Moises Percu
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Everything posted by Moises Percu
Wolves in sheep’s cloth will never resist the persecution. The true servants, facing the persecution will trust more and more in God. They will not have anyone to trust in. The Church, nowadays, is sleeping. So, with the persecution, the Church will be awaken. I think the best way to prepare for this time is through sanctification. We must pray more, read more the Bible, preach more the Gospel of Jesus and live the life of Christ.
Daniel and Revelation teach us that all human beings will rise again. Revelations approaches the first and the second resurrection. So, the wise ones will rise again to eternal salvation and the unjust to condemnation. I think unjust will be raised to receive an eternal body. So, body, soul and spirit of the unjust will suffer forever.
At the time that the old serpent is defeated by Michael, this evil being will persecute God’s people. But God will deliver His people which will be carried away to the desert on the wings of a great eagle. This description matches with the description of the great tribulation because the facts described by Daniel and by John (Revelation) are very similar. Both describe Antichrist features, Satan’s defeat before Michael, God’s people deliverance and the 3 years and a half of tribulation.
This entire history teaches me that kingdoms pass but God will be always on the control. So we must not to be worried or anxious nowadays because He controls the History. God cares about all the details of all nations on Earth. So it’s a duty to all Christians listen to Paul’s word and pray for our political leaders. I’m frequently praying for Brazil leaders.
Q3. Fulfillment
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Kings of the North and South (Daniel 10:1-11:35)
My vision is that the prophecies, when they come from God, are fulfilled literally. We can quote Isaiah’s and David’s prophecies about the Messiah which have been totally fulfilled. So we can learn we can trust in God’s words entirely because He will never disappoint us. -
Q2. Spiritual Warfare
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Kings of the North and South (Daniel 10:1-11:35)
The spiritual prince of Persia has resisted him. It teaches us that prayer and spiritual battles are totally connected. If we want to have answers and see the God’s kingdom progress we have to pray a lot. -
Q3. (Daniel 9:24-27) Why do you think there are so many interpretations of Daniel’s vision of the Seventy Sevens? What is your interpretation of the various key parts of the vision? Because the vision is complex. My interpretation is very literal. I understand literally the seventy weeks of year and I believe at the end of the times the Antichrist will force Israel to make a covenant of a week. Then he will break the covenant, he will make cease the sacrifices in the Third Temple and overspread abominations.
Q2. (Daniel 9:24-27) Why do you think people fight with each other over the interpretation of difficult Bible passages? According to Romans 14:1-5, what should be our attitude towards those who disagree with us on the non-essentials of the faith? Because people want to defend their point of view. According to the mentioned text, we cannot despise our bethren who understand this non-essentials points in another way.
Q1. (Daniel 9:24) In what ways can we find in Jesus the fulfillment of the six tasks found in verse 24? Jesus is the only One who could bring together all the six tasks found in this verse. Since He died on the cross, He could make the end of sins (Isaiah 53:5), He reconciled us to God (Ephesians 2:3-16) and brought everlasting righteousness (Isaiah 11:1-5).
Since Daniel is such a righteous man in his generation, why does he identify himself with the sins of his people? He didn’t commit these sins. How does this compare to how Jesus sought forgiveness for his people? Although Daniel had not committed the same sins he suffered the consequences of the sins of his people. He was carried away from his city because of the sins of Judah. In the same way Jesus suffered for our sins, died for them and now interceed for us as our High Priest.
Q2. Preparing for Prayer
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. A Vision and a Mighty Prayer (Daniel 8:1-9:19)
What is Daniel’s demeanor as he prays? How does he prepare? Why is this so important in this case? In what ways might you and I prepare for intercession? Daniel humiliated himself recognising he and his people were sinners. Then he quotes the Scriptures showing God is merciful with His people Israel. Daniel describes how in the History God had protected His people and had prevented others to hurt Israel. It is important because he showed the Lord he, Daniel, had a thankful heart which could recognize all the things God had acted in Israel favor. If we act the same way Daniel did we can prepare our intercession. -
Q1. Prophecy and Prayer
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. A Vision and a Mighty Prayer (Daniel 8:1-9:19)
What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What practice on Daniel’s part leads him to pray? Daniel is encouraged to seek for the forgiveness when he sees that Jeremiah prophesy is about to be fullfilled. The reading of the Scriptures and the searching for answer in God lead Daniel to pray. -
Q3. Receiving the Kingdom
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Four Beasts and the Son of Man (Daniel 7)
Three times the angel assures Daniel that “the saints of the Most High” will ultimately receive the kingdom and possess it forever (Daniel 7:18, 22, and 27). In what circumstances is this truth most precious to God’s people? Though there may have been partial fulfillments, when do you expect the ultimate fulfillment? It is the guarantee of our final redemption. The saints suffered, were persecuted, died for the sake of Jesus, but, at the end of times, when the 70th week is finished, the Son of Man will return to stablish His Kingdom and the saints will live the complete fulfillment of the prophesy. -
Q2. The Son of Man
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Four Beasts and the Son of Man (Daniel 7)
How do these verses describe “one like a son of man”? What makes us think he is a divine figure? What authority and glory does he receive? Why do you think Jesus called himself “the Son of Man”? These verses describe the son of Man as the Almighty Lord, the One who received all the power in Heaven and on Earth. All the verses show us He is God. "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." (Daniel 7:13-14, NIV) He receives all the power and all the glory. Jesus called himself Son of man to prove He came in flesh, He was like anyone of us, he could suffer the same things we suffer. At the same time, He, in flesh, is the second Adam, the perfect Human Being, the only One capable to carry our sins and brings us eternal salvation. -
Q1. God Is in Control
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Four Beasts and the Son of Man (Daniel 7)
What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in? The Ancient of Days rules all the things and His throne is everlasting. He controls the earthly temporary kingdoms represented by the various beastly nations. This kingdoms destroy themselves, but, one Day, God will submit to his control all the nations. As bad things happen all the time, sometimes it is difficult to believe that God controls all the things. But He controls the history and all the things which take place in this world were foreseen and revealed by God to His prophets. That is a great comfort for us. -
Christians, so many times, despise the others. They forget that, if we despise people, we are, in truth, despising God. Other times we think that grace is an excuse to sin. Irreverently we think we can commit sins freely and consciously. After that we just ask for forgiveness and continue committing the same sins. So many times I have changed and I know I have to change much more to be the person God wants.
Q5. Through It All
Moises Percu replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Humbling the Proud (Daniel 4-5)
His confession shows that God is above all. HE is what HE is. HE has not to do things to please others and HE is accountable for none. Yes, I've already given testimonies about I have learned about God. This testimony is, in short words, I fall, God supports me, raises me up and teaches me how to be more humble and how to be more like HIM. -
Nabuchadnezzar used to do what he considered was correct. He followed his own feelings without minding if it was right or not before God's eyes. In the same way, when we think we are owners of our lives and we follow our own ways, we are repeating Nabuchadnezzar attitudes. Pride can disguise himself into humility. If we do the right things, help the others, read the Bible and pray to be praised by men, our pride is only masked with humility.
He should be humble. And me, I have to repent of my sins and never commit them anymore. Being kind of the poor is to take care of them in their needs. If they need food, we have to provide it. If they need love, we have to offer love. For sure it is within our abilities doing that. God's decrees can be conditional as God has created different human beings and will act to them in different manners. Whomsoever He gives more, He will require more.