Debra Grant
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Everything posted by Debra Grant
Q44. (John 15:4-5) What does it mean “to abide”? What does abiding have to do with “mutual indwelling”? With a “personal relationship”? What does Jesus mean when he says, “Apart from me you can do nothing”? What is the value of things done without Christ? What is the final end of things done without Christ? 1. Continue to obey Jesus' teaching and receive his wisdom. 2. It is constant living together, sharing deepening relationship of love and obedience. 3. Two are to stay and remain together. 4. He means that spiritually if you do not have him, you can do nothing pertaining to a true relationship with him. We can do nothing of our own, we need him. 5. It is nothing because without him we will fail. 6. Death and destruction.
Q43. (John 15:1-3) How does skillful pruning increase the fruitfulness of a grapevine? How are we pruned or cleansed by exposure and obedience to Jesus' words? According to John 8:31-32, how does obeying Jesus' teaching bring cleansing and freedom from sin? 1. It is increased by the dead branches being taken away such as being cut to allow stoppage of dead or diseased branches because it can hinder the good branches. 2. Receiving the word of God will wash, clean, and prune us. When we obey God, it strengthens the fruit in our lives. 3. We are to keep his word within us and not let go (obey). That will bring us cleansing and freedom from sin.
Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy? 1. We have shame and want to pretend we have it all together. It is easier to look at others and judge them and not ourselves. 2. It is false and hinders our growth. God does not dwell in an unclean temple. 3. If we are to serve God, he does not want us to let others see a lie in our life. It can hinder some people from being truly saved. 4. We must not pretend as if we can do what we want. Others can become confused which will involve hurting them and ourselves. God saves choose ye this day whom you are going to serve. Therefore, we must choose God or Satan, not in between. 5. A true disciple of Jesus is not confused and living their way. A true disciple will seek the ways of God and praise him at all times. They will be an example expressing the fruit of the spirit. 6. Be truthful, humble, loving, doing all of what God says whether we like it or not. Repent to God and others as needed soon as possible when we make a mistake. Trust and believe God at all times.
Q41. Self-Advancement
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Parables about Disciple Character
Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson? 1. They want to be seen as being bigger than others. They want praise and to be acknowledged. 2. They will be put to shame. If they put themselves in a higher position, they can be asked to get a lower position and become ashamed. 3. We must put others before ourselves. God hates pride and it is sin. It doesn't show respect for others. 4. It shows that we are an enemy to God. We will be humbled down. -
Q40. Little Children
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Parables about Disciple Character
Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? 1. Being innocent, trusting, open minded, and receptive to the word of God, and humble. 2. They showed pride, ignorance along with rebuking the parents with doubtful, (unknown, undecided) terms. They felt as if the children were not worthy of Jesus' concern. 3. Arguing about who was the greatest they made it known that their thinking was considered of themselves greater than others. We are all the same in Jesus eyes. We must humble ourselves like little children to enter the kingdom of God. 4. It is not pride or selfishness. We must have it to enter the kingdom. It let us become low of heart. 5. A humble person is willing to learn because of a clean and clear heart. 6. We have to be willing to submit to God completely. Obedience is also following God and repenting immediately when we fail. 7. To let them know little children are humble. receptive, and willing to learn. -
Q39. Pharisee and Tax Collector
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Parables about Disciple Character
Q39. (Luke 18:9-14) Why do you think the Pharisee is so convinced of his righteousness? What do you think are his actual sins? What is so remarkable about the tax collector's prayer? Why is it easier to promote ourselves in front of others rather than humble ourselves? Why did Jesus tell this parable for his disciples? 1. The Pharisees were members of an exacting party of the Jews who believed in strictly observing God's law and oral law as well. The Pharisee pray entirely about himself. Thanking God not for blessing, that he is not a sinner like others. He makes it known that he fast twice a week and faithfully tithe. 2. Wanting to look good in the presence of others which is pride. 3. His prayer is remarkable and short. He doesn't tell God all the good things about himself, describes himself as a sinner. He makes no excuses for his behavior or offer no mitigating circumstances. He confesses he is a sinner before God, takes full responsibility and asks for mercy. 4. It is easier to build ourselves up so that we will not be looked down on. When that happens, it is pride. We want to be looked up on as more than we are. 5. Jesus is warning us not to have pride. Jesus was stating that we should always be humble. -
Q39. Pharisee and Tax Collector
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Parables about Disciple Character
Q39. (Luke 18:9-14) Why do you think the Pharisee is so convinced of his righteousness? What do you think are his actual sins? What is so remarkable about the tax collector's prayer? Why is it easier to promote ourselves in front of others rather than humble ourselves? Why did Jesus tell this parable for his disciples? -
Q38. Ultimate Prize
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q38. (Matthew 13:44-46). If you were to objectively assess your life, career, family, values, and possessions, is there anything more important, anything of greater value to you than your relationship with Jesus? How would you objectively prove to a friend that Jesus is first in your life? 1. No, because he has everything I need and will protect me as well as be my leader and guider. 2. I would live the life of a true disciple as an example of Christ. I would testify to that friend and also let it be known and seen that Jesus blessed with what I didn't have but have now. -
Q37. Take Up Your Cross
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q37. (Luke 9:23-24, etc.) What does it mean to take up your cross daily? What does this have to do with “losing your life for me.” What are the consequences in one's Christian walk if a disciple wants to take this step of commitment? How does this contrast with trying to save one's life? 1. As a disciple, we must be willing to die. When a disciple accepts Jesus, he is no longer controlled by a human with fear because he belongs fully to Jesus. 2. When a disciple loses his life for Jesus, he will gain it by living eternally. Denying oneself is necessary. 3. A disciple must put away all worldly things that are considered sin and serve Jesus wholehearted. 4. We must be true, faithful, and willing to serve when things are hard and good in order to gain eternal life. Leaving sin, selflessness, pride, and disrespect to others is some of the things we use to save our life and obedience to Jesus. If we are putting ourselves first before Jesus and other things that are not Godly, we set ourselves to hell damnation. -
Q36. Cost of Discipleship
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? 1. No, because he wants his disciples to follow his leading and guiding. He wants them to obey his covenants. 2. Sometime we are to compromising, but we should not be at all. 3. We need to be determined that we will obey Jesus regardless of what is going on in our life. Put him first above all. -
Q35. Urgency
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities? 1. No turning back. Anyone who turns back is not fit for the kingdom. 2. Jesus wants all men to be saved. Time is running out. 3. Don't be messing around and get right. Arrange our life to put him first. -
Q34. Narrow Door
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q34. (Luke 13:23-27) Beyond the message that few will be saved, what is the unique message of the Parable of the Narrow Door? Why must would-be disciples be aggressive in order to enter the Kingdom? What happens if we don't aggressively seek God? Why do you think Jesus told this parable to his disciples? 1. We must push and shove to get in. The door seems jammed with people, but not everyone that wants to get in will be able to get in. 2. Being aggressive shows determination which is expressing that you are pushing toward God's will. 3. Jesus was letting us know that we must look forward to being his disciple by obeying him completely and understanding that if not we will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. 4. He was letting us know that the ones not pushing or have way obeying will not enter in. Only the disciples that are seriously pushing forth to do the will of God according to the position he has given them. -
Q33. Thorns
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q33. (Matthew 13:22) How do “thorns” prevent the Word of God from maturing in our lives? What is the difference between a genuine “disciple,” follower or learner of Rabbi Jesus, and a person who holds a Christian belief system? What can you do to clear your life of the thorns that prevent Christ's work from maturing in you? 1. By letting the worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke them which causes unfruitfulness. 2. A genuine disciple will obey by reading the word, seeking God, and putting him first in all things. When things are hard, they do not hesitate to look to God above other things. 3. Seek Jesus with our whole heart regardless of what situation we are in. -
Q32. Sower
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Parables about Responding to the Kingdom
Q32. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to the Parable of the Sower, why do some people fall away so quickly? What is their problem? 1. They begin with enthusiasm only to fall away because of letting their minds not care to know and understand. Many are spiritually dull and have stopped their ears and closed their eyes. They do not apply themselves to the word or read it which shows that they will not obey. 2. The flesh is allowed to take over because there is lack of interest in their hearts. There is not any receptive to having God fully. -
Q31. Laying Down His Life
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Parables about the Nature of Christ's Kingdom
Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this? 1. He has concern for this sheep and will protect them from danger and harm. He does that because he loves them and is willing to help them live with him eternally. 2. He protected them from the religious Jewish that were intended to steal, kill, and destroy them. 3. He died on the cross to bear our sins, to deliver us from sin, and its consequences. 4. Jesus was the example that we should follow. He taught that we should love one another by protecting, fighting for them, and teaching them. 5. Some give food, clothes, and are willing to teach as an example. -
Q30. Shepherd's Voice
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Parables about the Nature of Christ's Kingdom
Q30. (John 10:1-5) Why is knowing the Shepherd's voice and obeying it so very important for disciples? What happens when we act independently of the Shepherd? What causes sheep to stray? 1. When we learn to discern Jesus' voice, then he can guide us, teach us, and use us more frequently and effectively than before. We can be an example and help to others when we know our Shepherd's voice. 2. It can be trouble for us and lead to destruction. We will become not knowing him, but knowing Satan. We become selfish and have pride. 3. Not listening and obeying the Shepherd's voice. Therefore, we will not know his voice. Having the wrong company and environment. -
Q29. (Luke 5:36-39) What did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Unshrunk Cloth and the Wineskins? Why are we tempted to say, “The old wine is better?” How might our church traditions limit the Holy Spirit's work in our day? How do these parables illustrate the need for newly planted churches? 1. Jesus is saying to bring new life with the old life will not work or look right. I will bring disaster, destruction, and a complete failure. Pouring new wine into old lifestyle will not work because it will be a failure. Two different lifestyles will not work. 2. Old wine is better because it has been fermented and mellowed which has made us free. We must not become entangled with legalistic religion because it is manmade trying to set-off as Christianity (new wine). 3. A church limits the Holy Spirit's work by legalistic religion. As Christians we are to be guided by God. When we do something because of others saying to do it can cause stress and hardship because it is not in our heart. 4. Christians should be able to expand according to God's will. Following after legalistic religion will cause failure, destruction, and pain.
Q28. Mustard Seed and Leaven
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Parables about the Nature of Christ's Kingdom
Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? 1. The mustard seed is very tiny at the beginning, but it grows to become much bigger. Don't get discouraged because it starts tiny. The main emphasis seems to be on the beginning which is very small and the end which is very large. A small amount of yeast is small at the beginning but will leaven to a large amount of dough. Small beginnings become large endings. The kingdom of God starts small, but it is more powerful as it grows. The kingdom of God will start with being small and increase in power stronger as it grows. We are affected in the kingdom to grow together like a bubble starting small then growing bigger. 2. They don't understand how powerful the kingdom is and what is in it to strengthen it as it grows. 3. We are discouraged because we don't see any growth at the beginning. 4. We must have patience to wait on what is becoming from a little start and believe that something bigger will expand. Without patience and faith, we cannot please God. Patience brings about true faith. -
Q27. Binding the Strong Man
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Parables about Salvation
Q27. (Luke 11:17-22) In the Parable of the Binding of the Strong Man, who is the strong man? Who is the stronger warrior? How does this explain Jesus' power to cast out demons? How does it explain Jesus' power to set you free? To set your friends free? 1. Satan is the strong man. 2. Jesus is the mighty and stronger warrior. 3. Jesus is the opposing warrior of Satan and he is stronger, bigger, more determined, and better armed. He has stronger strength than Satan which causes him to be an overcomer and a overpower man. Jesus has power to overcome lies, enticements, and deception of the enemy that we face. 4. Jesus died on the cross for our sins to be forgiven and for us to be reconciled to God. We were baptized and able to become free with all our sins removed as we were resurrected through baptism. 5. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God has power to set the sinner free. If he set me free and I was determined to serve him, he can do it for others also. -
Q26. (Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) How do the bread and wine remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins? In what way, when we partake of the Lord's Supper, do we “proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26)? 1. Jesus said for us to "Do this in remembrance of me" and he was talking about communion. The blood should remind us of being poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. The bread should remind us of Jesus's body being broken for us on the cross. The bread and blood are to remind us of Jesus' blood. 2. We are to take the Lord's Supper seriously by repenting and asking for forgiveness then be sure to do it in remembrance of Jesus as he said in Luke 21:19. We should remember his body was bruised and pierced for us. His blood on the cross was shed for our sins. That he also died for our sins to be forgiven.
Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans? 1. They didn't understand that a rich man who uses his money uselessly is vain and materialistic. The rich man can possibly feel he has great wealth and does not need Jesus. Also, a Christian believer cannot save themselves. Salvation is not man's work, but the work of God. 2. Humans do not have the power that God has. God can do what is impossible for man to do. He is the one that can save the most distracted heart, cleanse the most polluted person, and flood souls with his life-giving Holy Spirit. Humans cannot save themselves.
Q24. (John 4:13-14; 7:37-39) If water is symbolic of life, what is flowing or living water symbolic of in these passages? Who creates this spiritual thirst in a person? How are these promises fulfilled in believers? 1. Flowing or living water is symbol not just of life, but continuous, eternal, and everlasting life. It is eternal life we are give through the holy spirit. 2. Jesus said, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come tome and drink. He also said, "whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, "streams of living water will flow from within him. Jesus was saying the spirit, whom those believed in him, they would later receive it. 3. We are to repent, believe on Jesus' invitation and promise that thirsty people seeking for his living water will be filled. Believe that the invitation is universal not just for the Jews, but thirsty people seeking him everywhere. Believe that the holy spirit will flow from within like a river of water on the day of Pentecost.
Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit? 1. The first birth is born flesh from flesh; darkness from inside of the mother's womb to light into the world. The second birth is being born by the spirit of God from sin which is darkness to repenting, believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins to be forgiven. Jesus insists that a person must be born again spiritually. 2. Water amniotic fluid is symbolic of what comes out when there is a physical birth. When a person is baptized, repentance and cleansing is spiritual and water is used. Both is a new birth. 3. We can not see wind or the spirit, but we know they are there. There is no manipulation with the holy spirit and it is completely beyond man's control. The wind blows in various areas, and we don't know where it comes from or where it is going, we hear it. We can only feel the holy spirit working in our life. Wind or spirit cannot be seen.
Q18. Laborers in the Vineyard
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Parables about Final Judgment
Q18. (Matthew 20:1-16) What does the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard teach us about God's generosity? About grace? What in our heart rises up to demand recognition and fairness when we feel we are overlooked and taken for granted? How much of this is a godly sense of fairness and how much is pride? 1. God is generous. He doesn't give us salvation based on what we deserve, but out of his generosity. God looks at us all as equal. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. 2. God gives us what we don't deserve or worked for. His grace is sufficient. 3. We feel as if we should have more than others because we worked for it and not be equal. We have an evil eye which is envy, jealousy. and no compassion for others. We all have sinned and came short of the glory of God. He knows what we all need and don't need. 4. It is not any godly since at all. It shows pride, such as, not mining our owe situation and wanting God to do as we feel he should do. God is in control of everything. Our feelings should be positive regardless of what God does or allows. Our relationship with God is one on one and not involving what others do or how God treats them. -
Q17. (Matthew 13:47-50) What is similar about the Parable of the Weeds and the Parable of the Net? What belief are these two parables meant to counter? How does a belief in the ultimate triumph of righteousness encourage Christians? 1. Separation from the good and the bad. Separation from wheat and the tares. At the end their will be a harvest. 2. God will come one day and good seed from the weeds. Good seed is the son of the kingdom and will be in the end of the harvest. Weeds are the sons of the evil one and will be in the fiery furnace. 3. We understand and know that being genuine, we will be with God one day. That if we do his will while we are on this earth to proclaim his righteousness, we will be with him. Allowing our fruit to be strengthen, so that our light can shine and encourage others to be saved.