Debra Grant
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Everything posted by Debra Grant
Q30. Sufficient Grace
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God’s power flourish best when we feel weak? If God’s grace is “sufficient,” what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace? 1. We feel limited with power and realize God had the power to help us by using our faith. We rely on God because of his strength being omnipotent. 2. His grace is sufficient to give us strength and the ability to help others that are in need through his holy spirit in us. 3. When we do not put our faith in him and have doubt, we limit him greatly. God will provide for us if we let him. With him, there are no limits as long as we have faith, be humble, and obey. -
Q29. (2 Corinthians 12:7) Why do we often feel so weak in times of sickness or affliction? Why are we tempted to stop ministering to others when we are struggling? 1. We feel as if we need help and cannot get. We put our mind on ourselves and forget to real seek and believe God as a healer or rescuer. 2. We get our mind off of the word and what God can do for us. We feel as if we are hurting to bad and cannot help someone else. Self-centered stops us from doing God's well due to pain we are focused on. God grace is sufficient, we forget that. We do not remember to push!
28. Dispensing Grace
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Finding Grace in Times of Need
Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out? 1. They are scared of punishment and know within their heart that they are wrong. 2. It is because of sin, and fear of what God will do or say. 3. When we repent for our wrong doings. He knows our heart, yet he still loves us. When we are truthful that brings mercy and grace. 4. Sharing with others no matter how they treat me. Trying to help others when I see that they are in need. Being an example to the world. -
Q27. (John 10:27-30; Jude 24-25; Romans 8:38-39; 2 Timothy 4:18; Philippians 1:6; 1 Corinthians 1:8; 1 Peter 5:10-11) Why do you think there are so many assurances of faith in the New Testament? What is your favorite promise of God’s role in keeping you in Christ to the end? How does your favorite promise give you powerful assurance of salvation? 1. To let us be reminded that there is no excuse of doing wrong. It is to let us know that Jesus loves us and cares for us. To let us know no matter how hard things get, to keep the faith and not give up. 2. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 3. I believe no matter what happens, I have strength to go through because God will strengthen me.
Q27. (John 10:27-30; Jude 24-25; Romans 8:38-39; 2 Timothy 4:18; Philippians 1:6; 1 Corinthians 1:8; 1 Peter 5:10-11) Why do you think there are so many assurances of faith in the New Testament? What is your favorite promise of God’s role in keeping you in Christ to the end? How does your favorite promise give you powerful assurance of salvation? 1. To let us be reminded that there is no excuse of doing wrong. It is to let us know that Jesus loves us and cares for us. To let us know no matter how hard things get, to keep the faith and not give up. 2. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 3. I believe no matter what happens, I have strength to go through because God will strengthen me.
Q26. (1 Peter 1:4-5) How does our faith function alongside God’s protection to keep us to the end? How does this show God’s grace? 1. We believe in God and realize he loved us so much that he gave his son for us to be forgiven and allowed his son to suffer tremendously for us. We should know and understand that believing that he will provide, protect, and love us so much that we don't have to worry about anything. We must believe that he is our everything no matter what we are going through. Knowing that his grace is sufficient for us at all times because we are serving him with our whole heart and soul. We must believe that he is our shield and stronghold always.
Q25. Prevenient Grace
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God’s action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God’s preparation illustrate his grace? 1. Man can do nothing without God. He must have a made up mind to obey God and accept the drawing, enabling, and calling of God. 2. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He knew we were born as sinners, but gave us grace. His love allowed us to know that he delighted in knowing us better and what was needed for a righteous relationship with him. -
24. Gracious Predestination
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Grace to Believe and Persevere
Q24. (Romans 8:28-30; Ephesians 1:4-6) How does predestination function with God’s grace? What is gracious about predestination? Why is his grace “glorious”? 1. God knowing who would serve him in truth and that we would need him to lead and guide us. He predestined what we would need to obey, be an example to others as well as helping and encouraging others to the best of our ability. 2. God helping, leading, and guiding us. 3. We did nothing to deserve or earn it. His love for us is better than any love. -
Q23. (Romans 8:28-30; 1 Peter 1:1-2) I realize that this is a mystery, but how do you see God’s foreknowledge working alongside his ability to predestine? If all this is by grace, how might faith and/or good works fit into this predestination? 1. God knew who would be willing to obey him and who would not. He gives us all a chance and we have the authority to take it or not. He knew who would need strong encouragement to receive his grace. He knew those that would waste their time and life on damage. He called those who would do his will and predestine them to live holy and encourage others as they do his will. 2. We must believe and have faith that God sent his only be gotten son down here on earth for us to be saved by grace because we did not earn or deserve it. It is not by good works that we do, but having a will to obey he predestined what would be best in our life.
Q21. (Acts 18:27; Matthew 16:16-17; John 6:44) How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives to prepare us for salvation? In what sense is the Spirit’s revelation important to faith? In what ways have you seen the Father “draw” people to Christ? What is the role of “free will” in salvation? 1. The Holy Spirit works in our lives by letting us see that we are sinners in need of a change. Seeing others as an example, through testimonies of others, convicting us of our sins, and letting us know he is love. He is waiting for us to come to him and that it is our choice. 2. The Spirit's revelation will allow us to see what is needed for us to change and have faith that we can. We can have strength that helps us to believe in God's word by reading, meditating, and praying to increase our minds thinking on the basis of the Spirit through faith. 3. They were drawn through the word preached, being witnessed to from a true believer, seeking him and he answering, speaking to them in a quiet way. 4. After the word of God is shown, expressed, God allowing us to see that he is there and waiting for us with his loving hands: we have a choice to make whether we will believe him enough to trust him or not. We will feel free to serve him knowing that the bible says, "Choice ye this day whom ye will serve."
Q20. Works-Righteousness
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Balancing Grace and Good Works
Q20. (Ephesians 2:8-9) How does the idea of earning salvation by being good enough for God distort the essential gospel? With that scenario, what is the need for the cross? How does it affect a sense of self-righteousness? Of pride? Of looking down on others rather than loving them? Why is this kind of works-righteousness so ingrained in people? How does an understanding of salvation by grace change this picture? 1. Jesus did not die on the cross for us to earn salvation because we can not earn it. No matter what we do, it is a good work for our grace that has been given to us by God. Salvation is a gift from God and not of our so called good deeds. We are saved and received grace from God not because we were good, therefore, we cannot boast, but be thankful to God. 2. The cross was a way of us receiving salvation through Jesus dying for us and having mercy and grace for us. We would be in sin continuously if Jesus did not shade his powerful blood and die in our place. 3. The need for the cross is for us to realize the love Jesus has for us by dying on the cross and being an example that we can do the will of God. Therefore, we must understand that we are no better than anyone by expressing our love and not being prideful. 4. We learn that receiving God and living for him we must obey, love, and do what is necessary to accomplish getting closer to him spiritually. 5. Realizing that we are saved by the love, grace, and mercy of God. We must have true faith in God always. -
Q19. (Ephesians 2:8) From what have we been rescued by God’s grace? How has God personally rescued you from your situation before Christ? What did God’s favor have to do with your salvation? 1. We have been rescued from habitually sinning, following Satan and his deceitfulness. We have been rescued from hell through grace. 2. God rescued me from lying, drinking, smoking, fornication, and following Satan to do what my flesh wanted. 3. Receiving salvation from a burning hell, being able to tell others about his love and grace.
1. Q18. (Romans 3:24; John 1:29; Mark 10:45; Isaiah 53) In what sense is Jesus a sacrifice for our sins? Why is he punished for our sins instead of us? Why is he called the Lamb of God? 1. Jesus is the sacrifice for our sins today. His blood is perfect without any blemishes. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. An animal's blood was not powerful enough. 2. Grace and mercy has been given to us because of the love Jesus has for us. When Jesus shaded his blood on the cross, there was no repeating. Animals blood had to be repeated every year. 3. He is replacing what many lambs that was killed could not do because of their blood lacking power. Jesus shaded his powerful blood only once and he was perfect with a willing mind to help our sins be forgiven. Not looking at the sins we committed. Jesus was humble and a perfect example of love redeeming us from sin.
Q16. (Romans 3:22-23; Romans 5:12-14; Isaiah 64:6; Jeremiah 17:9) Is humankind basically “good” because of the image of God in us? Or basically evil because of deceitful hearts and our corrupt nature (“flesh”) that is “bent to sinning”? 1. We all have sinned and came short of the glory of God. Therefore, because of sin there is no good thing in the flesh. The Holy Ghost is our help to do what is right. 2. There is some good in man when following the fruit of the Spirit of God in us which also is done with the Holy Ghost in us.
Q15. (Luke 18:18-27) How does the story of the rich young ruler show the impossibility of salvation without a miracle of God? Why does Jesus use a rich and outwardly righteous man to make this point? Where does grace show through? 1. The rich ruler though he could get into heaven with riches. He did not know that wealth and worldly things could be a weight to serving God. He didn't know that it was a price to pay when following Jesus. Jesus was showing him that salvation was not earned or deserved, neither did his riches matter. 2. It is shown to the rich man and to us that it doesn't matter how much money and other material things we have, it is our heart that God looks at. We must humble ourselves in order to follow Jesus and not put anything above him. 3. Grace shows because Jesus is letting the man know that what is impossible with man is possible with God even through miracles.
Q14. Thief on the Cross
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus: Full of Grace and Truth
Q14. (Luke 23:39-43) How does the story of the thief on the cross illustrate salvation by faith? How does it show the triumph of grace over sin to those who don’t deserve it? 1. The thief knew he had done wrong. He recognized Jesus as Lord who had not did anything to desire the punishment given to him. He believed in Jesus which showed by asking to be with him. The thief asked to be with Jesus and Jesus said yes. Jesus was not concerned about the length of time the thief believed in him. Jesus had grace upon the thief, love, forgiveness, and compassion. 2. Jeus has the authority to give grace because of his love. His love, forgiveness, and compassion rules over sin because of his great power. Jesus knows our hearts. -
Q12. Unforgiving Servant
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus: Full of Grace and Truth
Q12. (Matthew 18:21-35) In what way does the king show grace in this parable. How does the forgiven servant withhold grace? Can we call ourselves Jesus’ disciples if we withhold grace according to Matthew 18:35 and Matthew 6:12-15? 1. The servant owed a huge amount of debt and asked to be forgiven. The king show grace by forgiving him without being paid back. 2. He did not forgive the one who owed him. He had him sent to prison. 3. No, we must quickly forgive others. Do unto others as we want to be forgiven. -
Q11. Good Samaritan
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus: Full of Grace and Truth
Q11. (Luke 10:25-37) Why do you think Jesus sets up the hero of the parable as a Samaritan? How does the Samaritan show undeserved favor? In your community, who are the “neighbors” that are resented? In what ways can you and/or your Christian community show God’s grace to them? 1. Jesus wants us to love our enemies and those who persecute us. This is grace that is shown. 2. He shows grace and undeserved favor because he is not expecting any pay back. 3. Those that are without food, transportation, and clothes that is needed. 4. We can give them food, give them ride as needed without charging, and give them clothes as well as buying what's needed. No pay should be expected. -
Q9. According to Bonhoeffer, what attitudes cheapen the understanding of grace in Christians? Does “costly grace” mean we have to work for it? What is costly about grace? 1. We don't have to repent. Receive cheap grace means no confession of sin and putting ourselves in place of sin. Not acknowledging Jesus died for our sins. 2. No, because Jesus died for us and we are to accept it by obeying and thanking God. 3. It is costly because we can't buy it. We must give up everything that is not like God and seek him continuously.
Q8. Deceitful Heart
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Grace That Is Wildly Undeserved
Q8. (Jeremiah 17:9) Is there good in humankind? Are humans basically good or basically bad? Or both? What are some of the ways a “deceitful heart” shows up in our lives and motivations? If the heart is the innermost person, how does a “deceitful heart” corrupt us in a pervasive way? 1. Our hearts are deceitful and cannot be trusted. There is no good thing in the flesh. The only thing good in us is the holy ghost which helps us to do good for ourselves and to others. 2. We were born in sin which is not good. The Lord leading us helps us to go toward perfection and his righteousness. We are basically bad without God. 3. Pretending to love only our spouse and committing adultery, trying to be more than what we are, deceiving others as if we have more money, clothing, material things, loving them greatly, and seeking after what they have, (money, husband or wife, clothing, and being deceitful to look good). 4. When we let our minds wonder off of God, Satan comes in crafty, slick, and tricky. What 's in the heart will come out, therefore, we must have control over our tongue. We should keep our mind on God and his word at all times. The tongue can be deadly. -
Q7. Spiritually Dead
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Grace That Is Wildly Undeserved
Q7. (Ephesians 2:1-3) What do these verses teach us about humankind’s fallen nature? What motivates our actions before we come to Christ? Which of these motivations might be conscious? Which might be unconscious? 1. We were in sin without Christ we were spiritually dead. 2. We were following the prince of the air which is Satan. Motivated by our flesh to do what we wanted. 3. We are conscious of moral situations within ourselves. 4. The unconscious is the subtle of Satan whereas we are not aware and fulfilling the desires of our heart as if we are right and not always knowing it is wrong. We later become aware of it as wrong. -
Q6. (Romans 5:6-8) What do verses 6-8 say about humankind’s situation? What is so remarkable about Christ’s death for us? What motivates that sacrifice? 1. We were powerless, helpless, ungodly, and sinners. 2. Christ died for us while we were still sinners. 3. Christ wanted us to have eternal life, therefore, he made it possible through his atone and love he showed for us on the cross.
Q5. State of Grace
Debra Grant replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Grace That Is Wildly Undeserved
Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of “peace with God”? 1. To be at peace and in right standing with God through faith and atone through Jesus. It also means to have favor from God. 2. We are God's family through the atone of Jesus which makes us coming from sin to being a child of God. 3. The opposite of peace with God is being in conflict with him, not having faith, trust, or favor with God. -
Q4. (Hosea 1-3) Why does Yahweh tell his prophet to marry a girl of ill repute? What does the story of Hosea and Gomer teach us? How does the story illustrate God’s relationship with Israel? What does it teach about grace? 1. That was a demonstration of unfaithful Israel and us to be seen. The chance to repent and live for God was available for Israel and is available for us today through God's gracious love. 2. It teaches us of God's love like Hosea had for Gomer. Even though she was very unfaithful to him, he expressed his love for her. 3. He has a lot of love for Israel as a man should love his wife and let nothing should separate them. 4. It teaches us that God is merciful, and he will forgive us even though we don't desire it. His love for us is huge, no matter how bad and discussing we have been to him. Above all, he loves and wants a relationship with us.
Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him? 1. He will forgive all of their sins. He will forgive iniquity and transgression. We must repent honestly. 2. Rebellion finds its way when we refuse to obey God and let the devil trick us as if we can sin and it is not wrong. Rebellion creeps in little by little. 3. God tells us to repent so that our sins can be forgiven, love your neighbor as yourself. God wants us to confess our sins and he will faithfully forgive and cleanse us. God hates sin.