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Natalie 1204

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  1. Yes Daniel is anxious about the Kings reaction. Nobody wants to be the bearer of bad tidings - that too to a king who is quick to anger and has such a big ego. Besides, there were instances I the past when people were punished for not 'pleasing the king, there was no way to know how the king would react to an honest answer - therefore it must have been difficult for Daniel. Humans are unpredictable. There's no way of knowing how somebody will react to bad news or something they don't really want to hear. The truth is often bitter and no one wants to be the bearer of that bitter truth. It might make us lose favor with that person and we want to be popular and liked. We should pray for a sign or divine intervention- God will lead the way. We should remember that we are his instruments and he is our maker
  2. Daniel has not taken credit for knowing what the king dreamt of or for his being able to interpret the dream. He has rightly proclaimed that it is only a divine power or God & no man on earth who is capable of performing such a task. He uses this opportunity wisely to show the greatness of his God in heaven. He is merely a messenger or instrument of that God to deliver the message to and forewarn the king
  3. For me, it would show Daniel's strength of character and his assertiveness. He is true to his beliefs and wants to stand by them - he does not want to be subservient to another God/ person other than his one true God
  4. For me, it would show Daniel's strength of character and his assertiveness. He is true to his beliefs and wants to stand by them - he does not want to be subservient to another God/ person other than his one true God
  5. Yes. I moved from India to the Middle East for 3 years. However, it actually brought me closer to my God - who was the only familiar entity who would be with me everywhere. One of the first things I did was to look for the nearest church and being a flight attendant, I travelled to many countries but always tried to look for a church I could go to on a Sunday
  6. Yes. I moved from India to the Middle East for 3 years. However, it actually brought me closer to my God - who was the only familiar entity who would be with me everywhere. One of the first things I did was to look for the nearest church and being a flight attendant, I travelled to many countries but always tried to look for a church I could go to on a Sunday
  7. Yes. I moved from India to the Middle East for 3 years. However, it actually brought me closer to my God - who was the only familiar entity who would be with me everywhere. One of the first things I did was to look for the nearest church and being a flight attendant, I travelled to many countries but always tried to look for a church I could go to on a Sunday
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