The journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary because, It was winter, she was very pregnant, and riding on a donkey which I am sure was not comfortable. Add to that the elements that were prevalent during that time of year must have been very hard on anyone, much less a pregnant teenager.
I don't think that pleasure is an indication that we are in God's will, because has not promised me a life of ease and laughter, but He has promised to be there on my journey, and the reward that I will gain at the end of my earthly walk won't be comparable to what I will gain after my transition.
I agree with the statement that,"Being a consistent causes more hardships than going with the flow," because it is easier to go with the flow of the consensus of the folks around you, however it takes a sacrifice of self to stand up and voice your opinion when you believe and feel in your heart that the crowd is wrong.