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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by mgentile777

  1. What does it mean to me to be in Christ? It means I am His child. I belong to Him. I can now converse with my Father in Heaven freely because of Christ. I am adopted and loved. I am accepted and I never have to worry about being rejected by Him. I am truly loved. To be incorporated to me means being one body with Christ. To be one with Him. In Mark 10: - It says, "and the two will become one flesh, so they are no longer two but one flesh." Jesus is my husband and I became one with Him and He is one with me. He is always with me. The implications for my life are my life is changed forever. I am no longer the person I was, I now have a purpose, I have someone who always loves me, accepts me, sees me for who I am and how He has created me to be/ Jesus changed my life and it's only going to get better as I commit and surrender my all to Him.
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