Paul Adair
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1st question recognition of gods love the basis of my faith The basis of my faith is rooted in the knowledge that God loves me. Gods love for me means more than life itself. His mercies kindness is everlasting His love transcends all other , such love that He sent his son to die in my place so as to ,reconcile me unto himself. this knowledge strengthens my devotion to Him, the promises and His protection displayed in my life enables me to keep on trusting Him.i;s with this knowledge I'm devoted to him and will continue to trust and depend on him by faith,constantly giving him praise of adoration for who he is. 2.....this knowledge of Gods love gives me strength to live a life of confidence. It enables me to be bold in declaring my faith as a Christian, Gods love is a life changing experience.
Psalm 27..what it means to dwell in his house forever? To always to be in Gods presence. The psalmist knew that being in the presence of God ensures a comfort, peace, protection would be his always. This came about because of the relationship he had with his creator, where a supernatural sense of trust in the Almighty is cultivated. This trust and relationship is nurtured and strengthened by the exercise and discipline of religion . The psalmist one thing "to be in Gods presence always" to be able to see the beauty of God and to receive directions as to the path to pursue. When trust is kept private and unspoken, and unshared, it runs the risk of becoming decayed.Trust needs to be strengthened by the sharing with others, and with God through fellowship with believers and a daily set apart time spent in the presence of God (devotion),Here we acknowledge with our mouths prayers of affirmation to our Sovereign God, who he is, what he means to us and the confidence and comfort we experience after The psalmist also expects to experience a life long relationship with God as he regularly offers unto Him sacrifices of Praise. B....What does it mean to "seek his face". To earnestly seek an audience with Jehovah El-lohim our creator,He who seek to have also an intimate with His people. David had a desire and so should we, for a face to face meeting with God, a desire for a personal intimate relationship. He also wanted reassurance from God that He would not take away the comfort of His presence, but would lead him safely through his tests and struggles. C...How does David provide hope at the end? Because of his attitude towards God in spite of his struggles,he was confident that he would experience the abundance of life in the now while still alive , an abundance which Christ taught us in John 10 :10 . He knew that in trusting God he would be kept safe from the lies the devil would want to instill in his mind to create doubts the opposite of faith. David was confident that he would receive the blessings by drawing closer to Him in worship both privately as well as publicly. He now encourages us to patiently put our trust ,our hope in God who always keeps His promises so be 'strong' 'take courage'.David knew that we are weak in times of struggles and finds it hard to wait therefore this encouragement was necessary ,despite our conviction . This praise and prayer evokes the reality in whose life Faith lives- the salvation of the Lord..
Psalm 27..what it means to dwell in his house forever? To always to be in Gods presence. The psalmist knew that being in the presence of God ensures a comfort, peace, protection would be his always. This came about because of the relationship he had with his creator, where a supernatural sense of trust in the Almighty is cultivated. This trust and relationship is nurtured and strengthened by the exercise and discipline of religion . The psalmist one thing "to be in Gods presence always" to be able to see the beauty of God and to receive directions as to the path to pursue. When trust is kept private and unspoken, and unshared, it runs the risk of becoming decayed.Trust needs to be strengthened by the sharing with others, and with God through fellowship with believers and a daily set apart time spent in the presence of God (devotion),Here we acknowledge with our mouths prayers of affirmation to our Sovereign God, who he is, what he means to us and the confidence and comfort we experience after The psalmist also expects to experience a life long relationship with God as he regularly offers unto Him sacrifices of Praise. B....What does it mean to "seek his face". To earnestly seek an audience with Jehovah El-lohim our creator,He who seek to have also an intimate with His people. David had a desire and so should we, for a face to face meeting with God, a desire for a personal intimate relationship. He also wanted reassurance from God that He would not take away the comfort of His presence, but would lead him safely through his tests and struggles. C...How does David provide hope at the end? Because of his attitude towards God in spite of his struggles,he was confident that he would experience the abundance of life in the now while still alive , an abundance which Christ taught us in John 10 :10 . He knew that in trusting God he would be kept safe from the lies the devil would want to instill in his mind to create doubts the opposite of faith. David was confident that he would receive the blessings by drawing closer to Him in worship both privately as well as publicly. He now encourages us to patiently put our trust ,our hope in God who always keeps His promises so be 'strong' 'take courage'.David knew that we are weak in times of struggles and finds it hard to wait therefore this encouragement was necessary ,despite our conviction . This praise and prayer evokes the reality in whose life Faith lives- the salvation of the Lord..
PSALMS 8 1. A) What does this Psalm teach about God? God’s majesty is expressed through aspects of creation. The Psalmist message of God is that because of his reputation (character), he is deserving of praise and adoration because of who he is and what he has done. What does this Psalm teach us about man? That in spite of our smallness in comparison to God’s greatness, we need to know that we have been highly thought of by God and he wants to know us and to include us in his plans. Yes we may be a little lower than angels but God has crowned us with Glory & honor. We are special to Him as His beauty is seen in his love and care for us. C) What does this Psalm teach us about Christ? Hebrew 2:6-7 teaches us the “the son of man” was reference to Christ, who submitted to His Father in coming to earth in humility, leaving His Deity to redeem a lost mankind, by becoming a man, then humbles Himself by taking our shame upon Himself, to die a shameful death “even on the Cross”, that he may restore rebellious mankind to a state of fellowship with his creator. D) What does this Psalm teaches about man’s responsibility? We should be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Taking care of the forests wildlife, the Oceans and Rivers and each other, not independent of God but in submission to His will and purpose.
The common thread between verses 1-6 & 7-13 is God speaks. though seen in all creation there is none more impressive than the majesty of the heavens, whose stars are not accidents of time, but rather Gods own handiwork. They sing an unending song of His Glory. the sun is an example of His glory, day and night each has knowledge to impart,, the former tells of his splendor life and warmth, the latter of mystery; they are like a choir singing to each other. The silence of the skies, speaks even to the deaf, the brilliance of the sun speaks even to the blind. What way does the psalmist bask in Gods word? In the joy and refreshing the soul experiences when staying in The Word. The perfection of Gods laws gives wisdom to the simple,and revelation of being in full fellowship with God., brings strength, and a feeling of humility to a great and marvelous God. It shines clear an gives light illuminating our paths.both creation and Gods laws are witness to His glory. Have you ever felt this way? all the time but especially when faced with tests and trials that seem unbearable to . Mediating on Gods creation and His word, and reflecting on past victories he brought me through revives , refreshes my spirit enabling me to press on. How does the psalmist wonder in in creation affect him? The beauty and wisdom of Gods creation spoke to his inner being. Gods majesty and splendor in both creation and His laws, shows His eternal presence, His righteousness and faithfulness. what is David asking for? For purity of heart and boldness to openly declare his faith to others of his faith in an awesome God..That God may find delight in his sacrifices of praise and adoration as he tries to please Him and for God to be his strength and to rescue him from slavery both the temporal and the spiritual
The common thread between verses 1-6 & 7-13 is God speaks. though seen in all creation there is none more impressive than the majesty of the heavens, whose stars are not accidents of time, but rather Gods own handiwork. They sing an unending song of His Glory. the sun is an example of His glory, day and night each has knowledge to impart,, the former tells of his splendor life and warmth, the latter of mystery; they are like a choir singing to each other. The silence of the skies, speaks even to the deaf, the brilliance of the sun speaks even to the blind. What way does the psalmist bask in Gods word? In the joy and refreshing the soul experiences when staying in The Word. The perfection of Gods laws gives wisdom to the simple,and revelation of being in full fellowship with God., brings strength, and a feeling of humility to a great and marvelous God. It shines clear an gives light illuminating our paths.both creation and Gods laws are witness to His glory. Have you ever felt this way? all the time but especially when faced with tests and trials that seem unbearable to . Mediating on Gods creation and His word, and reflecting on past victories he brought me through revives , refreshes my spirit enabling me to press on. How does the psalmist wonder in in creation affect him? The beauty and wisdom of Gods creation spoke to his inner being. Gods majesty and splendor in both creation and His laws, shows His eternal presence, His righteousness and faithfulness. what is David asking for? For purity of heart and boldness to openly declare his faith to others of his faith in an awesome God..That God may find delight in his sacrifices of praise and adoration as he tries to please Him and for God to be his strength and to rescue him from slavery both the temporal and the spiritual
The common thread between verses 1-6 & 7-13 is God speaks. though seen in all creation there is none more impressive than the majesty of the heavens, whose stars are not accidents of time, but rather Gods own handiwork. They sing an unending song of His Glory. the sun is an example of His glory, day and night each has knowledge to impart,, the former tells of his splendor life and warmth, the latter of mystery; they are like a choir singing to each other. The silence of the skies, speaks even to the deaf, the brilliance of the sun speaks even to the blind. What way does the psalmist bask in Gods word? In the joy and refreshing the soul experiences when staying in The Word. The perfection of Gods laws gives wisdom to the simple,and revelation of being in full fellowship with God., brings strength, and a feeling of humility to a great and marvelous God. It shines clear an gives light illuminating our paths.both creation and Gods laws are witness to His glory. Have you ever felt this way? all the time but especially when faced with tests and trials that seem unbearable to . Mediating on Gods creation and His word, and reflecting on past victories he brought me through revives , refreshes my spirit enabling me to press on. How does the psalmist wonder in in creation affect him? The beauty and wisdom of Gods creation spoke to his inner being. Gods majesty and splendor in both creation and His laws, shows His eternal presence, His righteousness and faithfulness. what is David asking for? For purity of heart and boldness to openly declare his faith to others of his faith in an awesome God..That God may find delight in his sacrifices of praise and adoration as he tries to please Him and for God to be his strength and to rescue him from slavery both the temporal and the spiritual
psalm 139 is a personal expression of a radical belief of the existence of one God .it shows human existence in all terms of Gods knowledge, presence and power.This Psalm is even more a devotional classic, as when used as a prayer it gives and nurtures an awareness of the Lord as the total environment of life.It teaches and confesses in the fullest way that God holds our life in His hand. The Psalm is composed of two parts , firstly is the relationship between the psalmist and God and secondly the relationship of God to man. verse 13-16...speaks of the self as an object of Gods action. It shows the value of life - my life (1) Gods power is seen in the creation of man,it's because of Gods Divine activity in the creation of man that He knows every minute detail about us, and is always present (omnipresent) with us.These verses reflects Gods love and intimacy, (13b) "you knit me together in my mothers womb) shows the love and care God took in creating us, an intricate,intimate formation..David came to the knowledge of Gods power.he also saw the uniqueness of himself.such care is because of God has a plan and purpose for each person. this again demonstrates Gods power(omnipotent) as the powerful creator He is.This care also shows Gods immanence.( As he surrenders his all to God he's asking to do now a total cleansing of heart and to place him back on the right path ,a path of Holy living dedicated to God conforming to his will in order to attain eternal life.