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Everything posted by kings_kid

  1. How do I answer the questions???  I've tried every button without success.


  2. God took of the Spirit that was on Moses and put6 it upon the 70 elders. They prophesied but never did so again. Their spirit was to enable them to help lead God's people.
  3. Today's question: What was the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? For me it seems that God put (and still does) His Holy Spirit upon selected people such as David in order to enable them to fulfill His purposes for them and the special calling upon their lives. Even today, while ALL born again believers have the Holy Spirit, He does put a special anointing on some lives as we 'submit fully to Him' and commit to His will for us. We are ALL on this earth to fulfill HIS PURPOSES for us. There is a work for each of us to do. For instance, for a period (17 years) I was a chaplain in several nursing homes and hospitals. I learned a lot, made a lot of mistakes, AND GREW!!! At 82 I still am wondering what Next does God have for me.... God, keep us ALL HUNGRY FOR MORE OF YOU in our hearts and lives!!!
  4. oops, still 'exploring'
  5. HI, sally607: Good for you as a 'newbie' being willing to share. I live in Toronto, Canada (the largest city). I have taken many of Dr. Ralph's courses, learned and grown from them but have 'rarely posted' as I didn't (and don't know how.) Many blessings to you.
  6. I do not know ALL of the Bible. BUT I do not rebuke Satan;' the LORD DOES!!! Zechariah 3:2; Jude 1:9. If I have misunderstood, please help me. There is an article at https://writersfield.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/the-lord-rebuke-you-looking-at-why-the-lord-said-this/ which touches on this. Again, just my opinion, not attacking anyone. This forum and these lessons are ALL A LEARNING, GROWTH, CURVE. Bless you.
  7. @kings_kid Jim, I so agree with you. started Bible College at age 60, graduated and have since earned BOTH a Master in Theology and a Doctor in Theology degree. I have had two books published and am SO HUNGRY FOR GOD and His Word. I also have been baptised by sprinkling and by immersion (twice) Once ion my church and then when In Israel at the River Jordan. What a blessed event Baptism is!!!
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