick, comfort the hurting, and clearly explain the gospel of salvation. -
Q59. (Matthew 5:13-14) Why is a sharp and tasty witness so important? What is a bland witness to Jesus? How do we stay “salty”? Why are people tempted to hide their “light” or witness? What does Jesus say about that? 1. We must live true lives to be a witness to the world that God is real. We are the light to the world and will draw others when we shine. 2. When there is no season in salt, it is bland. When Christians don't have enough season in their life, their light is not shining well. 3. Live righteous lives that will give glory to God. Pray, read, and fast seriously. 4. Some people are not trueful to God (hypocrites). Some are shame of God. They don't want to be ridiculed by others. 5. You cannot serve two Gods. We cannot live a double life. We must live the truth.
Q58. Sowers and Reapers
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Parables about Caring for the Lost
Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you? 1. I would say at church, jail, and families that are supportive at being in the same church. 2. I am mainly a sower, but I know God lets me reap. 3. The harvest is plenty, but the sowers are few. People don't want to put in time to sow. 4. Yes, I would like to reap. I want to sow first and then be a reaper with the help of Jesus. I am willing to help the needy in coming to Christ. -
Q57. Lost Sheep
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Parables about Caring for the Lost
Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them? 1. The sheep have been lead astray by their shepherds and scattered because there was no shepherd. They have been mistreated. 2. People that have backslid, don't have a true shepherd, and been hurt by others possibly church members. 3. Those that are not true leaders, (pastors, prophets, antichrist). 4. The leaders that mistreat people should be afraid that God will chasten them severely. God said, vengeance is his. -
Q56. Mercy, Not Sacrifice
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Parables about Caring for the Lost
Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? 1. He desire compassion and not false sacrifice that is showing to be superior which is not from the heart. 2. They had pride that caused them to look down on sinners and they believed to be better than others. The Pharisees wanted to get attention from everyone as if they were great. 3. He loved the sinners and had mercy on them. He said, it is not the healthy that needs a doctor, but the sick. He did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to salvation. 4. I love them and will do what I can to help them get saved. I will help physically as well. My attitude is to live a life that is an example of Jesus. 5. A spiritual doctor helps sinners to come to repentance and accept Jesus. They help the sin sick soul to become healthy spiritually. -
Q55. Good Samaritan
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Parables about Disciple Practices
Q55. (Luke 10:30-37) Why does Jesus contrast a Jewish priest and Levite with a hated Samaritan? According to the parable, how do you think Jesus would define “neighbor,” that is, someone we have a responsibility toward? How much does compassion move you to go out of your way and comfort zone to care for those in need? 1. To let us know we should care for others no matter what their race is or who they are. We should help anyone that is in need. 2. Our neighbor is not just our kind of people, but anyone who is in need. 3. Compassion moves me a great deal because I know to treat others as myself and the way I would like to be treated. I know to have love for everyone regardless of how they treat me. That is a great part of love that Jesus wants us to have. I am always thinking about others and trying to give as much as I can. I don't want to have pride because I am no better than anyone else. I -
Q54. Talents and Minas
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Parables about Disciple Practices
Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you? What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people? 1. To teach us that we are to use our Talents to praise him and help others to come to him. We are to use our Minas to help others that are in need. It is a spiritual responsibility. 2. I help the elderly that are in the nursing home. I am a mentor helping other women physically and spiritually. 3. They don't care for the Lord. Their trials and peer pressure becomes more to them. They become lazy and slothful. 4. The reward is giving us the desires of our heart. We are blessed to have our spiritual life and talents increased to a higher level in God. We will be rewarded for our faithful duties done here on earth. 5. Whoever has been given more, will be expected to do more because of what they have. We must use what we have to benefit others and ourselves. The greater our talents, the more we are use them. -
Q53. Footwashing
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Parables about Disciple Practices
Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching? 1. It teaches that he loves them, is an example of being humble. It also teaches that they can serve one another by being humble and putting away pride to serve others. 2. They didn't think Jesus would humble himself to wash their feet. 3. It became spiritual because he was letting the disciples know that our soul should be cleaned. One disciple was not cleaned. Our sins need to be cleaned. 4. Jesus was an example by letting the disciples know we must serve and not look to be served. He was letting the disciples know it not trying to be better, but showing love. 5. Jesus was allowing the disciples to see him being humble at washing their feet, not complaining, showing that they must serve, and expressing his love for them. 6. I need to be more humble, express love in a nicer way, and continue to keep in mind that serving is beautiful. -
Q49. God and Mammon
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Parables about Disciple Values
Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters? 1. Buying things we don't need. Spending on others to look good. 2. Pray and ask God about what we should buy or give money to others. Spend time with God and learn what is a necessity. 3. Money can bring destruction and destroy our relationship with Jesus. He wanted them to know that they can only serve one master and not two. They will love one and hate the other. They will not fulfill the duties of both. He didn't want them to put money before him. -
Q51. Confident Asking
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Parables about Disciple Values
Q51. (Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parable of Asking a Father for Bread? What misconception was he seeking to correct? 1. To teach them that if the human father gives good gifts to their children, the heavenly father will also give good gifts because of the love that in the heart. Also the concern of what they need and their desires. God will give you what you ask for. 2. God will give you what you ask for and not something opposite. He wants us to always pray even if we don't know how and to trust him. -
Q52. (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-8) What is the similarity between Jesus' Parables of the Friend at Midnight and the Unjust Judge? What does this persistence look like in your life? What will persistence in prayer do to develop you as a disciple? 1. Both were persist and received their request. The friend and the widow is an example of continuing to go for what they want and not giving up. 2. I believe it looks good. I am persistent to keep serving God and asking him for my needs. I will not give up because I know that he will answer in his timing which is good.. 3. It will teach me to be patient and have more faith that God will answer my request.
Q50. Birds and Lilies
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Parables about Disciple Values
Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? 1. He meets the needs of the Birds and the Lilies and we are higher than them. Therefore, we being higher, he will supply all our needs. 2. He teaches us not to worry about the tomorrow because tomorrow will take carry of it self. Worrying will end our life shorter which shows that we do not completely trust God as we should. 3. Do not worry about what we should eat, about our body or what we should wear. Life is more than food or clothes. 4. I am to seek God's kingdom first and the desires of my heart will be rendered to me. -
Q48. (Luke 12:16-21) Is being wealthy a sin for a Christian? What was the rich man's actual sin or sinful attitude? How do you sometimes see greed in the people in your neighborhood or social circle? Christians aren't immune. In what ways might greed influence a Christian's behaviors and values? 1. No! It is the way you handle money. We must always put God first regardless of how much money we have. 2. He only thought of himself and put God on the back of things. He had a selfish attitude. 3. They think of themselves and will not give anything to people that have less. They feel as if it's all about them and have respect of persons to give a little to. 4. Yes, Christians can be. Holding on to something when they have enough to give others. Not having enough faith that God will provide if they give their last. 5. Trying to have more than others, refusing to give when they see others in need, giving what they don't want, and judging others because they have something that looks bad to them. Thinking they are better because of the things they have and refusing to use what they have to help others.
Q47. Unjust Steward
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Parables about Disciple Values
Q47. (Luke 16:1-13) In what way is the dishonest steward supposed to be a positive example to disciples? How does one “lay up treasures in heaven”? Why is the quality of our work of very small things so important to God? What is he waiting to see in us? What happens to people in the church who are promoted beyond their spiritual growth? 1. To obey your master, use what you have wisely, and believe that you will have to give account of what you accomplished. 2. Take care of the poor, do good to others, and obey God in everything necessary. 3. It is how we handle small things so that we can be trusted with much more. It lets God know that we are trust worthy and appreciate what little we have or dealing with. 4. He is waiting to see that we will obey him and are trust worthy with everything pertaining to us physical and spiritually. 5. That is a very destructive situation because they will have pride. Disrespect for themselves and others will appear along with failing. -
Q46. False Prophets
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Parables about Disciple Values
Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets? 1. Know their fruit and listen to what they say. A bad tree can't have good fruit. A good tree can't have bad fruit. 2. A false leader can be deceiving and divide the church. 3. No one is perfect. We all have flaws and must repent. -
Q45. Eating His Flesh
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Parables about Disciple Character
Q45. (John 6:53-58) What does the metaphor of “eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,” mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it? How does “eating his flesh” relate to abiding in Jesus? Why do you think Jesus uses this offensive analogy that resulted in many disciples leaving him? 1. It means we must have communion with him. When we do we should remember that his body was broken for us on the cross. His blood was shed for us on the cross. All of this was made possible so that we could have eternal life. 2. I think it means to eat the cracker as bread when we take communion and accept it as his life. 3. We eat the word of God which means to eat his flesh and feed on him. Believing in him and eating his word. We should also drink his blood. These things help us to remain in him. 4. Jesus used the offensive metaphor of believing and abiding to sort out the true believers from the ones that were hanging on.