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  1. Isn't it about the degree of relationship I have with God? The more I get to know Him, the more deeply I fall in love with Him, the more I move away from the world towards Him. God and I are currently exploring monasticism; today and every day I am less worldly than I was yesterday and more like Jesus. It's the slow, transforming work of the Holy Spirit in a living relationship
  2. Surely its not about what we do or how we do, but about relationship with God; Father, Son n Spirit. I will often go on mid morning picnic/coffee dates or sit in silence. I want my quiet time to build me the relationship Jesus had with His Father: to know n meet God through His Spirit
  3. I can't see where it says that people stayed behind - Ezra 5 is clear that everyone whose heart God moved returned. Were there people left behind??? Who didn't want to return?? We can only move as the Spirit moves us
  4. Maybe some were called to stay, to minister to those unable to physically follow? In Acts when the Church was persecuted, some believers stayed n some went. Home missionaries are as valid and vital as those called to go. It can be equally radical following Jesus to Tesco as it can be following Him overseas
  5. Hi, I am Rosa Jay and I live in Wales in the United Kingdom. I have been on a rather interesting adventure with God, but need to strengthen my meeting Him in His Holy Word. Building the walls has come up several times so I am really excited by what the Holy Spirit has to teach me in this study
  6. Actually I can't get my head around God's glory, much let alone being able to reflect it. He is God, how does that work???? GOD - in me??? Sorry but it's a bit too big for me at present
  7. "El Elyon" Lyrics [edit] by Paul Wilbur | from the album The Watchman You sit enthroned above the circle of the earth Spreading out the heavens like a veil You hold the universe so firmly in Your hand Reaching out in love to all the world El Elyon Most High God Holy is Your Name No one can know the secrets hidden in Your heart Mysteries beyond the reach of man No one else commands the sun to rise and then to fall All creation heeds the great I AM El Elyon Most High God Holy is Your Name Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Adonai Let our glory of Your name be magnified Lord Most High
  8. El Elyon, High and Holy One. It lifts Yahweh to His rightful place and lowers me to mine Yahweh, I know you are near, 9/17/2007 Yahweh, I know you are near, standing always at my side. You guard me from the foe, and you lead me in ways everlasting. Lord, you have searched my heart, and you know when I sit and when I stand. Your hand is upon me protecting me from death, keeping me from harm. Where can I run from Your love? If I climb to the heavens You are there; If I fly to the sunrise or sail beyond the sea, still I'd find You there. You know my heart and its ways, you who formed me before I was born in the secret of darkness before I saw the sun in my mother's womb. Marvelous to me are Your works; how profound are Your thoughts, my Lord. Even if I could count them, they number as the stars, You would still be there. Author - Dan Schutte
  9. God Most High - none higher, acknowledges God is Supreme
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